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    • KE5BM
      My family lives about 5 miles from the crash site. I'd really like to know when this guy ran it out of fuel. Plenty of better options...
    • KE5BM
      KE5BM reacted to flyingcheesehead's post in the thread Morality with Like Like.
      Or maybe, we finally have a generation who realizes that not everything is black and white. In fact, very few things are. But "stupid"...
    • KE5BM
      KE5BM reacted to JackL-3J's post in the thread Morality with Haha Haha.
      HEY! I resemble that remark. (Saying stolen from Curly, nuk, nuk, nuk.) -Jack (who needs not a fuel pump)
    • KE5BM
      KE5BM reacted to Daleandee's post in the thread Morality with Like Like.
      I certainly agree. I usually observe to see whether someone is seeking an answer or an argument and whether they hold opinions or...
    • KE5BM
      KE5BM reacted to AvNavCom's post in the thread Morality with Like Like.
      This. I'm currently on active duty in a leadership position, and I'll be blunt enough to say that some of the recruits we're getting are...
    • KE5BM
      KE5BM reacted to Ed Haywood's post in the thread Morality with Like Like.
      Speaking on behalf of career military professionals, find someone else to babysit your kids. We have wars to prepare for and fight...
    • KE5BM
      KE5BM replied to the thread Morality.
      While there is certainly "grey area" in almost everything I feel that the grey has become so very wide that most folks are only willing...
    • KE5BM
      KE5BM reacted to AV8R_87's post in the thread President's TFR for VFR with Like Like.
      If in the inner 10nm ring, out on the creek without a paddle. Nothing you can do about it, there are a couple exceptions that take a lot...
    • KE5BM
      KE5BM reacted to Racerx's post in the thread President's TFR for VFR with Like Like.
      On flight following about to enter a tfr to land at home drome. Had a vfr plan on file, not active. Atc says this is very important. Do...
    • KE5BM
      KE5BM replied to the thread President's TFR for VFR.
      So what if my departure field is non-towered such as CQX? Call Clearance Delivery on the phone? CQX is notorious for not being able to...
    • KE5BM
      I wouldn’t move anywhere for training. If you can afford to fly aerobatics, you can afford an airline ticket and a few nights in a...
    • KE5BM
      KE5BM reacted to Capt. Geoffrey Thorpe's post in the thread President's TFR for VFR with Haha Haha.
      Once said a guy from Nantucket Take your TFR and shove it. A plan he did file before flying a mile. So squawk all the way and **** it.
    • KE5BM
      Happy Thanksgiving, Aviators! As per usual, the President is on Nantucket for Thanksgiving and with him is the 30nm TFR. That TFR...
    • KE5BM
      KE5BM reacted to muskie's post in the thread Proper VFR Flight Following Call with Like Like.
      This is what is what a controller said to do during a "Meet the ATC" WINGS credit event.
    • KE5BM
      What sort of variables were included in the calculations? Aerodynamics of existing cars or future designs? Fuel types?
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