Search results

  1. Rigged4Flight

    Intraocular Lens replacement

    So I just read that Patty Wagstaff recently had LASIC and IOL surgery on both eyes. My eyes are firmly set in the "must wear corrective lenses" category. They have been for most of my life, and for the last 10 years or so they have also joined the exclusive Presbyopia Club, with all of the...
  2. Rigged4Flight

    [NA]Smallest town you've ever listed on your driver's license?[NA]

    Morton, Wyoming - Population: 5 (circa 1977),-108.824552,3a,75y,24.28h,87.21t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sTzZ_oIWUMvb82KKHnkYgJg!2e0!6m1!1e1?hl=en Went to high school on the Wind River Indian reservation (mostly Shoshone and Arapaho). I moved around a lot...
  3. Rigged4Flight

    Think of her as your mother

    ...that's going to be kind of hard to do. :redface:
  4. Rigged4Flight

    Tailwheel training @ KSAF

    I'd like to take an hour or two worth of training in a tailwheel at KSAF. Trying to see if the reality is as good as what I'm building it up to be in my head. Does anyone know of a CFI in the area that has access to a tailwheel with a couple hours to spare over the next week or two?
  5. Rigged4Flight

    This is why you don't rush to embrace new tech (another ADS-B thread)

    You can spend a significant percentage of the value of your aircraft to install an ADS-B In/Out system years ahead of the mandatory compliance date. Or, and this might sound crazy so just hear me out, you could wait until closer to the date and allow market forces to lower the cost while...
  6. Rigged4Flight

    Deleting thread?

    Am I missing something, or do we not have the ability to delete our own threads? I've posted to other vBulletin forums before, and I could swear that I had the ability to delete a thread that I created. It comes in handy when you realize that you just made a thread that someone else made right...
  7. Rigged4Flight

    4 minutes of pure pain (student pilot gets every radio call wrong)

    ATC recording. Kudos if you can make it through all 4:19 minutes of the recording. I almost bailed a couple of times out of embarrassment for the student pilot. :redface: Seems like he wasn't familiar with the airport and has horrible listening skills. I suck at the radios. But I compensate...
  8. Rigged4Flight

    Pet Peeves (Barnstormers version)

    - NO PICTURES ON THE AD So you want me to spend tens of thousands of my dollars on your plane, and you couldn't be bothered to take any pictures? At all? Really? - NO PICTURES OF THE PANEL/COCKPIT/ENGINE Those 3 pictures you took of your plane with the cover on from 50 feet away were totally...
  9. Rigged4Flight

    Training, buying, improving, insuring: questions

    I had a couple of weeks free between jobs earlier last year, and I spent them in NM doing some sport pilot training. I solo'd the last day before starting a new job, and quickly got sucked in to a 12/7 shift with 1-2 month trips to other work sites, etc. Long story short: I've had probably 2...
  10. Rigged4Flight is looking for hosts for their equipment Saw it on my facebook feed. My internets are restricted at the moment, so I can't see a lot of detail on the site, but it appears that they will give you a premium version of their service in exchange for you hosting their receiver antenna and...
  11. Rigged4Flight

    Two doctors? (one for FAA, one for everything else)

    A few years ago I read an article by Martha Lunken (Flying! magazine) where she mentioned that it was normal for pilots to have two doctors. One they used for daily care, and one they told the FAA about. The older I get, and the more bumps/bruises/dings I accumulate, the more I think about the...
  12. Rigged4Flight

    Documentary: Civilian Drones - Search & Rescue From the intro on Vimeo: This documentary details the bureaucratic challenges faced by search and rescue personnel and their desperate need for civilian drones which are restricted by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Countless lives could be saved with...
  13. Rigged4Flight

    UAV fleet micro-maps Matterhorn in less than 6 hours

    A fleet of autonomous UAVs was able to perform a highly detailed aerial survey of the Matterhorn mountain. I know some of you are hyper sensitive to the coming UAV boom, but from just a purely functional/technical viewpoint, this is amazing. :yes: 11 flights 5 hours, 40 minutes 2188 pictures...
  14. Rigged4Flight

    Paging Dr. Bruce. Dr. Bruce to the white phone, please.

    I'm sure it's around here somewhere, but does anyone have Dr. Chien's email address?
  15. Rigged4Flight

    hand-holding during the buying process

    So it's been a while since my last post here. I stopped visiting/posting because I had at least a year to go before I could even start my PPL training and I felt like a starving person looking in the window of a restaurant. :redface: Anyway, I'm ready now to find/purchase a small IFR certified...
  16. Rigged4Flight

    Differences between Class II and III Medical?

    I was just told about a potential (non-pilot) flying job. After checking out the requirements, it seems I qualify on everything but one point: it requires a Class II medical. Is there a cliffs note version of the differences between the Class II and III? I know the II will revert to a III...
  17. Rigged4Flight

    PPL study material suggestions

    I have the John & Martha King PPL DVD set, and I'm slowly going through it, but a problem I have is that I learn and retain information much better if I have some type of exercise/feedback after each block of instruction. Does anyone have any suggestions for good study material that would fit...
  18. Rigged4Flight

    Could you speak louder? There's a brawl going on in here.

    It's sometimes hilarious for me to read through a PoA thread about some nuance of aviation, gleaning facts/figures/insight and experience from a wide variety of pilots and students. But every single thread I read, somewhere in the back of my mind I'm doing a mental countdown to the moment when...
  19. Rigged4Flight

    Copy of my initial Class III application

    I last had a Class III issued in 2004. I took a few lessons and had to stop due to other commitments. Is there a way to get a copy of what I submitted on my application? I know what I would probably have listed as prior issues/operations/etc, but some of the dates and details for some of...
  20. Rigged4Flight

    Suggestions for November in New England (VT)

    Suggestions for October in New England (VT) I'm going to be taking October off, and assuming I can make a serious dent in a heavy list of honey do's, winter preparation and stuff (stack the wood, top off the hay loft, repair the barn, etc) I'm planning on taking some intro flights at a few...