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    • Ghery
      Ghery replied to the thread EAA life membership value?.
      I am a member of ARRL. Have been for decades. I am a member of their EMC committee and a TA. One of the duties of being a TA is that...
    • Ghery
      Regardless of the legalities involved, he was guilty of violating two rules with regard to safe handling of firearms that I learned as a...
    • Ghery
      Ghery replied to the thread Is AvWeb Done?.
      Not the first person to say that definition. I've used it several times myself. As far as Avweb is concerned, I have never looked at...
    • Ghery
      Ghery reacted to Southpaw's post in the thread Is AvWeb Done? with Like Like.
      A local US port director (US-Canada Port) explained the word “politics” when we were discussing border crossing agent behavior. He said...
    • Ghery
      Ghery reacted to Half Fast's post in the thread Top Gun 3 with Like Like.
      Sorry, no. Raiders has a crap story line, as the central character has no effect on the outcome. Take Indy out of the story and the...
    • Ghery
      Ghery reacted to Half Fast's post in the thread Top Gun 3 with Like Like.
      I dunno; I thought The Empire Strikes Back was a much better movie than the original Star Wars. Of the Indy franchise, #3 (The Last...
    • Ghery
      Ghery reacted to WDD's post in the thread Top Gun 3 with Like Like.
      True - the original Top Gun, as well as the original Independence Day, the first and second Terminators and a few others are not...
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