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Filing Flight Plan
Feb 17, 2020
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Hey guys! New member here.
I am currently a commercial student, and wanting to fly as much as possible. Outside of buying an airplane, I wanted to get advice on what some good routes are as far as airplane rental vs flight clubs, etc.

Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance :)
find one you like (club or rental) and start flying...………...split some flights with people...…….safety pilot.
Be a safety pilot for guys like me who are building time.
Where are you located? If you were nearby, we could split costs and fly to make things cheaper.
Become a CFI
My advice is stick to your medical studies, you can fly when you're done with school. You need to be a good doctor to pay for the airplane.
My advice is stick to your medical studies, you can fly when you're done with school. You need to be a good doctor to pay for the airplane.
Where did she say anything about studying medicine and becoming a doctor?
Cheap slow planes build time just as fast as the big expensive ones..
He may not be a doctor, but he did stay at a Holiday Inn......