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  1. M

    Had to sell my plane, big lot for sale

    I sold everything on my original posting except for the battery charger. It needs to go. Schauer Battery Charging system (used one time) asking $100 shipped paid $209.99 thank you.
  2. M

    how to finish up PPL?

    I lack my written test, which I plan to have completed soon, I need one hour of night flight, solo cross country and 3 take off and landings at a towered airport and of course brush up for the checkride. I recently owned an aircraft that I have been training in but we have it sold because I...
  3. M

    how did you press through at the end of your training?

    I have more than enough hours, I lack towered airport time, 1.5 hours night flight and my solo cross country. Then its time for my checkride. My problem is coordinating time with an instructor, time away from family. I am getting frustrated and I am at the point where I cant quit now! How...
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    charging piper 235 battery

    I made the rookie mistake of leaving the master switch on. I know my piper has the round plug for a charging system. What should I buy to charge the battery up? I would like to put it on a charger if possible rather than jump starting it because I am typically by myself when I go to the...
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    Gps usage and what to use?

    I am a 50 hr student pilot. I am basically down to my solo cross country and night flight and its check ride time. I am familiar with a vor and my plane has a non updated gps that is just basically like a vor where you follow the line but it works great. Here is my question... Being late...
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    brake fluid all over the hangar floor

    I walked in yesterday and there was brake fluid all over the floor from the left brake line I assume. Do you think it is just an o-ring that finally quit? I have not had the time yet to take it apart or un-tighten but where would I get the o-ring to fix it? also, what brake fluid would...
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    first owner oil change

    What additional items do you check for during the oil changes? these steps I know: take cowling off bottom cowling off drain oil cut off safety wire and remove oil filter cut oil filter to look for metal install new oil filter and safety wire close drain plug and safety wire refill...
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    PPL knowledge test

    I am studying now for my knowledge test. The weather has been bad for the month of December so I figure I might as well knock this out. Can you give me suggestions on how to do well on the test? I am using the sportys testing info and I have the pilots book of aeronautical knowledge...
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    First Solo 09/23/2014

    I got to fly my airplane solo last night. It was a wonderful experience. Got to the airport and pre-flighted the aircraft like I always do. Then I taxied up to the FBO to meet up with my CFI and we went over my pre-solo test questions, which I did well on. Then we started up and go ready...
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    is it strange that I dont mind foggle time?

    We have done 1.5 hours of foggle time so far. I actually enjoy it, its a lot of workload and I dont mind it. am I nuts? I also like stall practice, am I strange? :rofl:
  11. M

    Best source for studying and passing the written?

    I have the sporty's online course, I have gone through it all but I am missing a lot of questions from the FAR/AIM section and some other areas that are of importance on my practice tests. what would you suggest I purchase and study from to insure a great test score? I am a poor test...
  12. M

    dog rescue that made national news. I dont know if any of you saw this or not but thought it was pretty cool. I was reading this on facebook one day and then went out to our FBO to do some ground work with my CFI. I pull up, there...
  13. M

    Stearman Airport, Benton Kansas

    This is a cool place to hang out. I took my family over there this past weekend for lunch (we drove as I am not a PPL yet, still a student). This place i really neat, lots of airplanes, great food and you can sit there and watch the aircraft take off right in front of you. I would recommend...
  14. M

    my instructor is mentioning solo a lot lately...

    I feel like I am ready, how do I show him that I am truly ready? we did stall practice last week again, I felt like I did everything like I was supposed to with the exception of the power on or departure stall, I started out with too much airspeed but he critiqued me and I fixed it on the...
  15. M

    Turbulence and potential storms during training

    We flew saturday for our first cross country. We did an extensive pre-flight for Wx and fuel. local weather showed nothing. our destination KSGF showed late afternoon thunderstorms. We were off and gone by 10:30 am. 1 hour flight time. We were practicing using the VOR's, pilotage etc. As...
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    4-point or 3-point seat belt install

    anyone ever installed a 4 point or even a 3 point seat belt system in their aircraft? we have the lap belts and it would be nice to have a better seatbelt system for when I take my family.
  17. M

    comm 1. static

    What could be causing random static in our radio? Its intermitent but was worse in rough air flight. We tried to reduce squelch but it didnt help much. Any ideas? Narco comms.
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    Cross Country Flights and GPS or VOR Tracking

    As we approach cross country flights with my instructor, I wonder this... *I will use a disclaimer first though, my instructor is teaching me maps and VOR tracking and using the E6B etc. we will not use a GPS for our training and I think this is important for the reason of what if...your...
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    student and a PPL PIC

    As a student pilot, am I legal to fly with a person who has a PPL and is PIC? if they fly from the right seat as PIC, Can I still fly and use it as practice from the left seat? I am sure I cant log it as time until I am signed off for solo but thought I would ask.
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    Landing advice was taken well, thanks to all!!!

    We did ground work for an hour before preflighting and getting ready to go. We went over soft field landings and take-offs. discussed how they work and so on. my instructor simulated a soft field take off, we were up and running fast, nose down, seemed strange as could be. Then he...