Search results

  1. joeparrilla

    Affordable Clubs on Long Island NY

    Hey everyone! So I officially have my PPL as of 3 days ago, and I want to start looking into some affordable flying options. I will likely be renting from my school for a while, but I think pure rental may get a bit expensive. Does anyone have advice for affordable clubs on Long...
  2. joeparrilla

    Antique Airplane Club/Bayport Aerodrome Soc.

    So is anyone around here members of the AACGNY or the Bayport Aerodrome Society? I am looking for a way to get more acquainted with my favorite era of aviation and just be around more antique airplanes and pilots. Are these pretty active and large groups? Do they do a lot of meeting/flying?
  3. joeparrilla

    Vintage Aircraft and NextGen

    Hey Guys, not sure if this has been discussed before, but I was wondering what the plan is for integrating vintage (or any non-electric aircraft with NextGen)? Since ADS-B will be required, will any airplane without it be grounded? Would aircraft without an electrical system have to add a...
  4. joeparrilla

    Practicality of Part Ownership

    Hello everyone, So as I progress through my training, I find myself thinking more and more about my post training aviation. I know that right now I couldnt afford to buy, tie down, gas up, and maintain my own airplane. I know the various options such as rentals and clubs, but I was...
  5. joeparrilla

    How will the unmanned "revolution" affect us?

    So I was reading through a helicopter magazine while waiting for my instructor today, and read an article about how UAVs are ready to turn the aviation business on its head. Basically it spoke about how most if not all flights made for surviellence or transporting non human cargo, along with...
  6. joeparrilla

    How to enter the "culture"

    Hey guys, So being from a non-aviation family and not having any aviation interested friends... I find myself counting the days until each lesson in order to get some social interaction with actual people who share my love. What are some ways that you guys bring more of the aviation...
  7. joeparrilla

    Questions about Aerobatics

    Hi Guys, Although I only just started my PPL training, I wanted to get some more info on Aerobatics as it is definitely a goal of mine after finishing PPL. Is this a difficult thing to get into as far as costs and availability of training? Do regulations make it difficult to get into...
  8. joeparrilla

    Training has begun! (my journey)

    My Training Journal! (Updated 9/29/13) Hey guys, So despite my concerns of the future of GA (which many of you made me feel much better about) I am officially a PPL student! I thought it would be cool to post my journey here for other students to follow, and for other pilots to input. PPL...
  9. joeparrilla

    New Student, Questioning Future

    Hi Everyone, I am an aviation lover that has recently decided to take the step and get a PPL. I have 3 flights scheduled in the coming 3 weeks, and I am very excited. After doing a lot of reading about the state of GA, I am having some major fears about my future. I want to...