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    • dbahn
      dbahn replied to the thread Cessna 182, vs 206.
      I've owned the same 206 for 40 years. I've only once or twice loaded it to near gross weight, and while I'm lugging around some wasted...
      • C206Yamaha640x480.jpg
    • dbahn
      dbahn replied to the thread False DUI.
      So you weren't allowed to drive from the scene. Were you allowed to drive before the court date?
    • dbahn
      dbahn replied to the thread False DUI.
      Did you drive away from the false arrest?
    • dbahn
      dbahn reacted to midlifeflyer's post in the thread Diversion Scenario: with Like Like.
      I guess we read differently. I read it as IOW, the only question I am working with is, “having decided to divert and treat it as an...
    • dbahn
      dbahn replied to the thread Diversion Scenario:.
      Don't try to diagnosis anything from the pilot's seat. It's simply a MEDICAL emergency. ATC may or may not ask further questions, but...
    • dbahn
      Tavares, Florida. Not far from Orlando. Nearest airport is Leesburgh. That's where we took our PA12 on floats, leased by them for the...
    • dbahn
      My original flight instructor and I bought this PA12 on wheels. I flew it from Vermont to the Baumann Float factory in Wisconsin where...
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    • dbahn
      dbahn replied to the thread Diversion Scenario:.
      When you have any emergency you are free to do anything that reduces its risks. Keep ATC advised and realize that your decision making...
    • dbahn
      dbahn replied to the thread Done . . ..
      Halfway through radiation/chemo, I'm acutely aware of one of the side effects: ;) (Two or three days of raking up fallout. At least...
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    • dbahn
      dbahn replied to the thread False DUI.
      Could this in any way be related to your earlier post about answering "no" when the correct answer was "yes"? It's hard to make DUI...
    • dbahn
      dbahn replied to the thread Medxpress error.
      If it's been reported previously it shouldn't be a problem, however "should" and "FAA" often don't work in the same sentence. You may...
    • dbahn
      Pretty well, in my experience. You don't have to do anything to make them do that on landing, but it helps to kill the engine when...
    • dbahn
      The violation has already occurred by violating the 500 foot bubbe if the people and property are that close on either side. "Undue"...
    • dbahn
      Not as clearly a you think. "In the event of power failure" only applies to the risk of people on the surface, not the risk to the...
    • dbahn
      The hooker in the altitude regulation is the exception that says "when necessary". The FAA can easily take enforcement action when they...
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