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    • FORANE
      Concur. I had Charter at my home and would pay a few hundred whenever I received a bill to decrease the frequency I had to remit...
    • FORANE
      FORANE replied to the thread Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!.
      • FB_IMG_1721818921187.jpg
    • FORANE
      FORANE replied to the thread Lance air down short of 36 OSH.
      I've never flown an ES. In mine I was taught to never be under 100 mph except during takeoff and on short final. Whatever speed I read...
    • FORANE
      FORANE reacted to TipTanks's post in the thread Lance air down short of 36 OSH with Like Like.
      Yeah, I have never been to OSH... and I would like to... but I hate the heat... and I would not want to fly in. Every video I watch (and...
    • FORANE
      FORANE replied to the thread Lance air down short of 36 OSH.
      Yes, yet some pilots seem to think all aircraft other than a jet should fly the pattern behind them at whatever slow speed they...
    • FORANE
      FORANE replied to the thread RV inline fuel filter.
      Interesting so many use this sort of filter. I'm a big fan of experimental but apart from a few aforementioned specific use cases, why...
    • FORANE
      FORANE replied to the thread Seattle Avionics.
      If Mercedes Benz didn't invent the automobile and Chevy came along and offered the exact same product I would give up on my trusted...
    • FORANE
      FORANE replied to the thread Seattle Avionics.
      They were also selling lifetime updates for various EFIS if I recall.
    • FORANE
      FORANE replied to the thread Seattle Avionics.
      Sadly, SA is not the first company to do this. This kind of lack of integrity really bothers me. Going out of business is one thing...
    • FORANE
      FORANE replied to the thread Strange mag issue.
      Don't you have another available mag to swap in temporarily to rule out the right mag being the source of the issue? If the issue is...
    • FORANE
      FORANE replied to the thread Strange mag issue.
      Pretty slick magneto you have there. Swap out the right mag and see if the issue persists.
    • FORANE
      FORANE replied to the thread Positive exchange on guard..
      Only 2 7700's today; doesn't look like either one of those...
    • FORANE
      FORANE replied to the thread Air Box Carb Heat Flap Loose.
      In my air box, there is a filter between the carb inlet and rivet location. There's no way for a rivet to get sucked into the carb...
    • FORANE
      FORANE replied to the thread Air Box Carb Heat Flap Loose.
      I fixed this same problem on the airbox of my Lancair just last week. One cherrymax rivet worked for me.
    • FORANE
      FORANE replied to the thread Do Oil Filters Have A Shelve Life.
      If you're concerned, ship it to me for proper recycling.
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