
  1. U

    SSRI Deferral/Round 2 Application for Class 3 Medical

    Hi, I got on zoloft back in 2020, coming out of Covid, for stress/anxiety related to the presentation and "public" speaking demands of my job. Prior to being prescribed zoloft I was self medicating with alcohol in the evenings, which admittedly was a habit that got worse during lockdown. I did...
  2. L

    SSRI Pathway Decision

    Hi all, I’ve recently had an interest in becoming an airline pilot and have been researching on all that I have to go through to get a 1st class medical with taking an SSRI. I’m taking Prozac which is an approved medication however I’ve seen that it can be costly and time consuming to stay on my...
  3. M

    First Class Medical with GAD and SSRI

    I need some opinions here. Just to disclose, I have not filled out MedExpress or gone through the actual examination. In 2019, I saw my pcp for anxiety issues that I was going through during my first years of high school. Now that I'm in college, I no longer experience these anxieties. I was...
  4. RockyPilot

    Depression and SSRI, but MISDIAGNOSED!!! Have I lost my medical for good??

    A little dramatic in the title, but after hearing my story you might understand. I am a pilot in the military and in 2018 I reported to medical with some issues. I was told nothing was wrong and sent on my way. This occurred every 4-6 months until 2020 when I was diagnosed with depression. I...
  5. T

    Ever received a medical after past history of Abilify?

    Long story short I had an extended moment of anxiety/OCd in my life and went to my doctor regarding it. I went through a few medications such as Xanax, Klonopin and eventually Abilify before I went to a psychiatrist and was prescribed Lexapro and Buspirone (to reduce side effects from Lexapro)...
  6. C

    Medical disqualification

    I received a letter from my HIMS psychiatric evaluation recommending medical disqualification after a dose increase while on SSRI program. How long does it take to receive the official disqualification from the FAA generally, or can I consider that letter the notification?
  7. C

    SSRI Dosage change

    ATC here. I went through the SSRI program and have been on medication (Lexapro 10mg) for 2 years. Recently, due to a recurrence of symptoms, my dose increased to 15mg then 20mg. I am now grounded UFA and flight surgeon said there's no timeline on what to expect. Anyone have any similar issues...
  8. J

    Board certified psychiatrist familiar with FAA process - in PA area

    Hello everyone, I am new here. I was on Zoloft (prescribed by physician for anxiety) for more than 5 years. Got off medication 6 months ago under physicians guidance. Never seen a psychiatrist. Would like to consult a board certified psychiatrist for evaluation, before starting the...
  9. B

    Sport license while waiting for a class 3

    I'm currently taking an SSRI which I plan to ramp down over the next couple of months. Based on some consultations with people more knowledgable than me I believe I will be able to pass a third class medical 60 days after the cessation of treatment (no prior incidents, <1yr of treatment, no...
  10. V

    Short usage of SSRI

    Hi, I have a question regarding question 18.m on the MedExpress: “Mental disorders of any sort: depression, anxiety, etc.” In the beginning of 2021, several family members/close friends where diagnosed with cancer in a short period. at that time, I developed some kind of “fear” to get...
  11. kath

    FAQ: Depression, Anxiety, and SSRI's

    We get a lot of questions in this forum about SSRI's and depression/anxiety diagnoses, and how (or if!) one can navigate the FAA medical system with them... I have picked a few hopefully useful threads from the recent past on the topic. If you've got a question about these issues, I recommend...
  12. Doug Ventura

    SSRI Decision Path 1 - Guidance and/or experience

    Hello All, I am hoping to gain insight from all of you experienced pilots. I'm a student pilot going for 3rd Class. I was on Lexapro for 2.3 years for general anxiety for the pressures of life: Kids moving away; new wife; stressful job. Didn't really need it, but doc recommended it. I stopped...
  13. A

    Good HIMS AME recommendations in Wisconsin/Illinois

    Hello all, I am going to pursue getting my class 3 medical, however, I will need a HIMS AME due to OCD/SSRI use. I’m looking for a good HIMS near the southern 1/2 of Wisconsin or the northern 1/2 of Illinois that will fight for me and guide me down the path to success. I have contacted Dr...
  14. L

    Question about anti depressant/anxiety

    Hello, everyone. New here but been lurking the forum. I am looking to hopefully start PPL training soon and starting to research the 3rd Class Medical requirements. In April 2020, due to the pandemic and social isolation, I went to my Primary Care Doctor. He quickly diagnosed mild seasonal...
  15. D

    SSRI continue or stop?

    Wondering if anyone could provide me with some advice. I am currently on SSRI (escitalopram). Been on same dose for >7 years. Prior to that, a depression episode about 7 years previous at uni which had me on sertraline for about 12 months. I have been intending to come off the SSRI as the...
  16. lbfjrmd

    does the depression dog wag the rudder?

    working with a 3rd class renewal - airman presented taking Celexa. We began the HIMS process after being given the FAA go ahead. Appointments made etc. Airman then elected to stop said medication and reapply. I advised him to remain off the drug for 2 months and return. Upon return 6 months...
  17. S

    Medical Exam question (mental health related)

    Hello I'm about to go for my medical clearance again; I got one in 2014,first class,when I first came to the US for pilot training. I had stopped and started back up with my training due to some issues with finances and communications. Since I've been in the US I've been diagnosed with social...