ocd trigger thread


Management Council Member
Dec 5, 2010
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I find these all over my house. ****es me off.
I end up having to cut these things off because they **** me off too.
I hate them too. But whenever I pull them out of socks and things, I tend to throw them away. Not just throw them.
I find these all over my house. ****es me off.
View attachment 55043
I end up having to cut these things off because they **** me off too.
View attachment 55044

Start buying more expensive things from nicer stores. That will get rid of the plastic ties. Drink quality whisky (no e in real whisky) and you won't have to deal with plastic water bottles.
Drink quality watr, and you'll solve the same problem. ;)

Quality water need not come from a purchased bottle with trendy marketing. It can be had for free if you live in the right places. That said, some day clean water rights and access will start wars.
As much as I hate those stupid plastic ties, I like metal pins in shirts much less. Because it's always the one that I DON'T find that jabs me in the neck.
You know what burns me? Well, nothing. I suspect I'm the guy that gives others heartburn. And happy to do it.
Quality water need not come from a purchased bottle with trendy marketing. It can be had for free if you live in the right places. That said, some day clean water rights and access will start wars.

I own two wells. We are getting ready to sell one property and dig another well on the new property.

Getting my water rights set up before the war starts......

Actually going deeper with the new well to get to the better tasting water.
Mylar, or mylar-like wrapping. Instant non-reusable (or non resealable) bag, cause it tears weird.
All lower case thread titles, especially in acronyms. ;)
All my shirts on hangers have to be facing the same direction; the shirt AND the hanger. I always ask for the option when I intend to full stop. That way if I screw up the landing I can finish the flight with a good one. I can't push Sabrina back in the hangar knowing she is upset with me. She lets me know by costing me more money during the annuals. I'd say this year she's pretty ****ed, but not as much as last year.
We used to have a chief controller that had to have his papers and his pens lined up just so on his desk. Everything had to be a right angles or parallel, nothing askew. I used to push his papers over just enough for him to notice before I left. After a while, he got tired of it and killed me.

I got bet-uh.
Ya know, it is sort of fun to do little things that freak out the OCD types.

Had a friend who was really OCD when it came to cleanliness and order of things in his life. Went to a cookout at his house once and when inside noticed something way out of place on a living room shelf. Being the mean person that I am, I of course pointed it out to him and tried to give him a hard time over it.

Turns out, he was so OCD that the item being out of place was actually intential. Some Feng Shui thing about how in order for a space to be perfect, there must be an imperfection.
As much as I hate those stupid plastic ties, I like metal pins in shirts much less. Because it's always the one that I DON'T find that jabs me in the neck.

I'll bet the majority here don't buy shirts fancy enough to warrant being pinned.
I make it game to see how subtle a change I can make on an OCD type's desk and have them notice it
Actually going deeper with the new well to get to the better tasting water.

How does that work? Around here we're already pumping from so deep, whatever you get is heavy in minerals and pretty much the same. You need a length of permeable pipe at the bottom that comes up quite a way above the pump. But it's all the same aquifer.

that is until they kill you. ;)

Too messy. They can't. :)
How does that work? Around here we're already pumping from so deep, whatever you get is heavy in minerals and pretty much the same. You need a length of permeable pipe at the bottom that comes up quite a way above the pump. But it's all the same aquifer.

Underground water is different everywhere ya go. Water quality usually decreases with depth but not always. There are aquifers with "ancient" freshwater which has been preserved by various geologic activity. There are aquifers that are still connected to the surface and receive meteoric recharge. There are other situations with surface aquifers.

Best water I've had was a surface water that was charged by snowmelt and filtered through miles of granite rubble. Worst water I've had is surface water charged by snowmelt and filtered through miles of granite rubble. One was mineral free the other not so much.
Underground water is different everywhere ya go. Water quality usually decreases with depth but not always. There are aquifers with "ancient" freshwater which has been preserved by various geologic activity. There are aquifers that are still connected to the surface and receive meteoric recharge. There are other situations with surface aquifers.

Best water I've had was a surface water that was charged by snowmelt and filtered through miles of granite rubble. Worst water I've had is surface water charged by snowmelt and filtered through miles of granite rubble. One was mineral free the other not so much.

Guess that makes sense. I hear if we ever had to drill down to the Fox Hills aquifer here it's full of sulfur but otherwise fine, so it needs to be treated. Denver and Arapahoe aquifers don't have that problem. None have any feed and aren't being replenished. State engineer seems to think Denver will last until after I'm dead, so someone else can deal with drilling deeper. If the town of Castle Rock doesn't drain Arapahoe by then.
Guess that makes sense. I hear if we ever had to drill down to the Fox Hills aquifer here it's full of sulfur but otherwise fine, so it needs to be treated. Denver and Arapahoe aquifers don't have that problem. None have any feed and aren't being replenished. State engineer seems to think Denver will last until after I'm dead, so someone else can deal with drilling deeper. If the town of Castle Rock doesn't drain Arapahoe by then.
A lot of work has been done on the local aquifers...basically each housing development has to "prove" its water source is viable. Keep in mind that people rarely conform with study/permit parameters with respect to domestic water use. Some permits are domestic only. Others allow some square footage of lawn to be irrigated.
A lot of work has been done on the local aquifers...basically each housing development has to "prove" its water source is viable. Keep in mind that people rarely conform with study/permit parameters with respect to domestic water use. Some permits are domestic only. Others allow some square footage of lawn to be irrigated.

Yeah, we've chatted with various folks involved with those decisions out here. One fault in the system is that the well permits are often now metered but the usage is usually based upon "100 years" which isn't going to work out too well for the eastern metro in a couple generations. There's rumblings of pushing it to 300 but developers are paying lobbyists to fight that. All the surface water has been claimed for a long time.

Lots of unlicensed but registered wells out here. That's what ours is. No restrictions on water use at all but restrictions on acreage size that we can irrigate with it. Which we don't. The old grandfathered system.

But I could grow crops on half of my 4 acres and that'd be within the limits of the registration. We have a meter just because the well driller installed one, it's indoors and mostly just a novelty and a way to see if something is leaking in the house.

Because it's a grandfathered well, we have rights to an incredible number of acre-feet, and we did the paperwork to apply for those rights all the way down into Fox Hills as part of a "well head" claim with various interested neighbors.

Doesn't really matter much, though. Someone after I'm dead can hold up the piece of paper that says the property came with rights and Denver suburbs will figure out a way to exempt themselves from the rules, anyway. Cost me $200 to file it. Looks good in the pile of paper at a sale later, is about all.

I'd love to see how developments being built in Castle Rock are showing they have a viable water source when hooked to the city well. LOL. Viable for 100 years from whenever they drilled it, I guess.
Guess that makes sense. I hear if we ever had to drill down to the Fox Hills aquifer here it's full of sulfur but otherwise fine, so it needs to be treated. Denver and Arapahoe aquifers don't have that problem. None have any feed and aren't being replenished. State engineer seems to think Denver will last until after I'm dead, so someone else can deal with drilling deeper. If the town of Castle Rock doesn't drain Arapahoe by then.
California Central Valley, the finest sulfur water you can get! Unfiltered! Put up with it for several years while in the Navy. Nasty smell and taste. Again, unfiltered!
We had a captain that wouldn't allow his seat to be occupied when he left for crew rest or to use the lavatory. I'd shorten his lap belt by about 1". He'd get ****ed off when he would return.
How does that work? Around here we're already pumping from so deep, whatever you get is heavy in minerals and pretty much the same. You need a length of permeable pipe at the bottom that comes up quite a way above the pump. But it's all the same aquifer.

Hopefully it works well...:rolleyes:

The well at the property I am selling is 750 feet deep and is the best water in the county. Ice cold all year long, no mineral problem, untreated and unfiltered and the best tasting water around. So much better than the city water in town.

The well at the new property is only about 300 feet deep and I can chew the water, then I need a toothpick. Hopefully by going deeper I can get back to the good water.

I remember as a kid growing up in Texas and going fishing at a ranchers lake. He had a well feeding the lake. No pump, water just came out when the valve was turned on. 4 inch pipe and it wasn't a dribble, it had a little pressure behind it. Only problem was it had so much natural gas in it that the water would actually burn. Ok, just the fumes from the gas but as a 6 year old kid I was impressed to see water come from a pipe and seeing flames come from it. And yes lots of oil in the area at the time. I think the rancher lived off oil revenue and the cows just kept him busy.
All my shirts on hangers have to be facing the same direction; the shirt AND the hanger.

That would only be considered weird if you labeled each shirt for what day of the week you will wear it....
Well although I don't label the shirts - freshly laundered shirts get hung up on the right and I wear from the left. As laundry gets done all the shirts march to the left side, then they get worn and the cycle starts all over again.
Well although I don't label the shirts - freshly laundered shirts get hung up on the right and I wear from the left. As laundry gets done all the shirts march to the left side, then they get worn and the cycle starts all over again.
What happens when a shirt gets taken out of order or the freshly laundered shirts get hung up on left side?
Well although I don't label the shirts - freshly laundered shirts get hung up on the right and I wear from the left. As laundry gets done all the shirts march to the left side, then they get worn and the cycle starts all over again.

Wow! Half my clothes aren't even hanging up. Half of the other half are just dangling from their hangers. The rest are in no order whatsoever. I wake up, caffeinate, zombie walk into my closet, randomly grab something, hope it's "work appropriate" and get on with my day. ;)