New private pilot time builder ?


Jan 7, 2021
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Are there any websites for time building or social media group pages for low time pilots looking to build time together as a safety pilots? I went to a small Flight school and it wasn’t a lot of networking available for safety pilots or time builders after private. I’ve started instrument training and I’m looking to build time with other pilots. Any tips? I live in Georgia!
I would post the general area and which airports, you might find someone here.
In my limited experience you'll get the most traction at your local airport. Keep the word out to all the instructors that you are interested in doing it. If you remind them enough, they are very likely at some point to have an instrument student that needs a safety...or a newly minted student that is itching to go ust like you are... and tehy can introduce you.
Hang out at the FBO and become an airport bum, so that you can get to know folks that hangar their planes at the field.
Sadly, in all the places I've lived there has been only one airport that was really conducive to just being an airport bum...watching the runway operations, sittin' on the porch and visiting with folks, etc... most other places you'd have to mainly focus on the schools and FBO's
Does a ‘time-building’ pilot ever have inclination to put a few gallons in the fuel tank? I’m asking for a ‘friend’.

In my example, there’s no safety pilot’, it’s more than a customary 25 minute oil warmup flight, also a flight the owner normally wouldn’t do.

In this example it’s a 4 hour flight, 2 there, 2 back, no hurry so flown at the ‘Carson speed’. Is this a viable idea for someone building time?
Does a ‘time-building’ pilot ever have inclination to put a few gallons in the fuel tank? I’m asking for a ‘friend’.

In my example, there’s no safety pilot’, it’s more than a customary 25 minute oil warmup flight, also a flight the owner normally wouldn’t do.

In this example it’s a 4 hour flight, 2 there, 2 back, no hurry so flown at the ‘Carson speed’. Is this a viable idea for someone building time?

In my case? Absolutely!

Central Texas area. (KSEP, KGDJ, 7F7, KCPT)
Are there any websites for time building or social media group pages for low time pilots looking to build time together as a safety pilots? I went to a small Flight school and it wasn’t a lot of networking available for safety pilots or time builders after private. I’ve started instrument training and I’m looking to build time with other pilots. Any tips? I live in Georgia!

Are you looking to build loggable time in your logbook or gain more experience? If it is the former, go find an IFR school and offer to sit in the right seat. If it is the latter, I would suggest flying to interesting destinations with passengers.