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      I have come to accept that GA vendor experience is random. We have had one guy who seems to now his stuff figure out our engine vibe...
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      Must be like his videos..
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      SebIp replied to the thread Student Pilot down KLHV.
      The the states CFI don't have to authorize solo flights? Everyone of my solos were briefed and authorized or they don't count. I mean...
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      SebIp replied to the thread Student Pilot down KLHV.
      They teach it usually right, but I'll personally attest to there could be things you just weren't fully ready for when you are cleared...
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      SebIp replied to the thread Student Pilot down KLHV.
      https://asn.flightsafety.org/wikibase/391534 Prelim's out.
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      Does your data also show difference between models and wing types?
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      SebIp replied to the thread Not sure if my anxiety is fixed.
      This is for someone who’s already a pilot?
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      SebIp replied to the thread Will the Snowbirds ever update?.
      They are having trouble maintaining them I thought and they were supposed to be replaced but as usual with Canadian procurement now they...
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      SebIp replied to the thread $100 Poutine.
      Oh and if you are talking about coming up to Canada and you like authentic Chinese food, Toronto is pretty good. Not as good as a 18...
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      SebIp replied to the thread $100 Poutine.
      Try being out in the cold for a few hours then eat one. Or few hours drinking.. That’s what I think the idea it’s gourmet came from...
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      SebIp replied to the thread $100 Poutine.
      Just for poutine? Fees at Toronto city centre isn’t terrible. There are poutine and other options and you can take the shuttle to...
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      SebIp replied to the thread What is your favorite Audio Panel?.
      Turn table? If you can’t scratch at altitude, what is the point of the audio panel?
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      SebIp replied to the thread Cherokee 180 to Arrow 180.
      I heard the tower hurry up a 152 for going 40knots same night I was seeing 90 ground. Of course they were a flight school unit so they...
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      SebIp replied to the thread Cherokee 180 to Arrow 180.
      No not us. If you want to know I can msg you. Partners are all on the reg so they might not want it plaster on the web.
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      SebIp replied to the thread Color Vision Problem..
      Just curious. After OP say passes all that, does age have an impact and will they run into potentially problems later on? Say being...
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