I stumbled across a video about a pilot going to that Lambert's place where they throw the rolls


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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Paging @timwinters ...

I've heard you folks talk about this place but I've never seen it before and I stumbled across a video of a pilot flying to there. I kind of want to check it out now.

I’d stand up and yell ‘FOOD FIGHT!!!!’ might get kicked out though, I dunno, but hey, good opportunity. I’ve always wanted to do that.
Did you see the guy in the green T-shirt walking across the parking lot towards the restaurant in the first seconds of his arrival at Lambert's? (@ the 3:00 mark)

Trust me, that's what almost everyone in the restaurant will look like. If that doesn't make you lose your appetite, nothing will. And actually, you can see what I'm talking about if you look closely at the average BMI in the restaurant over the next minute of the video.

Oh...and that boy who's throw'd-ing them thar rolls ain't backed away from too many dinner plates in his life either!!!

Enjoy! I won't be joining you if you go.

Besides, Sikeston SUCKS as a whole. It is NOT a nice town. Not quite as bad as Kennett but it still sucks!

(Remind me to tell you how I really feel sometime! ;) )

BTW...the kid who put the video together really screwed up. He said "the waiter THREW my food"

He didn't either...he throw'd it. Just look at their slogan!
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Well, I feel I...

Wait, I guess I should appreciate the eateries around here. Some are good. some aren't. Well most are good, the rest, are very bad. Or mediocre.

San Francisco used to have a ton of very great places. Now, I go, I check them out, and I'm happier camping out in the Central Valley and checking out the new and upcoming BBQ joints. And we have had a couple that are not that bad.
Looks like a blast. Hot rolls thrown at you. 'Merica!
My only complaint with the place is that I feel like a lead weight on the flight home. They feed you that much. Good food, exceptional service.
I saw that place on either Travel Channel or Food Channel and immediately thought "blech, tourist trap!"

Somehow "fly-in tourist trap" makes things a little bit better.
I'll go with ya, Bry. Looks like a bunch of heavy set rednecks that like to eat. In other words, my kind of folks!

We could catch it heading to or from Kentucky in April.
I'm in!!!



You should go, man. I'd get a kick out of watching you do the disgusted Eastwood face at all the fatties.

He should go. I'd buy him an iced tea and one roll wouldn't break his diet.
He should go. I'd buy him an iced tea and one roll wouldn't break his diet.

Oh...I've been!!!

I've been to all three as a matter of fact. I doubt many people can say that.

We'd go down to Sikeston on occasion when I was a kid. I grew up about 80 miles north of there. I think I've been there just once as an adult (using the term loosely).

I was drug to the one in Ozark a few times by my in-laws after it opened in the '90s, (I lived in the Springfield area), they loved the place.

I went to the one in Foley when I was building an O'Reilly in that area just to be able say that I'd been to all three. IIRC, I had some tea and a snack, watched the obesity show, and then went a block south to the What-A-Burger in front of Lowe's for some good food! :)

BTW...Lambert's success came because old man Lambert used to bribe tour bus drivers to stop at the original in Sikeston. At first he offered them a free lunch, but later he upped the anti and started sliding them a twenty for bringing a busload of folks in. Word of this spread quickly amongst the tour bus driver clan and they started pouring in. Everyone can be bought it seems.

The Sikeston restaurant is only about a mile off of I-55 which is the main drag 'twixt St. Louis and Memphis (two towns well known for excessive eating and large people). And, before 55 was built, the STL-MEM main drag was US 61 which also passes close to Lambert's on the other (west) side of town. Great location, exactly halfway between those two cities. Time to stop and eat!! And many, many did.
Did you see the guy in the green T-shirt walking across the parking lot towards the restaurant in the first seconds of his arrival at Lambert's? (@ the 3:00 mark)

Besides, Sikeston SUCKS as a whole. It is NOT a nice town. Not quite as bad as Kennett but it still sucks!

(Remind me to tell you how I really feel sometime! ;) )

Geez, still bagging on my old hometown of Kennett. :D

Once upon a time, it wasn't such a bad place. Good place to have grown up, but there is good reason I don't live there anymore...we even sold the family farm after mom passed as no one of us ever planned on living there again, though I do have a sister in Sikeston. I was dragged to Sikeston over the years, but never ate at Lambert's until I was an adult and no longer lived there. I think I've been three times...that's enough. Last time was enroute either to or from OSH in a gaggle of Cubs. Stopped and had lunch with sister, mom and all the other strap hangers on the trip...and the rotund locals and tour bus folks.

Other than some really good cotton farming, there's not much too the Missouri Bootheel, well other than cheap 100LL at Kennett. There is an abundance of poverty and crime. I have a couple of cousins there and a couple of good friends, but I don't spend much time there. 3-4 times a year I usually fly up for the day and back home in the evening since it is only 30 minutes to KTKX and 45 to KSIK.

I just don't have much desire to eat at Lambert's again. Last time I was passing through the area on business via I-55, we at at Pizza Inn, which was crowded with locals.
I could be in for a throw'd roll fly in. Looks like the nearest airport is KSET, does that sound right?

I was looking at Foley, MO. Ignore me.
Geez, still bagging on my old hometown of Kennett. :D

Hey, at least they have the notoriety of being Sheryl Crow's hometown! Does she still come back once a year and do the benefit concert for... I forget what...?
Hey, at least they have the notoriety of being Sheryl Crow's hometown! Does she still come back once a year and do the benefit concert for... I forget what...?

Yep for the March of Dime IIRC. The high school as a big assembly and show each year. She also comes back to town around Christmas as her folks still live there. My cousin's daughter has become friends with her through signing together at church at Christmas.

I actually was mildly acquainted with her in high school having some mutual friends, but I went to a different school. Last time I saw her, several years ago, was in a BBQ joint in town when she was home. As I walked past her, she looked at me, I said hi (as I would to anyone else) and left her alone, but she had the quizzical look knowing she knew me, but not being able to place me. No biggie. When she's there, I figure it is for family and she doesn't want bothered. Fortunately, most folks do the same. Of course, without all the warpaint and fancy dress, many don't even recognize her.
Seems like the kind of place you go once to say you’ve been, and the shine is worn off. But I’d go once.

I’ve tried a number of mystery brown open faced sandwiches in my years. They’re all about the same as long as the gravy has enough salt in it to cure a pig.

Which, I don’t mind. Once in a while.
Seems like the kind of place you go once to say you’ve been, and the shine is worn off. But I’d go once.

I’ve tried a number of mystery brown open faced sandwiches in my years. They’re all about the same as long as the gravy has enough salt in it to cure a pig.

Which, I don’t mind. Once in a while.

Better idea is go get some fresh Gulf seafood! Why go to that joint when you have all these seafood restaurants just south of Foley in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach.
Better idea is go get some fresh Gulf seafood! Why go to that joint when you have all these seafood restaurants just south of Foley in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach.

Yep we fly down to eat at Bahama Bob's which is some dang good eating. We stop at, and I dont want to tell my secret but they deserve it, Salt Air at JKA. They are amazing and very generous with the crew car and extremely helpful and friendly!! Last time we were down I tried to rent a car for 6 hours, they let me keep the rental crew car for free (yes I got fuel for both vehicles). Salt Air even made some fresh coffee for us on departure and are extremely extremely nice, did I mention that already?? That's my go to FBO at JKA! Everybody says eat at LuLu's when stopping in, which is good but it isn't all that good even while to me Bahama Bobs was off the chain yo.

Lamberts has a fun atmosphere and with them they will come pick you up at the airport and bring you in through the back and skip the line. Then take you back once finished.

But I usually agree if im flying to the coast its seafood, but will stop at foley too, or heck do both! hehe
Better idea is go get some fresh Gulf seafood! Why go to that joint when you have all these seafood restaurants just south of Foley in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach.

I wouldn’t ever mind that. Karen won’t go, but that’s her loss. :)
Yeah, f....., oh, sorry Nate. :D

Oh she KNOWS I’ll go eat seafood without her. Hahha. She’s known that for a couple of decades now.

Unless it’s a really good hole in the wall family seafood joint, most of them have some over cooked steak or chicken on the bottom back corner of the menu for people like her. Hahahaha.

We starved her half to death during a day out with friends one time and then seven of eight people outvoted her and said we wanted sushi. With enough sake on board, she ate a bunch of tuna and lighter fish tasting fare. She even says stuff like tilapia and fish that have no flavor at all to me are “too fishy”.

Whatever! Go grab a burger next door... crazy wife... LOL.