Recent content by Sportpilot

  1. S

    Info Request: Want to find resources for a replacement CPAP

    BIG +1 for the ResMed S9. I've been turbocharged/on the blower(s) for almost 15 years and the S9 is the best machine I've ever used. All the data you want...and so quiet you'll swear it's not functioning.
  2. S

    OMG...How Did ANYONE Survive??

    This one from ABC News...(Fox also ran..) Keep up the good flight.....
  3. S

    Info Request: Want to find resources for a replacement CPAP

    I've been using CPAP gear for almost 10 years now & have seen major improvments in the equipment. My current machine is a ResMed Series 9/AutoSet. It has all the data collection features you're looking a modern case...and most of's VERY QUIET. It's the BEST.
  4. S

    College football?

    +1 Boiler Up
  5. S

    Casey Anthony Trial - What Happened?

    You're really playing the race card in this situation??? :no:
  6. S

    NA/Metro PCS cellular service?

    My Verizon contract is about to expire and I'm considering replacing it with Metro PCS service. I'm currently in Central Florida and the coverage map looks sufficient. It's a flat rate ($45/mo) for a lot more services than I'm getting from Verizon. Anyone have thoughts on their quality...
  7. S

    Diagnosed with sleep apnea

    Hi sleep study went so well/bad the sleep tech woke me up in the middle of the first night (was supposed to be a two-night study), said he'd seen enough and hooked me up to the CPAP gear that night. Long story short....I slept better the remainder of that night, and since, than I...
  8. S

    It's time to talk about floatplanes and flying boats of luck in your new (Air) venture! AVweb did a feature at Sun 'n Fun with a gentleman from New Hampshire on his beautiful restoration of an S-39. Perhaps he has some parts and pieces he'd be willing to part with.
  9. S

    Waco YMF-5C question

    Here's a video AVweb did on the 5D last week at SnF. Why not get his and hers??? :yikes:
  10. S

    Cutest ATC clip of all time

    I hope someone from our side of the fence responds soon. Even Fox is decrying "passenger safety was at risk". Looks like the father may suffer because he was engaged with his son. Probably the wrong way to go about it....but still too bad. I just looked outdoors...and the sky has not...
  11. S

    My Mom is Dying

    Barry....I can do nothing except echo what has already been written....and keep you and your entire family in my prayers. God Bless
  12. S

    T28 to LSA, which LSA

    +1 for the Tecnam Sierra. Great handling, useful load....and it has a canopy you can open in flight. Also +1 for the Tecnam folks (Lynne/Michael Birmingham) in Atlanta, they are great people.
  13. S

    A real pilot, a real hero, Ed Freeman.

    +1 "And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod The high untresspassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand and touched the face of God." RIP Ed Freeman
  14. S

    Proof the stimulus package really works...

    Congrats! I've put 70K on my Fit in 27 months and I love it. One word of advice...make sure you get floor mats...the "carpet" is really cheap.
  15. S

    User fees in Obama's budget proposal

    Change you can believe in....and that's all we're going to have left.