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    • cowman
      I note that it's in Alaska, always heard that operating without a certificate was fairly common up there. I've never met anyone who...
    • cowman
      Yeah, now I'll know that it's actually overheating
    • cowman
      cowman replied to the thread Diversion Scenario:.
      I diverted about 2 weeks ago because I was still an hour from my destination and had desperately needed a toilet for the previous hour...
    • cowman
      cowman replied to the thread Diversion Scenario:.
      Passenger hypoxia is to me a minor emergency and I'd be inclined to coordinate with ATC before doing anything. However, if someone says...
    • cowman
      cowman reacted to Bob Noel's post in the thread WWII warbirds. with Like Like.
    • cowman
      cowman replied to the thread Runup area to runway priority?.
      This is my interpretation- you were cleared to the runway already which generally means to the hold short line. If anything it almost...
    • cowman
      cowman reacted to ateamer's post in the thread Runup area to runway priority? with Like Like.
      If you were cleared to taxi to the runway, there shouldn’t need to be further taxi clearance between the runup and the hold-short.
    • cowman
      cowman reacted to tonycondon's post in the thread Uncertified avionics repair with Like Like.
      what avionics repair???
    • cowman
      cowman replied to the thread Crowdstrike.
      I get the impression there are a lot of decisions being made these days based on that sort of logic. “Due diligence has been done...
    • cowman
      cowman replied to the thread Crowdstrike.
      Nothing I preside over seems to be impacted- probably because I avoid anything cloud-based or 3rd party security solutions I have no...
    • cowman
      cowman reacted to SkyChaser's post in the thread Crowdstrike with Like Like.
      The craziest thing is, stuff like this happens and people still think everything should be tied to the internet and computerized even...
    • cowman
      cowman reacted to Salty's post in the thread Crowdstrike with Like Like.
      Using windows for anything mission critical? Not me.
    • cowman
      cowman reacted to Ghery's post in the thread N/A Tipping with Like Like.
      I tip only at restaurants that have sit down seating. Nowhere else. That said, part of the advice that my wife will give friends of...
    • cowman
      So I'm going to buy a primary engine monitor at Oshkosh and let a professional wire it.
    • cowman
      cowman replied to the thread Positive exchange on guard..
      For all I know the pilot had no transponder and may never have declared. Looking at my track logs and going off memory I think it would...
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