Junk mail...


PoA Supporter
Nov 6, 2018
Copperas Cove, Texas
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I just receive the latest "Sporty's Ipad Pilot" in the mail. It went straight into the shredder...

..It's a sickness, I tell ya.
You know what else is a sickness? AOPA’s ‘Last Reminder’ emails.

I dropped my AOPA membership close to two years ago. About once a week I get an email from them that’s titled ‘Last Chance’ or ‘Should we remove you from our pilot list?’

Since canceling, I’ve had several hundred ‘Last Chance’ to re-enroll for a discount emails.

“This is your last chance ever to reactivate your membership for this price”

A month later... “We mean it this time...this is the last chance you’ll ever have...”

The next month... “You’re really testing our patience...this is THE LAST OPPORTUNITY...”

Over and over and over.. LOL
Sounds like a parent-child threat: "This time I really mean it!"
Heh! That’s exactly what it’s like. I could screenshot a mass load of these email’s and paste them here, but I doubt anyone cares to see it.

Pretty funny though. It’s like the never ending threat to permanently close out my account (which I did over two years ago) LOL
I dropped my AOPA membership close to two years ago. About once a week I get an email from them that’s titled ‘Last Chance’ or ‘Should we remove you from our pilot list?’
I have not been an AOPA member in probably 15 years and I still get those emails
ARRL has been the most persistent in trying to get me to re-join. Of course the two organizations have enough overlap... :: shrug ::
Yep! (Somewhere I have my dad's old ARRL clock, the 24-hour variety.)
Keep all your junk mail. Stuff all you can in the pre-paid envelope and send it back to your most annoying sender.

I just cut out my name and their reference numbers & barcodes, then stuff it all into each other's postage-paod envelopes. Then I save other junkmail to fill the envelopes beyond capacity, seal them with duct tape and leave for the mailman to pick up. Doesn't everyone want to know what pizza sells for in my small town? Or what the other magazine publishers charge for their rags?
AARP. One can never escape from AARP.

They started sending me junk mail when I was 53....

They started send me their garbage at 50. I'm 67 and still haven't given them a dime. Somewhere along the line I think they got the message, I seldom hear from them anymore.

Keep all your junk mail. Stuff all you can in the pre-paid envelope and send it back to your most annoying sender.

Gotta love those business reply envelopes with unlimited postage. Tape them to a brick. :p
I fill up a trash bag weekly with shredded junk mail. Too bad my cars don't run on shredded paper. Hmmmmmmm....
I occasionally receive complementary issues of Trade-a-Plane in the mail. My mailbox isn't that large! I haven't subscribed for at least 15 years, and never at this current address.
Keep all your junk mail. Stuff all you can in the pre-paid envelope and send it back to your most annoying sender.

I have a friend who takes stuff from the junk sender and puts it in the prepaid envelope of another junk sender.

Cracks me up.

He says, "yeah, it takes a little time, but it supports the USPS."
Sounds like a parent-child threat: "This time I really mean it!"

From parents who don't know the value of a good spankin'. All it takes is the look now. If you don't know what the look is, you obviously were never spanked. :cryin:
I occasionally receive complementary issues of Trade-a-Plane in the mail. My mailbox isn't that large! I haven't subscribed for at least 15 years, and never at this current address.
I've never subscribed and I still get it from time to time. I always scan a few ads and take a peek at Chicken Wings before tossing it, though.

Where I SMH is with the King Schools catalog. Do they stop when you get ATP?
I've never subscribed and I still get it from time to time. I always scan a few ads and take a peek at Chicken Wings before tossing it, though.

Where I SMH is with the King Schools catalog. Do they stop when you get ATP?

I don't know. They certainly haven't stopped at PP-ASEL IA and age 67.
You haven't seen nothing until you let your sirius xm radio subscription lapse. They call, they e-mail, they send junk mail. I keep unsubscribing, and blocking numbers yet they just send them by different addresses or call from a different number. Often times they do it from a number that pings from my home town to trick me into answering.
AOPA and NRA are tied for most - last chance to renew your membership... and we've missed you... mailings. Oh, yes, the XM mail and email... good lord. Both my wife and I had (actually still have, but in different vehicles) XM subscriptions and we get about two letters and 10 emails a week from them.
+1 on the Sirius radio subscription. Right now I am being inundated from Direct TV to return as a customer with great discounts. When my 2 year contract was expiring we were told there is not way to get back to the lower rate. We told them once we disconnect - we are not coming back at any price. Sure enough not more than a few days goes by where I don't get an email or snail mail offer to return at lower rate.
They started sending me junk mail when I was 53....

AARP is sending my wife junk mail... She's 31. I have no idea how they got her on that list.
Yep, SIRI sucks. Had it for a year, they were going to increase my rate, so I let it expire. Bad idea. They charged me a $25 disconnect fee because I didn’t inform them of my intention to cancel. Then, they bug me every month about coming back at reduced rate. Unbelievable. I’ll never go back to satellite radio. I’ve come to like free local stations and digital radio anyway.

I don’t mind the occasional Sporty’s. Just got the IPAD one today. Keeps me current with all the tech junk that’s available. What’s sad is, it’s as thick as FLYING magazine. That’s one I’m finally about to let expire. Used to be twice as think and full of good aviation articles. Now it’s basically a pamphlet that’s full of advertisements.
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I used the “tape the reply to a brick” trick for years until the Post Office stopped picking them up. I wrapped the brick for a while after that but it was more of a pain than I wanted to endure.

AOPA and NRA are tied for most - last chance to renew your membership... and we've missed you... mailings. Oh, yes, the XM mail and email... good lord. Both my wife and I had (actually still have, but in different vehicles) XM subscriptions and we get about two letters and 10 emails a week from them.

I don't get the renewal notices from the NRA, but then I'm a Benefactor Life Member, so I don't have to renew. They have plenty of other ways to try and get money, however.
I am gunna do that prepaid envelope trick! That’s awesome!
I've never subscribed and I still get it from time to time. I always scan a few ads and take a peek at Chicken Wings before tossing it, though.

Where I SMH is with the King Schools catalog. Do they stop when you get ATP?
No. You still get the cfi renewal every two yards.