Recent content by arealrider

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    A film for all you guys looking for a brunette

    didnt make it past the ad......
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    Poor use of information.

    I Google d flash paper one day......couple days later Googled a golf club.....and the add said "people who bought this golf club also bought these items also" And flash paper was listed !! lol How many people buy them two items ??? lol
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    Argo movie - 747 takeoff

    Not a Bic......You can only do that with a classic Zippo !
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    A story about attitude.

    Wow...sometimes you read something and just have to reply. Inspiring ! GOD Bless. You will be in my prayers. I can feel the fight in you thru your words. Keep up the battle, spring is coming..
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    Life jackets for overwater

    I read quotes from the two who ditched in the Hudson...They said after 5 mins in the water they didnt have the strength to swim the 20 feet to the pier, after 15 mins the were semi conscience and almost comatose...water temp was around 28 to 30* with chunks of ice in the water.
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    above ground pool advice?

    You can drain an above ground pool with a garden hose ...siphon the water out. Been in my house over 25 yrs, always had a pool...I sunk it 3 ft in ground an built a deck around it...Little maintenance and have never had to drain it.
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    Is this Guy a Jerk?

    some have timers to keep the elevator in the lobby during morning rush, they have a load sensor and will leave the floor after a certain weight...In the bigger buildings there are so many options...up peak, down peak... most of the time they are broken because people just slam the button...
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    The Evolution of Math

    I seen that one with the sun question...few other funny one's's sad some people dont know basic history, science or math ! And I mean basic...
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    Michigan recruit in second plane crash

    Not to be a kill joy....but he says'nobody can relate" I have a friend who lost his Mom, Dad and a Sister in a car crash. Five years later his younger brother committed suicide, and 3 yrs after that his only other brother was a fireman killed in 911....should try to get them in touch.
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    New York/Hudson Bay rental

    Get the N.Y sectional and look at all the a/p's ..give em a call....there is quite a few east and west of the city !
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    Pick up a copy of the Far/aim.. It's the rules and regs for flying. It will explain the categories and types of pilot certificates...You will learn this as part of ground school or self study...the basic PPC SEL [single engine land] allows you to fly under certain conditions [ nice days] after...
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    Birds vs. Airplanes

    wow some of those pixs look like a murder scene ! that would be a beeacth to clean up!
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    Is this Driver a Jerk?

    Your both lucky .....I seen **** escalate from loud music-throwing something at the car to someone pulling a gun and someone dead.....some dude around the corner was stabbed and killed last week at his engagement party over something real stupid...just a shame
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    First Declared Emergency

    Now I'm sorta new my question is shouldn't each engine have 2 mags so each engine has redundant spark ? If i missed this or read it wrong my apologies in advance !... But either way i understand that when 1 goes, get it on the ground. Good job.
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    Handicap Passenger/Cherokee 140

    How friendly are you two? I have a paralyzed friend and told him if he dont mind being man-handled i'd get him in !! Worked out ok...