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  1. narchee

    Thinking about Big Balls...

    Possibly one of my favorite AC/DC songs. Which is yours?
  2. narchee

    Accepting an RNAV arrival that is for turboprops only (and you're a piston)

    This has happened twice to me in the last month. I filed for a different STAR but got an RNAV STAR that is marked for turboprops only. It has hard crossing restrictions with speeds. The first time, I accepted it then started reading it and saw the notes. So I spoke up and told the controller...
  3. narchee

    Thinking about an electric toothbrush

    It worked well for others with other types of motorized equipment, so trying this again. :D We're going to be cleaning the teeth of five people in the not-too-distant future. Out of those 5 mouths, I'd say around 2 are adults , with dental work randomly dispersed and some other more heavily...
  4. narchee

    Flying into Telluride. Tips?

    I've not flown into Telluride before. Any tips or suggestions? Looks like an interesting airport. Everything I've read says land 9 and depart 27. What is the primary reason for this? It's not really terrain you should be able to do a pattern to 27 if you needed to (see picture below) so is it...
  5. narchee

    Comparison of ADS-B and XM weather

    I found this picture on another site. The left is XM, the middle is regional ADS-B and the right is national ADS-B. The ADS-B images don't look as good. What about the rest of the weather offering from ADS-B? Is it as good as XM? Is it as reliable? XM is very reliable seeing you're getting it...
  6. narchee

    Adding ADS-B in/out to the G1000

    Does anyone know what the status is of this? Besides a new extended squitter transponder what else will be needed?
  7. narchee

    Perfecting the art of the long blink during flying

    During a long and boring XC with the AP on it can be tempting to close one's eyelids briefly. Just rest them a bit if you know what I mean. Besides the danger of falling asleep is there any regulation or rule related to how long a blink can be? Or said another way how often do you need to scan...
  8. narchee

    Squawking 7600 as a convenience

    Okay, here's another one from my ATP drinking buddy Bob (not his real name). He told me a little bit about how the track system over the North Atlantic works and how things have got a lot easier compared to previous times. They don't need to use HF anymore and can even communicate with ATC via...
  9. narchee

    Flying an approach to one runway then circling to another runway

    In another thread I mentioned a conversation with an ATP rated pilot who is currently flying international routes with a major carrier. Here is another scenario he described to me below. I'd love to hear feedback/opinion on this because it sounded a little far fetched to me. This was in Europe...
  10. narchee

    Flying below the glide slope as a tactic

    I was talking with an airline pilot a few days ago. He flies international routes to Europe for a major airline. Something he mentioned was very interesting. He said if the ceilings are low and you want the best chance at seeing the runway environment, that you should fly the approach a quarter...
  11. narchee

    Killed someone in Bravo - ASRS?

    I was flying in the LAX Bravo area on a 260 heading and 6500 feet. The right door popped open and I lunged to grab the door but instead pushed my passenger out of the aircraft. Should I file an ASRS report? Will this provide me with the protection from prosecution or should I just keep quiet...
  12. narchee

    The most important reason to fly a twin?

    So we all know the safety record for light piston twins is really no better than for piston singles. Why buy a twin then? I like the fact that you can take forward pictures or videos and not have to take it through the prop. :D Any other reasons?
  13. narchee

    My wife is joining me this year at Oshkosh

    She isn't crazy about planes and doesn't like camping. What could go wrong? Maybe if I'm lucky she will catch the aviation bug and support me in my aircraft purchase desires. Any suggestions? I was thinking of maybe skipping the camping thing just to be safe.
  14. narchee

    How do you decide what altitude to fly at against a head wind?

    Let's say you're in a piston turbo plane and have a wide range of altitudes to play with. In my experience the forecast upper winds and what I see seem to differ quite significantly in some cases. Also your TAS speed goes up for the same IAS so you have to take that in account. I'm a bit of a...
  15. narchee

    Those of you who use mogas have you had any issues?

    I'm always interested in the discussion around using mogas and finding a plane with STC that allows it. The benefits are obvious, but what about the drawbacks? So the lower octane requires low compression I get that but what about the higher volatility of mogas? Do any of you using it have...
  16. narchee

    "Your destination airport is NOTAM'ed closed. State intentions."

    :redface: I had this interesting statement made to me by ATC. Nothing happened but strictly speaking could I be written up for not reading the NOTAMs beforehand? I did look at them but somehow missed the part where the runway was closed. The only runway. :mad2:
  17. narchee

    Children of the Flight Director

    I was just reading an article on the Air France disaster that put forward the idea that the PF was mindlessly following the Flight Director that was commanding him to pitch up because it was trying to get him back up to the set altitude without any regard to stalling...
  18. narchee

    Is it worth doing CPL if I have no interest in an aviation career?

    Hi everyone, I've gone back and forth on this a lot. I have my PPL and fly really only for recreation. I sometimes do Angel Flights. So I really have no need for a CPL but have sometimes wondered if there would be a benefit to getting one. I don't know if it helps with insurance rates, or if...