Biggest scam in men's grooming - shaving cream

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA
Okay so it went down like this right. It's like nine o' something clock, my gym bag is packed, I'm wearing my gym clothes, I'm dead freakin' tired, and all I need to do when I wake up in the morning at zero dark thirty is throw on my shoes, grab my gym bag, and head out the door. Well maybe pee first probably.

There is one final task to do before facing off with the nighty-night monster though - I need to shave. Yeah I like to have that stuff done all ahead of time so I don't have to deal with it in the morning.

Two days of beard stubble is about as much as my electric can handle, and I'm standing there with three, so it's blade time. I only use a blade maybe once a week because my face can't take repetitive blade scraping on a daily basis. So I wash my face with hot water, get all prepped, grab the can of shave cream, and......

It's out. Holy sheeot. I know I don't have any left in the house, but I make one last mad search to make sure that's the case. So, I'm faced (so to speak) with the following options:

1. Run to the store and buy a can of shaving cream. No, I'm really freakin' tired, I just want to drop. Like right now. Ain't happening. That's a minimum of a half hour loss of nighty-night to do that. Plus Mi Sun Li is waiting impatiently for me on the other side, and she's holding a whole platter of bacon and has cheeseburgers on the grill. (It's my fantasy, it doesn't have to be culinarily accurate.) Hmm, I think I invented a new word.

2. Show up to work looking like a werewolf. Or more accurately, a Don Johnson wannabe that doesn't look like Don Johnson but that is sporting that eighty's fad of semi beard growth, a partially buttoned white linen shirt, and a gold chain. But without the shirt and chain. Yeah, that could work. Staff will probably think I came off a three day Merle Haggard style drunk (which by the way would be fairly accurate) and leave me alone.

3. Dry shave. I don't even know why I listed that as an option.

4. Use the electric. I already wet my face and those things don't really work well unless your skin is bone dry. Or soaking wet with shave cream, but if you were going to do that why would you use an electric in the first place.

5. Now this is crazy talk I know, but it just might work. Probably not as well as the real thing, but I'll bet it gets the job done. What can I substitute for shave cream? Whipped cream? No, plus an ant problem on my face in the middle of the night would be detrimental. Dish soap? Maybe. Baby oil? Hell no, Sac Arrow ain't going Mr. Greasy Face.

I went with bar soap. The obvious solution. I wash my hands with it. I've taken showers with it. I've washed my ass with it. I've even washed my face with it. You know what? It worked! No issues whatsoever. It worked at least as good as shaving cream, except I didn't have a huge mound of foam threatening to engulf my head, nor did I have a trajectory of blue gel embed itself in the mirror after pressing the button too hard. Post cleanup was a snap. I would even go so far to say it was easier on the face.

I like it when I solve a dilemma.
I shave in a hot shower and it's the last thing I do, no shave cream or anything for 1 day growth. If it's more than a couple of days I will use the shaving cream.

Listed for $0.89 on
So you went ass to face with a bar of soap?
Plus I've done the same as Josh. Let warm/hot water of shower soften beard, then "wet shave" with frequent rinsing at end of cleaning routine. Use small amount of shave gel when it's been more than 3 days between scrapings.
Grow a beard. Problem solved. What is the point of wasting cumulative years of one's life scraping off something that does no harm and will return by nightfall?

Shaving itself, not shaving cream, is the biggest scam in men's grooming.

I use shaving soap, shave every 2-3 days a bar lasts more then six months. I've heard of people shaving with olive oil then gradually moving to dry shaving, claim is your face gets used to it and then it all works better. Whatever your solution shaving cream is for suckas.
So you went ass to face with a bar of soap?

Normally in the shower I try to follow the reverse order. For some odd reason it just seems to work better if you wash from the top down. Maybe someone smarter than me can explain why.

But no, this was actually a dedicated hand wash bar next to sink. So I guess you could say I went palm to face. Much like Mi Sun Li would probably do to me if she were a real person.
Normally in the shower I try to follow the reverse order. For some odd reason it just seems to work better if you wash from the top down. Maybe someone smarter than me can explain why.

But no, this was actually a dedicated hand wash bar next to sink. So I guess you could say I went palm to face. Much like Mi Sun Li would probably do to me if she were a real person.
Bro stop lying.... you went ass to face and took it like a man. There's no getting out of that.

On a serious note, how could a man of any reasonable age not of already shaved without shaving cream is beyond me....
I've never used shaving cream. Put some water on my face, shave with the blade, done. Works fine.

But, my facial hair doesn't grow like my head of hair.
I hate shaving. If I could press a button and never have to shave again, I would.

Because I hate shaving, don't have heavy beard growth, and work in the IT field where nobody cares what you come to work looking like anyway, I'll usually only shave once a week on Mondays. The other days, I just show up with stubble.

It's a good thing I don't have heavy beard growth, otherwise I'd probably just let it grow out and end up looking like the ZZ Top guys.
Those Edge Gel cans need a level indicator or totalizer on them as they go from working great to no flow in about 41 seconds. The piston inside keeps one from spraying gas only, but makes it difficult to shake the contents to determine amount remaining. I always keep a backup or three of everything in the house..pilot redundancy thing.
I hate shaving. If I could press a button and never have to shave again, I would.

Because I hate shaving, don't have heavy beard growth, and work in the IT field where nobody cares what you come to work looking like anyway, I'll usually only shave once a week on Mondays. The other days, I just show up with stubble.

It's a good thing I don't have heavy beard growth, otherwise I'd probably just let it grow out and end up looking like the ZZ Top guys.

That will work until you get to the age when the growth rate of the hair on your ears and in your nostrils exceeds that of the hair on your head and face. And then there are the eyebrows.

AARP should give nose-hair clippers as welcome gifts when new members join.

Those Edge Gel cans need a level indicator or totalizer on them as they go from working great to no flow in about 41 seconds. The piston inside keeps one from spraying gas only, but makes it difficult to shake the contents to determine amount remaining. I always keep a backup or three of everything in the house..pilot redundancy thing.

Well I guess the fact that the weight of the can was approaching the weight of an empty can should have been my first clue. It's just that normally shaving cream isn't on my mental list of things to buy at the store since I don't go through a lot of it. And blades even less. I'm still working off the same pack of blade cartridges I bought a few years ago.

Except the blades give you a little more warning when they are going dull. Your face starts to look like you got in a fight with the kitty.
Did that very thing on a recent TDY, using soap because the shaving cream can only went pffffft.

The downside of using the bar of soap (vs "real" shaving creme) is that the soap will tend to dry out quicker than shaving creme.
jeez, I've used bar soap to shave plenty of times.. and I have a bar of soap at the bathroom sink that has never seen the, uh, 'crack' of dawn so to speak.
jeez, I've used bar soap to shave plenty of times.. and I have a bar of soap at the bathroom sink that has never seen the, uh, 'crack' of dawn so to speak.

As far as you know...

I bet when you are sleeping at night, a flock of crack ninjas swarm your house and sneak into your bathroom and go to town on your bars of soap.

Your toothbrush is suspect too.
I use Edge shaving gel, I usually buy two cans at a time and keep at least one new one under the sink.:D
For the times when I realize that the one under the sink is the one that just ran out, I use hair conditioner. Seems to work fine.
I too hate shaving, and if I don't shave every day I seem to get more nicks and cuts. So, everyday except an occasional Sunday and when I am on vacation, I shave. :rolleyes:
I use an electric. You can either shave before showering, or you can use Lectric Shave, both work. When I used shaving cream and a razor, the only time I could shave was after a hot shower. With the electric I can shave anytime. It's especially helpful on days where I'm not showering until later in the day.
Grow a beard. Problem solved. What is the point of wasting cumulative years of one's life scraping off something that does no harm and will return by nightfall?

Shaving itself, not shaving cream, is the biggest scam in men's grooming.


Because they don't want to admit they couldn't grow one if they tried.

As far as you know...

I bet when you are sleeping at night, a flock of crack ninjas swarm your house and sneak into your bathroom and go to town on your bars of soap.

Your toothbrush is suspect too.

Rule #1 in barracks life - always keep your toothbrush in a secure location. Unless you want it to contain dirt, dog turd, toilet scum and bits of shoe polish.

I use an electric. You can either shave before showering, or you can use Lectric Shave, both work. When I used shaving cream and a razor, the only time I could shave was after a hot shower. With the electric I can shave anytime. It's especially helpful on days where I'm not showering until later in the day.

Eww I can't stand that stuff. Way too oily for me.
Rule #1 in barracks life - always keep your toothbrush in a secure location. Unless you want it to contain dirt, dog turd, toilet scum and bits of shoe polish.

Rule #2-If you don't want everybody else to see naked pics of your girlfriend, don't let them know you have any. There is no secure location then.

Rule #3-When she breaks up with you, share them with everybody.
Man Up!
Pull those things out 1 by 1 with some tweezers.
If you are not married and you probably don't (read: shouldn't) own tweezers.
In which case, just rub a little gasoline on and grab a match. Be sure and blot the flames out when you start to smell flesh.

And for your nether regions, grab the DeWalt orbital and some 80 grit. Finish up with a nice wet sand for a smooth finish. I will even spray on a layer of clear coat if I am going out.

it got weird at the end

I don't use a razor. I use electric clippers. I do this once a month when it starts to get a little long. At age 54, I can only grow a GoTee ...
That will work until you get to the age when the growth rate of the hair on your ears and in your nostrils exceeds that of the hair on your head and face. And then there are the eyebrows.


Isn't that the truth!

I use an electric. You can either shave before showering, or you can use Lectric Shave, both work. When I used shaving cream and a razor, the only time I could shave was after a hot shower. With the electric I can shave anytime. It's especially helpful on days where I'm not showering until later in the day.

Electric before the shower. Works fine. The few times I've used a blade I usually wind up looking like I lost a fight with the cat.
I dry shave. I wear out razors more often, but its a very quick way to complete my super sexy look each morning.
1. The biggest scam in men's grooming isn't the shaving cream. It's the blades. Good luck convincing me that they couldn't make a blade of hard steel that can hold an edge for more than a few days.

2. Best shaving cream ever - The Art of Shaving, sandalwood. I've had complete strangers near me comment about the pleasant scent. It's expensive though so I only use it once a week or so.

3. Best razor ever - Schick Hydro 5. I shaved 7 hours ago and I'm still as smooth as a baby's bottom even going against the grain.

4. Use a shaving brush, and don't rinse it after every use. Fill your shaving mug w/ hot water and dip the brush in it before using it. My shaving bowl has a bar of just regular soap in it. After I dip the brush in water I brush the water over it to soften it up. Dip the brush in water again, then swab the soap with it and it lathers up nicely. I think I'm less than halfway through the bar of soap and it's been in there well over a year.
1. The biggest scam in men's grooming isn't the shaving cream. It's the blades.

It's like they looked at the business model for inkjet printers model and went, "Hey, there's an idea!"
1. The biggest scam in men's grooming isn't the shaving cream. It's the blades. Good luck convincing me that they couldn't make a blade of hard steel that can hold an edge for more than a few days.

If you're not inclined to be a straight razor man, you should give Dollar Shave Club a try. I get 4 cartridges automatically shipped a month (decent 4 blade razors) for $6 including shipping. Works well enough. They'll ship every-other-month if you shave less often.
If you're not inclined to be a straight razor man, you should give Dollar Shave Club a try. I get 4 cartridges automatically shipped a month (decent 4 blade razors) for $6 including shipping. Works well enough. They'll ship every-other-month if you shave less often.

That wouldn't be cost effective for me. I guess my face isn't hard on blades or something but I'm still working on the same pack of Gillette cartridges I bought a few years ago. One lasts me several months.
That wouldn't be cost effective for me. I guess my face isn't hard on blades or something but I'm still working on the same pack of Gillette cartridges I bought a few years ago. One lasts me several months.

*ahem* You sure you're doing all the grooming you should be?