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It's going to be hot at the coast, too. And KHAF is going to be a total circus.

Watch the DA. Inland, it may exceed 3000 at sea level. That's when you start leaning at run-up in a 172.

I do lean forward. Seriously, we launched in my friends Seneca (turbo) yesterday and we were only getting 800 FPM (normally its around 1500). The air is definitely getting thinner down here. We are going to be well into triple digits this weekend. Maybe LLR?

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It's going to be hot at the coast, too. And KHAF is going to be a total circus.

Watch the DA. Inland, it may exceed 3000 at sea level. That's when you start leaning at run-up in a 172.
HAF and Monterey will be in the high 60's. The entire coast will be cool. Little River might hit 70. Inland 10-20 miles, near 100. Nice weekend to hang out at the beach.:yes:
HAF and Monterey will be in the high 60's. The entire coast will be cool. Little River might hit 70. Inland 10-20 miles, near 100. Nice weekend to hang out at the beach.:yes:

The forecast is for 107, here in Rocklin tomorrow. I am definitely heading to the coast.

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The forecast is for 107, here in Rocklin tomorrow. I am definitely heading to the coast.

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Well, it apparently hit 109 in Rocklin where I live, but an easy hour flight put me Half Moon Bay, where it was over 30 degrees cooler! Great use of GA. I also ran into Kimberly (and friend) as well as Aeric. It was a great day.

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Well, it apparently hit 109 in Rocklin where I live, but an easy hour flight put me Half Moon Bay, where it was over 30 degrees cooler! Great use of GA. I also ran into Kimberly (and friend) as well as Aeric. It was a great day.

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Good to see you two! 68 at the coast (ATIS reported 19C) and 109 inland. Gotta love those microclimates. It was "only" 94 where I live.
I was building sandcastles and lying on a towel and my friend (pilot) and I decided to "swim" in the water.
Scary as hell though due to carb ice (at first we did not know what the engine roughness was over open water with a Bravo clearance).

I was pretty shaken. I have never seen engine roughness as PIC. No fun.
I checked the Trinity KOA website and they aren't showing any availability that weekend. I think Oceano is first come first serve, but they have quite a bit of room on the grass.

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Ok, Shelter Cove it is. No hotel rooms, but I got a campsite for three nights

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Bad week for me. The Other Guy has the plane for a week, otherwise I'd shoot over to Shelter Cove for a day trip one of those days.
I was building sandcastles and lying on a towel and my friend (pilot) and I decided to "swim" in the water.

You brought your wetsuit in the airplane?

The Pacific up here is C O L D.

I'm glad you guys found decent weather north. It was pretty hot even on the coast in my neck of the woods. Nearly 90 in Santa Cruz, 105 at home (OUCH!). No one has air conditioning....
Scary as hell though due to carb ice (at first we did not know what the engine roughness was over open water with a Bravo clearance).

I was pretty shaken. I have never seen engine roughness as PIC. No fun.

I can imagine....

If it was 70 at HAF and 105 inland, it's a good bet the humidity was way up there outside the Golden Gate.

And that's exactly where the engine starts sounding weird and the gauges all go screwy, even without the carb ice....

My one carb ice experience scared the **** as well. Long wait at PAO for departure right after the fog burnt off. Resulting carb ice melted on takeoff, choked the engine at 400 AGL and then was fine.
Ok, Shelter Cove it is. No hotel rooms, but I got a campsite for three nights

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Yep I'll be there for two nights(4th-6th). Now I need to look for camping supplies!
Yep I'll be there for two nights(4th-6th). Now I need to look for camping supplies!

I'm sure you can score some cheap used gear downtown at Loaves & Fishes.
Yep I'll be there for two nights(4th-6th). Now I need to look for camping supplies!

There is a deli at the little market and a couple of nicer restaurants within walking distance, so if you didn't want to cook, you wouldn't have to. Costco and Sam's Club have some inexpensive gear.

Edit: you will have to haul it a couple of hundred yards are so, from the ramp.

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There is a deli at the little market and a couple of nicer restaurants within walking distance, so if you didn't want to cook, you wouldn't have to. Costco and Sam's Club have some inexpensive gear.

Edit: you will have to haul it a couple of hundred yards are so, from the ramp.

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I see. I was planning on bringing a cooler and a grill, but I have to do the W&B since I am bringing 3 others. Good thing they are light but that will still limit what we will be able to carry. Looks like weather might be good for the 4th.
I see. I was planning on bringing a cooler and a grill, but I have to do the W&B since I am bringing 3 others. Good thing they are light but that will still limit what we will be able to carry. Looks like weather might be good for the 4th.

Getting in is the tricky part. Getting out isn't so bad, because you can just wait for the sky to clear and go. It comes and goes there a lot. On our last Flyin there, I had clear skies landing, but Kimberly waited at a nearby field and then still had to circle for 1/2 an hour.
Well, tried running over to KHAF for lunch since AWOS said clear and forecasts said clear most the day. The runway was socked in while still reporting 400 scattered and a couple planes behind me had to turn around too. YUK. Hope Shelter Cove was open for y'all.
Today? I can see a big ass cloud obscuring the ridgetop north of OSI VOR. It's clear elsewhere in sight (I'm southeast of there), but there is a lot of haze, maybe 6-8 miles visibility over the Bay. These conditions make for early marine layer, and if that cloud expands, you'll get trapped below Class B if at KHAF. Clearance into Class B over there isn't impossible, but there's a commonly used instrument transition over OSI VOR (from PYE) into KSFO.
Any theories on what tomorrow may bring? Need to meet a guy over there to look at a vehicle early afternoon....
KHAF has no usable TAFs, so it's all guesswork. I think mountain obscuration is going to be a factor well into the afternoon and possibly all day.
Boy, you sure called that one right! Some day.....
So when & where is the next fly in?

That is a good question. The coast can be iffy in the summer and everywhere else is hot (not a show stopper). It is also airshow and Flyin season. Let's see what the local events are. I think Grass Valley, KGOO, has one this weekend. I could probably go Saturday, but there is a good chance I am boarding a commercial flight to parts back east on Sunday.

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That is a good question. The coast can be iffy in the summer and everywhere else is hot (not a show stopper). It is also airshow and Flyin season. Let's see what the local events are. I think Grass Valley, KGOO, has one this weekend. I could probably go Saturday, but there is a good chance I am boarding a commercial flight to parts back east on Sunday.

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Yea I myself won't have the airplane this weekend so I wouldn't be able to make it. Let me know if you find somewhere else to go some other time. Maybe we could do something where we fly 1/2 to SoCal and meet up with the SoCal people as well.
Getting in is the tricky part. Getting out isn't so bad, because you can just wait for the sky to clear and go. It comes and goes there a lot. On our last Flyin there, I had clear skies landing, but Kimberly waited at a nearby field and then still had to circle for 1/2 an hour.

Because Kimberly was chicken since the "hole" meant she had one shot at the runway with no go around.

When the hole started closing, Kimberly thought "Well I've been up here for half an hour, I think I can do this."

The other pilot had to pay a taxi over a hundred dollars to take him from the alternate airport.
That is a good question. The coast can be iffy in the summer and everywhere else is hot (not a show stopper). It is also airshow and Flyin season. Let's see what the local events are. I think Grass Valley, KGOO, has one this weekend. I could probably go Saturday, but there is a good chance I am boarding a commercial flight to parts back east on Sunday.

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I have been so busy with work I haven't checked this site. If you are going to KGOO let me know. Some guy on FB said they lock it up at 10am so you have to land before 10am. Not sure when you can get out. I'll be going Saturday in a vintage Cessna taildragger. Saturday night apparently I'll be in Chico with some sort of large pilot breakfast on Sunday (not sure which one). I'm kind of at the mercy of my pilot as a tag along. I'm going to meet my Reno Air Races friends on Saturday at KGOO and discuss September.
Who is going to Reno this year? I'll probably be pretty unreachable if they ask me to work the High G Ridge Wed - Sun (fun but far away from all the vendors and fans).
Because Kimberly was chicken since the "hole" meant she had one shot at the runway with no go around.

When the hole started closing, Kimberly thought "Well I've been up here for half an hour, I think I can do this."

The other pilot had to pay a taxi over a hundred dollars to take him from the alternate airport.

Actually it was two hundred dollars total (100 each way.) Only positive was that it was a modestly scenic drive, and as a passenger I got that rare opportunity to sight-see while someone else did the driving. But not $200 scenic.
I am not sure I want to get stuck for 5 hours. I will have to think about it. It sounds like I will be heading back to Galax, VA early Sunday morning.

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I may try to get in and out before they close the runway.

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Arlington is fun John, lots of Cherokees in a club. Beautiful weather.
Arlington is fun John, lots of Cherokees in a club. Beautiful weather.

My trip was pushed a few days, but I didn't make it up this weekend. I went kayaking and somehow threw my back.

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My plane is down again for another carb rebuild. I am still chasing high EGTs and CHTs, so I am out for this weekend.

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I have the Piper booked for tomorrow with another pilot (splitting costs) but we probably won't do a group thing. I'm thinking of Columbia or Booneville but all will depend on weather. Petaluma often stays foggy and you can't leave until late morning.

It will also depend if we have the group breakfast at Petaluma ($7 in the PAPA hangar, all welcome, eggs made to order and all the sides). 8am - 9:30am. Also display day is 10 - 3.