New Garmin GTR205/GNC215 COM and NAVCOM radios


Final Approach
Jan 1, 2015
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These were announced yesterday. A few quick observations:
The color screen sure looks fancy.
The GNC215 adds monitor mode to the NAV radio, something the the GNC255 did not have.
I think I would have preferred another button or two.
Cool... glad to see new products. The display is nicer, but I don't really see a big improvement over the GNC255/GTR225.
Is there any word on pricing? I'm assuming more than the 255....
Cool... glad to see new products. The display is nicer, but I don't really see a big improvement over the GNC255/GTR225.
NAV monitor mode is significant, in my opinion. 1.33 inch versus 1.66 inch is big for some people.
I assume one pokes the tuning knob IN to switch between COM and NAV tuning modes?

Funny how sticky the GNS430/530 buttonology is. :)

$5300 for a navcom is naynays to me.
I complain about Garmin and their monopoly soaking of customers on database update fees. But I've had a GTR-225 for several years and that thing is bulletproof. Simple, reliable, and built in 2 place intercom works great.
Street price is $4,650 for the GNC215 which is about what you'll pay for any new similar box. The GNC 255 which it replaces is around $4,500. Hell, a 30 year-old KX155 in good condition will still fetch $2,500.

Street price is $4,650 for the GNC215 which is about what you'll pay for any new similar box. The GNC 255 which it replaces is around $4,500. Hell, a 30 year-old KX155 in good condition will still fetch $2,500.


My brain agrees with you, but my heart remembers a decent navcom being a grand or so, and the wallet has not yet adjusted. :/

You should hear my bleatings in response to some avionics quotes I'm gathering now. I was unprepared. :oops:
I complain about Garmin and their monopoly soaking of customers on database update fees. But I've had a GTR-225 for several years and that thing is bulletproof. Simple, reliable, and built in 2 place intercom works great.
Don’t worry, looks like these things have a frequency database that will need to be updated, so you’ll probably still have the pleasure of a db fee.
My brain agrees with you, but my heart remembers a decent navcom being a grand or so, and the wallet has not yet adjusted. :/
Ok, I'll be getting off your lawn now. ;)

Don’t worry, looks like these things have a frequency database that will need to be updated, so you’ll probably still have the pleasure of a db fee.
As I recall, it does not turn into a pumpkin when you don't refresh the DB. Is there a way to completely disable the database lookup in the GTR225/GNC255?
Ok, I'll be getting off your lawn now. ;)

As I recall, it does not turn into a pumpkin when you don't refresh the DB. Is there a way to completely disable the database lookup in the GTR225/GNC255?
I would expect it to just show stale data.
I would expect it to just show stale data.
Me too, but I would prefer it show no data rather than wrong data and was wondering if there was a way to do that.
Ok, I'll be getting off your lawn now. ;)

As I recall, it does not turn into a pumpkin when you don't refresh the DB. Is there a way to completely disable the database lookup in the GTR225/GNC255?
AFAIK you only need the db if you are pushing serial GPS to the radio for nearest lookup.
AFAIK you only need the db if you are pushing serial GPS to the radio for nearest lookup.
Cool. So turn off the serial port and then it becomes a Narco 12D (except that it actually works). :)
Probably same, but IFR is a different ballgame than us VFR schlubs.
Actually just got the Jeppeson account today. My birthday present for my dad and a thank you for letting me use his Foreflight subscription. I use Airmate for the Dynon database. 50 bucks a year.
Will this fit in the same slot as an SL30?
WhIle similar in size as the SLs I don’t think these new GNCs will be slide in replacements and will need a new tray as the backplane is different than the SLs.
Don’t worry, looks like these things have a frequency database that will need to be updated, so you’ll probably still have the pleasure of a db fee.
The database is $35/year off FlyGarmin. The user guide says it will operate without a database installed but you lose waypoint names, GPS-based distance to station (assuming you have it connected to a GPS source), and frequency lookup for tuning. The pilots guide doesn’t say exactly but I assume you are correct that if you don’t update an old database you just get old data and a message the db has expired. If you’ve got a G3X Touch EFIS you can remote tune from it so updating the db in the radio for those with a G3X probably won’t be a priority.
While similar in size as the SLs I don’t think these new GNCs will be slide in replacements and will need a new tray as the backplane is different than the SLs.
For sure. Here's the back of an SL30:

And here's the back of a GNC215:
Don’t worry, looks like these things have a frequency database that will need to be updated, so you’ll probably still have the pleasure of a db fee.
I've always been a bit puzzled by the comm radios that show who the frequency is. How are people using this in practice? Is it valuable?

When ATC gives me a frequency change, I dial it in and call the next facility. I'm not sure how it showing me after the fact that the frequency is LA Center or Orlando Approach is going to help me, I should already know that.

And yes, on occasion I may forget who I'm talking to or misunderstand what facility they said to contact, but as long as I have the frequency right, it resolves itself without any issues.

Is there a use case that I'm missing?
It's a good double check that you spun the dial correctly to the new frequency.
Via their post on Beechtalk Garmin confirmed they're not slide-in replacements for the SL-30/40 & "requires rack and connector change"
Via their post on Beechtalk Garmin confirmed they're not slide-in replacements for the SL-30/40 & "requires rack and connector change"
If you look at post #24, you'll notice that aside from 1 vs 2 connectors, the SL30 has pins on the radio and sockets in the rack. The GNC215 has pins on the rack and sockets on the radio.
I thought about that, but then I thought the following: if Albuquerque Center tells me to contact Albuquerque Approach on 124.0 (or that's what I hear), and I dial it in, but the Comm unit says that's Cleveland Tower, what am I likely to do? I'm still going to try to call ABQ App on the frequency provided, and if that doesn't work, flip back to the previous one and get a clarification. I'm probably not going to question ATC about the frequency just based on my radio telling me it's a different facility. So that's no different than I'd do without this capability.

But then again, my time flying with radios like this is very low. So maybe I don't know of what I speak, or my habit patterns are based around NOT having this capability.
I thought about that, but then I thought the following: if Albuquerque Center tells me to contact Albuquerque Approach on 124.0 (or that's what I hear), and I dial it in, but the Comm unit says that's Cleveland Tower, what am I likely to do? I'm still going to try to call ABQ App on the frequency provided, and if that doesn't work, flip back to the previous one and get a clarification. I'm probably not going to question ATC about the frequency just based on my radio telling me it's a different facility. So that's no different than I'd do without this capability.

But then again, my time flying with radios like this is very low. So maybe I don't know of what I speak, or my habit patterns are based around NOT having this capability.
Reverse lookup only works if you push GPS serial to the radio. Then it displays the nearest station with that freq.
If you dial the wrong freq it usually won’t show anything. So you check your notes / charts and fix the error. Faster than bothering ATC. Don’t get me wrong - I’ve perhaps maybe I’d never admit it called them back once or twice because I wrote the number down wrong. But you know what the problem is vs just out of range, etc.

Yeah - overall it’s a nice feature.
I thought about that, but then I thought the following: if Albuquerque Center tells me to contact Albuquerque Approach on 124.0 (or that's what I hear), and I dial it in, but the Comm unit says that's Cleveland Tower, what am I likely to do? I'm still going to try to call ABQ App on the frequency provided, and if that doesn't work, flip back to the previous one and get a clarification. I'm probably not going to question ATC about the frequency just based on my radio telling me it's a different facility. So that's no different than I'd do without this capability.

But then again, my time flying with radios like this is very low. So maybe I don't know of what I speak, or my habit patterns are based around NOT having this capability.
How about this? Approach tells you to contact center on 125.4 so you bring up the "nearest ARTCC", roll through the list until you get to "ZAB-125.4" and punch it. Since the list is sorted by GPS distance, "ZAB-125.4" should be at or near the top.
How about this? Approach tells you to contact center on 125.4 so you bring up the "nearest ARTCC", roll through the list until you get to "ZAB-125.4" and punch it. Since the list is sorted by GPS distance, "ZAB-125.4" should be at or near the top.
Okay, I can see that. Is that a normal method for selecting frequencies when given a change?
Okay, I can see that. Is that a normal method for selecting frequencies when given a change?

I've never done that, but I've used the search function when I was trying to find a freq for flight following
Will this fit in the same slot as an SL30?
That's what the ads say. But like the 275/375 fit in the Apollo slot, there was a lot of work between cup and lip. I believe I'll be hanging on to my SL30's for a while yet.
Is that a normal method for selecting frequencies when given a change?
One of a few, I suppose. With all of the available options these days, what is considered normal?
I am old school. I write the frequency on my knee board, then dial (or key) it into the radio. With my GNS-650, I check the readout to compare. If there is a mismatch, I double check that what I wrote down is what I put in the radio.

If they are the same, I do make a call, but if no answer, go back to the previous frequency and ask.
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Given that this and the Trig can see two VORs and the radials at the same time, seems to me they’re both just a software upgrade away from having at least a rudimentary RNAV capability, although DME would definitely enhance accuracy.