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      Trcpilot reacted to Matthew's post in the thread DPE PPL price with Like Like.
      And my reminder that students need to be told, early and honestly, to save up for that checkride. It isn't just the DPE, it's also the...
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      Trcpilot reacted to BillTIZ's post in the thread Glider add on with Like Like.
      There are Soaring Businesses that provide the training in about 1 week, with an examiner on staff. You learn the requirements for the...
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      Trcpilot reacted to Clip4's post in the thread Glider add on with Like Like.
      Rather expensive rating in my view.
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      Trcpilot reacted to MauleSkinner's post in the thread Glider add on with Like Like.
      The FAA has a Glider Flying Handbook available for free, which is probably as good as place to start as any...
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      Trcpilot replied to the thread Glider add on.
      when you went through the course, what was the ballpark figure you spent and were you already rated?
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      Trcpilot replied to the thread Glider add on.
      This is good information to know! Thank you
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      Trcpilot reacted to ChopAndDrop's post in the thread Glider add on with Like Like.
      To pile-on what others have said, I did my glider add-on after my Instrument Rating. And I’m glad I did it, because flying IFR all the...
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      Trcpilot replied to the thread Glider add on.
      I have my commercial so I’m going to complete the commercial add-on course. Ok I’ll check it out and get a jumpstart on it. Thank you
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      Trcpilot reacted to ChopAndDrop's post in the thread Glider add on with Like Like.
      If you’re already a private pilot and doing this as an add-on, then Sporty’s has a “transition to gliders” online course that I took, it...
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      Trcpilot replied to the thread Glider add on.
      I appreciate all of the responses. I’ve reached out to a few school and trying to get the ball rolling. In the meantime , what are some...
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      Trcpilot reacted to Pinecone's post in the thread Glider add on with Like Like.
      1) Many places to do it. Either close by or during a vacation trip. I did my Commercial at a place where I was flying near me. I did...
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      Trcpilot reacted to MauleSkinner's post in the thread Glider add on with Like Like.
      I added my Private when I was in college with a local club, and my commercial when I got a job at a now-defunct commercial glider...
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      Trcpilot reacted to mandm's post in the thread Glider add on with Like Like.
      I took a few lessons and will go for my commercial glider add-on. It’s amazing that you can talk to your copilot without a headset...
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      Trcpilot reacted to saddletramp's post in the thread Glider add on with Like Like.
      I owned a soaring operation for three years. I'm a CFIG. I did a lot of add-ons & every pilot without exception were thrilled to...
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      Trcpilot reacted to Greg Bockelman's post in the thread Glider add on with Like Like.
      I fly out of 87MO, Richter’s field just outside of Kansas City. Missouri Soaring Association is based there.
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