Suspected Sleep Apnea, what to expect



Hi all,

Holder of current unrestricted class 3. No known medical conditions. Wife has always suspected sleep apnea but the past few weeks she says it’s gotten really bad. Instead of doing what a lot of people do and not seeking medical treatment so as not to mess with my medical, I want to do the right thing and go see the doc. It’s for my own good.

I know I can be issued with a new diagnosis on the basis of 30 days’ worth of data with a CPAP, presuming I’m diagnosed of course. It doesn’t really sound like a big deal as long as I comply.

Is this correct?

Also, anyone who has done this, how much has the CPAP improved your life?

Thanks in advance.
With an existing class 3 you can probably go to Basic Med while you sort out your options. Do that before your evaluation for sleep apnea and you can keep operating indefinitely while you work on the OSA, which you rightfully should pursue, as effective treatment has resulted in marked improvement for thousands of people. Very few people who undergo successful treatment regret doing it, and sometimes "effective treatment" falls well below the FAA requirements for documentation of the disorder.
I don’t know what transpires after the initial diagnosis and whether that “triggers” an immediate SI type of thing. But the initial is 30 days of data, but afterwards - you need to show like 75 percent compliance at 6+ hours or something for the year. You can usually use their own data program or grab the data and plug it in to a free program called “OSCAR” which will generate the reports that they will accept.
Expect a near-certain positive diagnosis. The treatment isn't bad. The SI is straightforward too. It sounds like you won't resent the medical industry cash-vac working on you, so that's a big plus.

Others report that CPAP treatment is a big box of jesus in their life. I wish I was one of them.

You'll have a period of adjustment to decide what mask you like. The DME providers I used had an unwritten 30-days-try-any-mask policy, so complain if you don't like full-face/half-face/nasal-pillow mask and be sure to get the right one.

I have a friend who just got a CPAP machine (undiagnosed) and started using it. It's made the world of difference for her. She now sleeps all night....and wakes rested with no head aches. Some machines are automatic and need little to no adjustment (she picked up a used DreamStation on Market place for a few hundred). That's what she's using. ;)
Hi all,

Holder of current unrestricted class 3. No known medical conditions. Wife has always suspected sleep apnea but the past few weeks she says it’s gotten really bad. Instead of doing what a lot of people do and not seeking medical treatment so as not to mess with my medical, I want to do the right thing and go see the doc. It’s for my own good.

I know I can be issued with a new diagnosis on the basis of 30 days’ worth of data with a CPAP, presuming I’m diagnosed of course. It doesn’t really sound like a big deal as long as I comply.

Is this correct?

Also, anyone who has done this, how much has the CPAP improved your life?

Thanks in advance.
I’m one of the people who wishes I had gotten a CPAP 20 yrs ago. I sleep so much better with it than without. My only gripe is traveling with it sucks. I only have one machine and it’s not the smallest thing in the world. But for me it’s been night and day and I was a positional “mild” case. If I was sleeping on my side or stomach my ahi was very low. On my back it was 12.5….CPAP I can sleep however I want and it’s in the low single digits which is normal.

It did take me some trial and error to find the right mask that I could tolerate. I use a nasal pillow mask from Resmed. It sits in my nose not over it. Took about two weeks and I don’t notice it’s even on. one other item…I don’t get sick as often as I did either. Even something as simple as a common cold hasn’t hit me very much since using it.

I’m on my first class 3, was a CPAP user before I started flying. My only issue thus far is I still haven’t received a SI letter from the FAA. It’s been 6 months but I walked out of the AME’s office with a class 3 in hand as he submitted all the required docs all at once.

I use mine nightly well above the min required so compliance for me is a non issue. When the 1 year hits, I’ll print out another report, have my doc fill out and sign another report and I’ll send it into my AME.
With an existing class 3 you can probably go to Basic Med while you sort out your options. Do that before your evaluation for sleep apnea and you can keep operating indefinitely while you work on the OSA, which you rightfully should pursue, as effective treatment has resulted in marked improvement for thousands of people. Very few people who undergo successful treatment regret doing it, and sometimes "effective treatment" falls well below the FAA requirements for documentation of the disorder.
+1 This -----^

Unless you really need the Third Class medical I would just go BasicMed and not look back. That's what I did because of an OSA diagnosis. I personally have only seen marginal, if any, improvements in my life with CPAP, but I know of others with severe OSA that have found it life changing.

Just an FYI - If you are diagnosed and prescribed CPAP, stay away from Philips as they are departing the CPAP industry...
My suggestion: the mask is the biggest obstacle. It’s really hard to find one that’s comfortable, fits without leaks, and works best with your natural sleeping position. Use a local DME and don’t be shy about taking it back if it just doesn’t work for you. You might go through three or four until you find a match. After that, mail order replacements as needed.
Thank you to everyone. Since my original post I've been trying inclined pillows to see if they help; a very inclined pillot (12 inches) does, but it's uncomfortable. However I did get two of the most restful nights' sleep I can remember with it. I tried a lower incline (7 inches), which is perfectly comfortable, but not working. I just have to bite the bullet and get it done. Wife says it's really bad. As I type this I'm half out of it because of a poor nights' sleep last night.

Time to step up to the plate.
So update here: I talked to a family friend who is a physician, his first question: “Have you seen an ENT?” Nope. “Do that first. There are many potential causes of sleep apnea. You want to know WHY you have it, not THAT you have it. Go see an ENT and if they think you need a sleep study they will send you that way.”
I am one of the odd ones, the mask and I really have no issue. My brother has to use CPAP and I think he's pretty sporadic. I have no issue and most other CPAP users are surprised that I can sleep with that thing on every night and pretty much anywhere.

For me CPAP is hugely difference. I was never in the cannot function state without it, but I was younger before I started CPAP. Since using it is is highly different in how rested I feel. I could sleep less and be more awake than pre-CPAP.

Interesting it's a big deal down south. My AME here didn't make a big fuss over it.