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      Anthem replied to the thread More Change at FAA medical.
      I’m not trying to compare the two. Someone asked - I responded. If it’s going to cause that much turmoil because it’s not mental...
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      Anthem replied to the thread Insurance Question.
      dont believe avemco will insure him in a 210. last I checked a few years ago, they required 250 TiT and he doesnt have that.
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      Anthem replied to the thread Insurance Question.
      not sure insurance will quote you. It might help if you have a lot of retract time. But they usually like instrument for 210's. . ...
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      Anthem replied to the thread More Change at FAA medical.
      if you have to submit information - then essentially it wasnt done the first time correctly. You should have gone to an Senior /HIMS...
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      Anthem replied to the thread More Change at FAA medical.
      OSA - a few weeks once I had all the data that they wanted. Its an OSCAR report from my cpap machine that I bring to show compliance...
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      Anthem replied to the thread More Change at FAA medical.
      You obviously only agree with the ones that you want and are personally relevant to you. but no point arguing since we differ. I agree...
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      Anthem replied to the thread More Change at FAA medical.
      Not an AME. I have an SI for OSA and T2 diabetes. OSA was more recent. Took very little time. Diabetes one took all of 6-7 months.
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      Anthem replied to the thread More Change at FAA medical.
      Last time they reported (via an FOIA) statistics - the 3rd class denial rate was 8%. . . Prior to that, first class denials are...
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      Anthem replied to the thread More Change at FAA medical.
      Yes. And I have an SI. And have worked with many on initially getting their medical.
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      Anthem replied to the thread More Change at FAA medical.
      I’m actually ok with where it’s at. Do I think it should be a bit faster ? Absolutely. But I’ll take what we have now - however...
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      Anthem replied to the thread More Change at FAA medical.
      Honestly, I agree with you on certain larger picture points. I disagree on the implementation of said points. Do I think the FAA would...
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      Anthem replied to the thread More Change at FAA medical.
      Again. Numbers that are oft repeated. That number isn’t correct. That’s might be the number of special issuances “requested” - not the...
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      Anthem replied to the thread More Change at FAA medical.
      Just clarifying a missing point. You can argue that it is a qualifier. However you are conveniently ignoring the applicants that have...
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      Anthem replied to the thread More Change at FAA medical.
      Your previous assertion was that you only cared about timelines. And it being less than 6 months or something I believe. I pointed it...
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      Anthem replied to the thread More Change at FAA medical.
      And I continue to tell you. Your sp data is f’ing incomplete. You have eliminated all the people who attempted and failed to get a...
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