It’s just a ****ing game

Wait a minute, are we calling Usher's music hip-hop now?
Billboard magazine seems to think so. Via Wikipedia:

At the end of 2009, Billboard named him the second most successful artist of the decade, the number-one Hot 100 artist of the decade, and ranked Confessions as the top solo album of the decade. The same magazine placed him at number 6 on their list of "Top 50 R&B/Hip-Hop Artists of the Past 25 Years".

Or is that some sort of all-encompassing euphemism like when my south african acquaintances say "ze blecks" ? :p
If only you hear the dog-whistle, it means you're the dog.
Admittedly, I'd not been to any of the previous concerts on the 'Eras' I was surprised to see that most of Taylor's backup dancers were wearing football uniforms, except for a few who were wearing roller skates.

This is basically me when people start talking sportsball.

Also I’m out of the loop as to why Taylor Swift is such a big deal now. She was on tour? I seem to remember other singers being on tour without it being mentioned constantly.
Also I’m out of the loop as to why Taylor Swift is such a big deal now. She was on tour? I seem to remember other singers being on tour without it being mentioned constantly.
My favorite part is how they talk about Taylor Swift "making a grueling journey from Japan to support her boyfriend". I mean, that'd make sense if she sailed herself on a boat she built herself...but I'm not sure I'd call "sleeping on the most luxurious jet available" as noteworthy.
Wait a minute, are we calling Usher's music hip-hop now? Or is that some sort of all-encompassing euphemism like when my south african acquaintances say "ze blecks" ? :p
Wait a minute, are we calling Usher's noises music now?

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This is basically me when people start talking sportsball.

Also I’m out of the loop as to why Taylor Swift is such a big deal now. She was on tour? I seem to remember other singers being on tour without it being mentioned constantly.
I don't begrudge people who enjoy following it. I have stupid time-wasting stuff that I do too. I loved going to the bar and watching baseball when I was in college and had nothing better to do.

It does drive me nuts though when people say "we" when talking about the team they like. As though their mental energy somehow materially contributed to their preferred group of highly paid super-athletes. It's like a passenger in coach laying claim to a smooth landing in a gusty crosswind.
The local news was just speculating on the chances that TS is going to be at the parade on Wed, and how she’s going to work her schedule for a flight to Australia to continue her tour.

She’s going to build up some extra frequent flyer miles, I guess.
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My favorite part is how they talk about Taylor Swift "making a grueling journey from Japan to support her boyfriend". I mean, that'd make sense if she sailed herself on a boat she built herself...but I'm not sure I'd call "sleeping on the most luxurious jet available" as noteworthy.
I mean if some of US had been at the controls, maybe it would have been grueling, but with every bell and whistle known to the aviation community at her disposal, the money to hire the best pilots, and, oh yeah, the silk sheets. Idk if we can call that grueling.

Also I’m out of the loop as to why Taylor Swift is such a big deal now. She was on tour? I seem to remember other singers being on tour without it being mentioned constantly.
In case this isn't sarcasm, TS is dating Travis Kelce who is the tight end for the Chiefs and the leading receiver. He recently broke several of Jerry Rice's postseason receiving records, so he is kind of a big deal in his own field (although nowhere NEAR her level of the stratosphere). Being that it's two high-profile "superstars" it naturally draws attention. He flew to Argentina on their bye week to go to one of her concerts and she flew from Tokyo to be at the Super Bowl. [if it was sarcasm, forgive me for not picking up on it]

I totally get the NFL using her publicity and celebrity status to increase viewership, but at the same time, especially as a life-long Chiefs fan, it's kind of annoying. Last night, my wife and I would yell at the TV any time Kelce did anything, "QUICK, SHOW TAYLOR SWIFT!" and lo and behold, the production crew listened to us nearly every time. I'm going to start yelling, "QUICK, TELL [JOE BUCK or TONY ROMO] TO SHUT UP!" and see if that works.
You assume she would take the airlines. Private charter would be the way to go for her.

I assumed she’d use her United app to get the best deal possible.

Edit: I just saw the local news showing the United charters landing back at MCI with the team.
but the blocked extra point was really critical as well.
The blocked extra point made all the difference.
It changed the complexion of the game, but not necessarily the outcome. Because the PAT was blocked, KC had the option of playing for OT rather than going for the win. If the XP had gone through, their only choice would have been to shoot for the end zone instead of the uprights. Maybe they would have been successful. Maybe they wouldn't. We'll never know.

I still maintain that the muffed punt was the key moment. KC quite literally got a lucky bounce (off of that SF blocker's ankle). If the Chiefs weren't gifted an easy 7 points and the rest of the game played out the same, we would be sitting here today talking about how both Brock Purdy and a wide receiver 3rd on the SF depth chart EACH got more touchdowns than Pat Mahomes.
I don’t know what she owns or if it can reach Australia. It must be a really tough life, though.
I don’t know what she owns or if it can reach Australia. It must be a really tough life, though.
It flew non-stop from Tokyo to Las Vegas, pretty sure Aus is doable, maybe with one fuel stop. Pretty sure it's a Dassault Falcon, not sure which model.
It flew non-stop from Tokyo to Las Vegas, pretty sure Aus is doable, maybe with one fuel stop. Pretty sure it's a Dassault Falcon, not sure which model.
I found some fan page that said Dassault Falcon 7x. It also said she chartered a Bombardier Global 6000 through Vista Jet for the Tokyo to Las Vegas flight.


I guess if you have to ask, you can’t afford it.
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As one who grew up in Kansas City, I found it exciting, nerve-wracking, and overall one of the most exciting Super Bowls ever. SF played well enough to win and so did KC. Neither was dominant, both had mistakes from key players (CMC fumble, Pacheco fumble, Mahomes pick, blocked XP), and both struggled to get the ball in the end zone on key drives.

I understand Shanahan's decision to take the ball first in overtime in case both teams score evenly, you get the chance to kick a field goal for the win. I also understand why the Chiefs would want to kick first in overtime. In the end, they both got what they wanted regardless of the coin toss, so it came down to who could execute in OT.

I do not think the Chiefs were the best team in the league this year, but they beat some of the best teams en route to the title. "You gotta beat the best to be the best." With that in mind, any time 15 is on the field, there's a chance.
In all fairness, The Niners wanted it, and the Chiefs wanted it, but the Chiefs wanted it just a little bit more. Congrats to them. They played one hell of a good game.
Also I’m out of the loop as to why Taylor Swift is such a big deal now. She was on tour? I seem to remember other singers being on tour without it being mentioned constantly.
It's simple.

Because the mention of her name and images of her face has been shown to draw clicks and views, which directly sells more advertisements and raises more revenue, then if they didn't show it.

Engagement algorithms rule what we see today. And it's reinforced with every eyeball, click and response, positive or negative.
Hi everyone.
Someone help me out.
I fail to see the enamored attitude with the least productive members of our society, Ball players, Singers, Actors, celebrities....
Yes, I know we live in a society of overabundance but this is plain stupid?
Most of them are worthless when it comes to any real contribution to the human race in general, they just mooch off everyone and some hold them in high esteem.
Hi everyone.
Someone help me out.
I fail to see the enamored attitude with the least productive members of our society, Ball players, Singers, Actors, celebrities....
Yes, I know we live in a society of overabundance but this is plain stupid?
Most of them are worthless when it comes to any real contribution to the human race in general, they just mooch off everyone and some hold them in high esteem.
Someone help me out.
I fail to see the enamored attitude with the least productive members of our society, Ball players, Singers, Actors, celebrities....
At its most basic, it's a form of tribalism.

But beyond that, sports also embodies traits that society glorifies: competition, teamwork, resilience, etc.

Actors and singers also can evoke baser emotions.

Celebrities offer some sense of identity.
It's all about the money. They're saying TS's current tour has grossed over a billion dollars so far, something no other artist has accomplished. The media gets a piece of that pie.

Me, I couldn't name a single song she sings.
Hi everyone.
Someone help me out.
I fail to see the enamored attitude with the least productive members of our society, Ball players, Singers, Actors, celebrities....
Yes, I know we live in a society of overabundance but this is plain stupid?
Most of them are worthless when it comes to any real contribution to the human race in general, they just mooch off everyone and some hold them in high esteem.

least productive members of society? really? the dedication some of these people have to their craft is amazing. the physical condition some of these athletes keep themselves in is the farthest thing from "least productive". the talent some artists have is enviable. now the fact that society idolizes them to the level they do is another story. absolutely insane. but to take away what some of these people have achieved and label it is as non productive is a lil coo coo. just the fact that they make money off stupid people is pretty productive on it's own. I mean it's not like they're sitting on their fat asses, drinking a beer and posting on the internet.....wait maybe that's a bad's not like they're taking video of themselves flying straight and level babbling on and on about stupid sht then posting it on youtube to gain a sub or two........ there's plenty more "least productive" people out there......
Oops, she did it again. She played with my heaaaarrrt. Got lost in the gaaamme. Yea yea yea
The amount of NFL merchandise that the "Swifties" have purchased since the relationship with Kelce has been ridiculous. There's no wonder why the NFL is panning the cameras her way each time TK touches the ball. They've gotten an inroads to audience members who wouldn't have likely given it much thought, especially younger viewers who may keep watching and continue to be NFL fans later on. TSwift is a talented performer, who has pretty much mastered her genre. TKelce is one of the best TEs to play the game, especially in the last decade there's just about no one on his level. Both are elite, despite TSwift being an absolute premier public figure around the world while TK is lesser-known outside of the US.
Wait a minute, are we calling Usher's music hip-hop now? Or is that some sort of all-encompassing euphemism like when my south african acquaintances say "ze blecks" ? :p
So you think the rock or jazz genres today sound the same as 1964 or 1938?
While not my first choice in music, I thought Usher’s performance was tasteful and entertaining. Certainly one of the better SB halftime shows in recent years.
It does drive me nuts though when people say "we" when talking about the team they like. As though their mental energy somehow materially contributed to their preferred group of highly paid super-athletes. It's like a passenger in coach laying claim to a smooth landing in a gusty crosswind.

When a portion of my local taxes goes to pay for something the team owners want/need, you can bet your tailpipe it's "we."
…and that halftime show (hiphop roller derby?!) sucked…
It was not my cup of tea. But that’s apparently a generational thing - it definitely resonated with Millenials and younger folks in general. Sadly, the artists we might prefer are now largely relegated to oldies stations.
When a portion of my local taxes goes to pay for something the team owners want/need, you can bet your tailpipe it's "we."

It really bothers me that the Joe Lunchbuckets of these cities are expected to support billion dollar owners and their multi-millionaire players. Ridiculous !
It was not my cup of tea. But that’s apparently a generational thing - it definitely resonated with Millenials and younger folks in general. Sadly, the artists we might prefer are now largely relegated to oldies stations.

Usher is almost ready for the oldie stations himself. All the songs he performed were released 10-20 years ago. The dude is 45 years old yet looks the same as 20 years ago. Not sure what they’re feeding him. I thought the performance was great, one of the best in recent years. But maybe that’s because I grew up with his music which I’ll soon also have to catch on the oldie stations lol.
Shake it off 49ers…shake it off. ;)
As she’s spewing Co2 everywhere she goes!

Usher is almost ready for the oldie stations himself. All the songs he performed were released 10-20 years ago. The dude is 45 years old yet looks the same as 20 years ago. Not sure what they’re feeding him. I thought the performance was great, one of the best in recent years. But maybe that’s because I grew up with his music which I’ll soon also have to catch on the oldie stations lol.
Look, all of the 40-yr old women are driving up stock prices for pharmaceutical companies this week. Apparently lots of ibuprofen being used since the halftime show occurred. Something about "dropping it like it's hot". ;)
The amount of NFL merchandise that the "Swifties" have purchased since the relationship with Kelce has been ridiculous. There's no wonder why the NFL is panning the cameras her way each time TK touches the ball. They've gotten an inroads to audience members who wouldn't have likely given it much thought, especially younger viewers who may keep watching and continue to be NFL fans later on. TSwift is a talented performer, who has pretty much mastered her genre. TKelce is one of the best TEs to play the game, especially in the last decade there's just about no one on his level. Both are elite, despite TSwift being an absolute premier public figure around the world while TK is lesser-known outside of the US.
NFL has been working hard to expand its brand globally with games in Mexico City, London, and Germany. NFL hit the PowerBall when TS came onto the scene.