
  1. P

    FAA Medical after ER visit due to Syncope

    Hello everyone, I am new to the forum. I am currently a private pilot at a collegiate part 141 flight school and am very close to receiving my instrument rating. I had a few questions regarding a medical incident and subsequent ER visit I had. Back in October, I had an incident where I...
  2. L

    Medical Wait Time!

    Hey all, Hope this finds all of you folks well. Anyhow, I’m sort of curious about the backlog of the FAA. Frankly I’ve heard it all (10 weeks - 200 days) as far as the ranges go for review. But foremost I should provide some detail, I’m following SSRI pathway 1 due to some situational anxiety...
  3. RockyPilot

    Depression and SSRI, but MISDIAGNOSED!!! Have I lost my medical for good??

    A little dramatic in the title, but after hearing my story you might understand. I am a pilot in the military and in 2018 I reported to medical with some issues. I was told nothing was wrong and sent on my way. This occurred every 4-6 months until 2020 when I was diagnosed with depression. I...
  4. V

    Basic Med above 18,000MSL?

    Hello, I’m new to the forums here. Looking forward to learning and interacting with everyone. I currently fly under Basic Med. I know it restricts operations above 18,000MSL. My dream is to be able to fly into the flight levels one day. In your opinions, is there a possibility that Basic Med...
  5. K

    Trans-friendly AMEs in America

    Hello. Does anyone here know any AMEs that are friendly/accepting of transgender individuals? Ideally in Arizona but if not in Arizona than anywhere else in America is fine.
  6. C

    Can I Pass My Medical While On Suboxone And AntiDepressants

    Im on suboxone and drug clean for about a year, im also an wellbutrin for depression. Ive heard of HIMS but i dont want to go in thinking i'll pass and than fail it because i assume that would not allow me to continue until ive been off suboxone for a certain number of months or something of...
  7. C

    FAA MedXPress Approval Delay

    Good afternoon all, My oldest son was accepted to a pilot school, however we are still waiting on the FAA MedXPress approval to come through. We have been waiting since 8-9-22. He has been calling at least twice a week to follow up and is just told they are busy and it is taking longer than...
  8. WingmanMed

    New Member and Medical Reference Source

    Pilots of America, I am new here and am able to help answer questions about FAA medical certification. I'm a military pilot and ATP/CFII that is also a board certified Aerospace Medicine physician and HIMS qualified senior AME.
  9. Brian Curtis

    3rd Class MED deferal

    After 4 and 1/2 months my medical went to "Final Review" (Type 2 on insulin and I meet and far exceed all the numbers the FAA wants this should be easy hahaha but its the government) How long have others been in final review? Days? Weeks? Trying to get some estimate. Thanks!
  10. E

    1st Time Applying for a First-Class Medical

    So to summarize my main concern, I am wondering what to do moving towards my first medical exam. I am working towards my private and have to start worrying about my medical, the only issue being that I was hospitalized for ingesting psychedelic mushrooms around a year ago. I have never had a...
  11. J

    Guidance Needed.

    I need some guidance on what I can do from here.... I started flight training over 14 years ago and had already passed medical then but due to certain circumstances, I stopped pursuing obtaining my pilots license at that time. Fast forward to now, I am trying to finish up my flight training and...
  12. A

    Misdiagnosis — I Need Advice

    About two years ago, I went to a psychiatrist or psychologist (I can’t remember which, and he diagnosed me with Borderline Personality Disorder, ADHD, and hinted at Bipolar. I’ve since started my aviation journey, thinking nothing of it, and need to get my medical clearance. I know I won’t pass...
  13. A

    (Student pilot)Past dui not disclosed. Revocation faa!

    Hi, I’m curious. I recently starting training for my private pilot cert. Like 4 months ago with my 9-5 regular job. so i applied for my medical and got it on aug 1st week this year. I said no to an arrest. At that time i had practically zero knowledge on aviation and it was mistake because i...
  14. BaltCoFlyer

    AME Recommendations in Maryland?

    Hi! I’m a student pilot in central Maryland and am currently looking for an AME for my medical. Any particularly good AMEs in the area or ones I should avoid? Thanks!
  15. D

    Lengthly medical history for aspiring pilot

    Hello, I been interested in learning to fly and ultimately making it a career. Went to my local flight school and got information on how to get started. I was told I should do my FAA medical exam first. I’m a little concerned if I’ll have my FAA medical approved. I’m 24 and last year suddenly I...
  16. C

    Medical disqualification

    I received a letter from my HIMS psychiatric evaluation recommending medical disqualification after a dose increase while on SSRI program. How long does it take to receive the official disqualification from the FAA generally, or can I consider that letter the notification?
  17. A

    Minor Depression

    I was told i have "minor depression", i didn't take any medication, I only saw her no more then 6 times, i want to get a third class medical, will this stop me?
  18. AKA~Naked Jailer

    Sport and DUI

    I have logged a whole 2.9 hours of flight time on my way to my PPL, when my instructor told me that I should work on my medical, He said, "you never know what will come up, it might take you 3 months to a year to get it". That's when I found out that my DUI from 4 years ago was a problem. I...
  19. F

    100% T&P va rating and a 1st class medical

    New here guys, I know this topic has been discussed but my case is slightly different. I am a Usmc vet with a 100% total and permanent rating. I’m 2 months from starting a zero to airline 10 month program and I need to know if I have a shot at getting and maintaining a 1st class medical. here...
  20. V

    Short usage of SSRI

    Hi, I have a question regarding question 18.m on the MedExpress: “Mental disorders of any sort: depression, anxiety, etc.” In the beginning of 2021, several family members/close friends where diagnosed with cancer in a short period. at that time, I developed some kind of “fear” to get...