Are you disguisting? A flow chart I made to help you decide.


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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A well dressed man resembling John Lithgow, and his family were dining out on a patio sharing a pizza and I was inspired to create the chart below.



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Your flow chart reminds me of Yogi Berra.. "When you come to the fork, take it."

But that was nasty.
Somedays, Bryan, I really think you are directly channelling Randall from Clerks II
if he folded his pizza like a normal person, there may be room for some level of forgiveness, but if he used a fork and knife, he should clearly be shot.

btw, 'disguisting'?
Man, he was all over the place, just taking his pizza crusts and reaching over to his wife's plate and his daughter's and sopping up whatever sauce had dripped on their plates.

He looked like any normal business man (rainbow socks though which seemed off) from a corporate job but I have never seen someone eat like this.

I have a personal aversion to community food anyway. If there is a potluck at work or something, I create a meeting or something. Never thought much about what people use on the table at a restaurant before you get there.
Imagine how disgusting Buffalo Wild Wings is, they actually eat with there hands covered in sauce...
I gotta ask: what is "disguisting"? A new word? Haven't seen it before.
Is it maybe a new adjective for a person who is disgusting in disguise? :lol:
Nice rant and all, but what the hell is disguisting?
no worries.....spelling is over-rated. :rolleyes2:

It takes good strategery to be a good speller....:yes:
What is that in SmashTime's mouth? Looks like adult-themed pictures my kids leave on bathroom walls. Yes, our bathroom wall at home.
Man, he was all over the place, just taking his pizza crusts and reaching over to his wife's plate and his daughter's and sopping up whatever sauce had dripped on their plates.

He looked like any normal business man (rainbow socks though which seemed off) from a corporate job but I have never seen someone eat like this.

I have a personal aversion to community food anyway. If there is a potluck at work or something, I create a meeting or something. Never thought much about what people use on the table at a restaurant before you get there.

He probably just finished his job interview with an F bomb before having pizza with the family.
Kidding aside, what about a youtube video? There might be a security tape.

That's all very nice. Tell us, please, do you want somebody to lick their fingers and then handle your condiments?
That's all very nice. Tell us, please, do you want somebody to lick their fingers and then handle your condiments?

Quite frankly I'm much more concerned about the guy cooking the food who has hepatitis.
It's all a matter of perspective. People that eat reconstituted bird snot and fried cockroaches probably don't get overly hung up about greasy fingers in the serving dish.
I did notice that you didn't answer the question.

I'm a parent to five children, have worked in slaughter houses and have had extensive training on food safety practices as part of my career.

As such, I'm rather immune to getting excited about things that others might find disgusting or gross yet have no real human health implications.

Someone picking their nose and then grabbing a pinch of salt is pretty far down my give-a-damn list quite frankly.

I also have no qualms eating raw hamburger, raw eggs, sushi, and Ethiopian cuisine. So..... YMMV.
The only thing more disgusting than this is when grown adults don't wash their hands after using the restroom