150 knots for $150k


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Apr 12, 2016
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After I did the math in another thread about flying to football games, it got me to thinking that my airplane (Piper Archer) is really slow. So what 150 knot airplanes could I get for around $150k? And which ones would not be named Mooney or Bo? Also required, 4 seats. This is what I have so far:

Socata TB20/21
Piper Saratoga / Lance
Cessna 210
Pponk 182?
Commander 114B

What others am I missing? Diamond came to mind but I don't think it meets the $150k requirement. I did see a gen 1 Cirrus for $150k, but no thanks. And the Saratogas in the $150k range all have run out engines, so maybe does not belong on the list.
Cherokee 6/300
Diamond DA40 (close..179K is the lowest I found doing a quick search)
Bellanca Super viking (half the 150K price in some cases)
Lancair IV (286 knots for 150K).
That is the only sub-200k Lancair on the market. Wonder if there is something wrong with it.
Well..the paint job looks a little weak, looking at the engine and prop time, not sure if they are saying both are run out, or if they are just posting maximums.

But yeah..little unusual. And on top of that..they are negotiable on that price...could be a great deal heh
150k Rv-10 = unicorn

if you find one, it’s probably a donkey with a horn duck taped to it’s head.
Friend of a friend just bought a Viking. We think he bought an albatross. He hasn't a hangar or a plan to get one. No one knows how to fix the thing, heck no on seven knows how to look at it for a PPI. Yeah, lotta airplane for the money, but talk about issues! Why the OP has the hate for Mooneys and Bo's I"ll never know.
Friend of a friend just bought a Viking. We think he bought an albatross. He hasn't a hangar or a plan to get one. No one knows how to fix the thing, heck no on seven knows how to look at it for a PPI. Yeah, lotta airplane for the money, but talk about issues! Why the OP has the hate for Mooneys and Bo's I"ll never know.
Didn’t say I didn’t want a Bo. I know all about their capabilities so I didn’t need them in the list. Plus the Bo market is way overheated right now.

I wish I could get over the baggage door on the Mooney. I just can’t.
I'm quite sure neither of those will do 150 knots without a PT6... and at that point might be more than 150k

You’re right. I was looking at max speed, not cruise speed when I looked those up
I am. I did my tailwheel training this year and that style just isn’t for me. I like being able to see in front of me and not having to slip every landing. Picky I know.
I can see infront of me and I don't have to slip every landing.

That's like saying I don't like multi's because they're all center-line thrust... That's not even almost true.
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You don’t have to slip every tail dragger. Most of the ones I’ve flown did not require slips.
Yeah, I don’t think we slipped the Cub much. The Stearman though, nothing but slips. Can’t see jack from the back.
Yeah, I don’t think we slipped the Cub much. The Stearman though, nothing but slips. Can’t see jack from the back.

Agreed. I’ve got a decent amount of time in Citabrias and Decathlons, and they don’t need slips for visibility when landing. They don’t have flaps, so a slip does comes in handy to lose altitude.

I’m getting checked out on this Great Lakes biplane, and it’s like the Stearman. Can’t see the runway while landing, taking off, or taxiing. It’s soloed from the rear cockpit. My instructor calls it a “real tailwheel airplane”. He owns a T-6 and has P-51 and B-17 time, so he’s a bit biased.


And yeah, the Viking is a honest 160+ knot plane which sells for much less than $150K. My ‘89 model with a great avionics package was a little north of $100K, but many of the good older 1970’s models sell in the $60-70K range. Don’t let the naysayers scare you off because of the wood wing. Just get a good prebuy.

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