Way to go Cajun

When you get my age and your children are grown, they tell you things they did when they were youngsters that you were never aware of! All you can do is laugh. :D
They follow the examples they see. When parents use terrible language and then say, "don't cuss," what do you think the kids really learn?
You don't really believe middle school kids behave the same way in front of their parents as they do elsewhere, do you?

My kid doesn't swear in front of me. Except once when it was a line in a play. And he was really apologetic about it -- we had to reassure him it was OK in context. But I don't imagine for an instant that he speaks to his friends in the same manner. Rather unlikely.

Honestly, I don't care much who swears or how or in front of whom. I just don't respect it very much.
My point was just that I think it's interesting and a bit absurd how people choose to be offended by or find certain words vulgar, but aren't offended by or find certain images vulgar. Have just come to accept that's how it is here. I prefer not seeing softcore porn on this website, but its presence is abundant.
This is a hard line to define. There's the "boys will be boys having fun" argument vs. the argument that some posts and images drive people, especially women, away.
You don't really believe middle school kids behave the same way in front of their parents as they do elsewhere, do you?

No, I don't, but I believe kids have a tendency to act among their friends the same way their parents act in front of them.
No, I don't, but I believe kids have a tendency to act among their friends the same way their parents act in front of them.
That's true for second graders, but not middle school age kids. At that age, they are trying to draw distinctions from their parents. If that includes swearing to be "cool," it's gonna happen. Probably out of the parents' earshot if there is any consequence.
I just went back and read my big bad warning email and, you're right, it wasn't ass it was sht, with an "!" instead of an "i".

My point was just that I think it's interesting and a bit absurd how people choose to be offended by or find certain words vulgar, but aren't offended by or find certain images vulgar. Have just come to accept that's how it is here. I prefer not seeing softcore porn on this website, but its presence is abundant.

It is what it is. At the end of the day, I don't care.
Well you can see it plain as day in Class G. I've said **** there a bazillion times and nobody bats an eye. I said ******n once and someone's feelings were hurt.
No, I don't, but I believe kids have a tendency to act among their friends the same way their parents act in front of them.
Kids are a product of their environment that is very true, but as MAKG mentioned, they'll do what they need to for their peers to think they're "cool". I knew a girl in HS that come Saturday night would hang out at parties, puff the weed and drink like a fish. You think mama taught her that? Nope. Her mother and father are totally the opposite, but her peer group influenced her otherwise. A lot of kids live a double life, and it's a sad thing to witness young kids fall into.
I prefer not seeing softcore porn on this website, but its presence is abundant.

There's a difference in posting softcore porn for the sake of it vs. posting it to make fun of posting it. Its like how Russel Peters jokes arent exactly racist - but rather make fun of racism.

I believe that is what most posters here go for, but not always achieve correctly. Its a fine line to get right. The best example I've seen to date was Sac Arrow's "Asian Dating" screenshot. There is neither ill intent nor intent to arouse - but rather poking fun at the stereotype he created about himself.

It's hilarious when done correctly. But not everyone will get it right - so you sometimes let the bad in with the good. But it will be a very dull place if you give up the good in order not to have the bad - like most things in life.
I swear, but never around my kids. Moved to a new town late last year and I joke not, the kids on my street are tossing around the f-word like it's nothing. When I say kids, I mean children as young as 5. I caught one of them teaching my son how and when to say it, and put the fear of God in them accordingly. Funny how I'm now the only mom on the street the neighborhood kids respect. My son said it ONCE in my presence. Pretty sure it's the last time he'll make that mistake.

My goal is to raise a much smarter, polite and respectful person than I am. So far so good.

Made me think of this video that recently went viral :D:

I still remember the first time I heard one of our kids swear: we'd been pretty careful around them, but one of them lit up with something at the dinner table one night in normal conversation. It wasn't said in anger, it was just another word in a routine conversation. I had to be the one that said, "We don't use those words at the dinner table" and that was that. Now? They swear more than I do - which really isn't all that much.

I watch a lot of college basketball, and follow my team pretty closely. I'd get a little animated sometimes and have choose my words carefully. My oldest learned to point at the TV whenever they came on and say, "boneheads!"
I just had a couple folks in my office interviewing me about a grant that we have and how it effects my students and their education. One of the topics was my interaction with industry in the area and how that effects my curriculum. the main topic of my talks with industry is now about "soft skills". I spent ten minutes describing the soft skills I have to teach these so called adults so they can apply, interview, accept and hold a job. It is quite alarming the lack of people skills our young adults have. Just last week I had to pull my freshman class into the classroom for a royal boot up the bum session about their language. As I am in my office and they are out in the lab, all I hear is f-this and f-that among other rather unsavory words. There are two young ladies in my freshman group, my wife and daughters are here frequently as well as many many female coworkers and administrative that are in and out on occasion. I had to sit them all down and explain that it is not going to be tolerated to use such language in the presence of women, children and coworkers.
We had one of the Lt. Governor candidates come through last week and as I was introduced to her I looked down and one of the students had written a naughty word on a piece of metal that I had to quickly block with my body. The week before that I found a swastika drawn on a table! I had to have a nice boot up the bum history lesson with these clowns over that. I have to explain that if I even think that they are hungover, stoned, drunk or impaired in the least bit that they are down the road. One of my freshman got busted last week at the dorms with pot, mushrooms and pills. Mushrooms are a felony here in MT! What an idiot.
I believe that is what most posters here go for, but not always achieve correctly. Its a fine line to get right. The best example I've seen to date was Sac Arrow's "Asian Dating" screenshot...

Agreed... that was funny! :D

Don't get me wrong - I'm not offended by any of it, I just get tired of seeing it all the time (or what seems like all the time lately). But whatever... it's pretty easy to just roll my eyes and scroll past, or click out and go look at my firemen smut.
We have a girl at work with a half naked poster of Patrick Swayze that's easily four feet tall above her desk. (I am not offended by it, but I assume she's into dead guys or something.)

I imagine if the gender of that particular staff member and their poster were reversed, the double standard would kick in and the world would be all drama-filled for an hour with bosses running around harrumphing and the personal posters would all come down, to make us all "happy" again.

Such is the way of the PC cult.

Yes, customers have seen it. No, nobody cares. Make that even a Marylyn Monroe poster and the indoctrinated fools would freak out.
This is a hard line to define. There's the "boys will be boys having fun" argument vs. the argument that some posts and images drive people, especially women, away.

If it were up to me, we'd be much more focused on aviation, and less on porn and politics. There are lots of places on the internet for the latter, whereas I think this site can and should serve as a resource for people (of both genders and all ages) interested in aviation. It should not be a forum for immature men with psychological problems (unless it's related to getting their medical :)).
Agreed... that was funny! :D

Don't get me wrong - I'm not offended by any of it, I just get tired of seeing it all the time (or what seems like all the time lately). But whatever... it's pretty easy to just roll my eyes and scroll past, or click out and go look at my firemen smut.
fireman smut?.....that photo didn't show their hoses. :eek:
We used to have an annual block party and invite the local FD to come over. Normally they'd park their truck and let kids of all ages climb on it. One year, they hooked to a hydrant and pulled out a hose, then made "new guy" do his thang. All the neighborhood moms lined up to take their turns on the nozzle with him behind them and his arms around them. It really was funny to watch.
Your son probably still swears, just not in your presence. :tongue:

But that's really all we can hope for, teaching people not to swear in places where it is inappropriate or unwelcome. And the places where it is not appropriate changes over time.
If we can just get them to the place where they realize that certain things are not appropriate at certain times and/or places, that's half the battle. It's a concept that seems to be beyond some people.
We have a girl at work with a half naked poster of Patrick Swayze that's easily four feet tall above her desk. (I am not offended by it, but I assume she's into dead guys or something.)

I imagine if the gender of that particular staff member and their poster were reversed, the double standard would kick in and the world would be all drama-filled for an hour with bosses running around harrumphing and the personal posters would all come down, to make us all "happy" again.

Such is the way of the PC cult.

Yes, customers have seen it. No, nobody cares. Make that even a Marylyn Monroe poster and the indoctrinated fools would freak out.
"I assume she's into dead guys or something."

We used to have an annual block party and invite the local FD to come over. Normally they'd park their truck and let kids of all ages climb on it. One year, they hooked to a hydrant and pulled out a hose, then made "new guy" do his thang. All the neighborhood moms lined up to take their turns on the nozzle with him behind them and his arms around them. It really was funny to watch.

They use our parking lot to do drills a lot. Before this year's Boston Marathon event, they came out and practiced how to remove protestors chained to concrete-filled buckets. I wanted to be a volunteer "protestor," but my boss told me to behave :( Instead I just made a lot of unnecessary trips out to my car that day!
Don't get me wrong - I'm not offended by any of it, I just get tired of seeing it all the time (or what seems like all the time lately). But whatever... it's pretty easy to just roll my eyes and scroll past, or click out and go look at my firemen smut.

If you inserted the phrase "pull the red handle," that describes exactly how I feel. Except for the fireman smut part.
Kids are a product of their environment that is very true, but as MAKG mentioned, they'll do what they need to for their peers to think they're "cool". I knew a girl in HS that come Saturday night would hang out at parties, puff the weed and drink like a fish. You think mama taught her that? Nope. Her mother and father are totally the opposite, but her peer group influenced her otherwise. A lot of kids live a double life, and it's a sad thing to witness young kids fall into.
That's why you also manage their environment until they've demonstrated that they can manage it themselves.
If we can just get them to the place where they realize that certain things are not appropriate at certain times and/or places, that's half the battle. It's a concept that seems to be beyond some people.
I would say that is a battle over manners, not morals. If you properly shape their morality, the manners are easy.
I would say that is a battle over manners, not morals. If you properly shape their morality, the manners are easy.

Gotta get the conformity guilt trip going early or it doesn't stick.

You didn't perhaps attend Catholic school did you? LOL...

"If you back talk the authority figure, you're going to hell... you know that, right?" ;) ;) ;)
Free range kids don't always work out so well.

My siblings and I were pretty much free range growing up. We could take off for the day on our bikes and as long as we were back before dinner, we were fine.
I would say that is a battle over manners, not morals. If you properly shape their morality, the manners are easy.

Everyone's morals are different. Mine might be different than yours but that does not make them wrong. I see nothing wrong with using certain words in various contexts that others would not use at all. There are way too many uptight people in this world.
Gotta get the conformity guilt trip going early or it doesn't stick.

You didn't perhaps attend Catholic school did you? LOL...

"If you back talk the authority figure, you're going to hell... you know that, right?" ;) ;) ;)
No. Never attended a Catholic school and have only been to Mass once. I probably would disagree with some but not all of what they teach.

Conformity guilt trip?? That must be something in your experience, not mine. I said "shape their morality", I didn't say how. Did you shape your kids morality or did you let their environment do it?
No. Never attended a Catholic school and have only been to Mass once. I probably would disagree with some but not all of what they teach.

Conformity guilt trip?? That must be something in your experience, not mine. I said "shape their morality", I didn't say how. Did you shape your kids morality or did you let their environment do it?

Haha I think you may have missed the humor. Plus you need some old friends who did attend those schools in the days of whacking the students with rulers to get it. They'll agree they were more scared of the nuns whacking them than of cussing. ;)

As far as the kid thing goes, nature knew better than to let me raise any. :)
Everyone's morals are different. Mine might be different than yours but that does not make them wrong. I see nothing wrong with using certain words in various contexts that others would not use at all. There are way too many uptight people in this world.
To kind of restate my point a different way, if everyone's morals are different their manners are likely to be as well. Convincing someone of right manners is difficult if they are on a different page morally.
That's why you also manage their environment until they've demonstrated that they can manage it themselves.
Umm, good luck with that.

You can manage a preschooler's environment. Not a middle schooler's. FAR too many variables you just don't have control over. Unless you pick your kid's friends for him....and then try to figure out how to get him to forgive you.
Haha I think you may have missed the humor. Plus you need some old friends who did attend those schools in the days of whacking the students with rulers to get it. They'll agree they were more scared of the nuns whacking them than of cussing. ;)

As far as the kid thing goes, nature knew better than to let me raise any. :)
I should have added, I did watch a movie about Catholic school called "Heaven Can Wait". It was a good movie at the time. I think it gave me a pretty good idea of what you're getting at. Honestly though, as rigid and arbitrary as it seems as a kid, it probably was much better than what kids are getting now.
Edit: Heaven Help Us not what I said above.
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Umm, good luck with that.

You can manage a preschooler's environment. Not a middle schooler's. FAR too many variables you just don't have control over. Unless you pick your kid's friends for him....and then try to figure out how to get him to forgive you.
Picking their friends for them is a big part of managing their environment. And, it is very achievable. If done properly, it will more likely lead them to thank you rather than curse you.
Picking their friends for them is a big part of managing their environment. And, it is very achievable. If done properly, it will more likely lead them to thank you rather than curse you.

You can't pick a 10 year old's friends unless you manage every moment of every day. You probably can't do that even if you do manage every minute; they will defy you. I met a few products of that type of helicopter upbringing when I was in college. They were not well adjusted people, and most of them had very serious problems adapting to life outside the helicopter environment.
You can't pick a 10 year old's friends unless you manage every moment of every day. You probably can't do that even if you do manage every minute; they will defy you. I met a few products of that type of helicopter upbringing when I was in college. They were not well adjusted people, and most of them had very serious problems adapting to life outside the helicopter environment.
If you aren't able pick your 10yr old's friends, you are falling short of your parental responsibilities.
If you aren't able pick your 10yr old's friends, you are falling short of your parental responsibilities.

Nope. Picking friends is your child's responsibility, not yours.

You cannot raise a child without responsibility unless you wish to have a child who can't handle responsibility.