Which do you choose?


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Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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You have the choice for being given a brand new 2020 Cessna 172S or a 2020 Piper Archer III. These are your options - which one do you choose and why?
You have the choice for being given a brand new 2020 Cessna 172S or a 2020 Piper Archer III. These are your options - which one do you choose and why?

I spent a large chunk of my instructing career at a Piper school and delivered several PA-28s from Vero Beach to Seattle. Lots of high-wing time, too, but given the choice I would opt for the Archer. I like the low wing.

ob Gardner
Cessna, 2 doors, better for sight seeing. Not going far in either of them anyway.
Archer. Looks.
I was going to say "Archer" because I've got a Cherokee, and much of the same rationale that led me to choose a Cherokee once is still applicable today. However, after taking a moment to think about it, since I already have the Cherokee I would choose the 172, and try flying them both for a while to see if I develop a preference for one over the other.
Right, going flight seeing pick the high wing. Like the *looks* pick the low. ;)
Surprisingly, 172. I like looking at the ground now.
Archer of course.... unless I'm not required to keep it, then whichever gives me the highest resale value so I can sell it and buy something 30 years old that's bigger and faster.
Since I already have a low wing travel machine I’d take the 172. I’d put fat tires on it, fly low and slow, look at the cows, and land on grass strips.
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172. Easy choice
2 doors
built in umbrellas for preflight, entrance, and exit
better view down where everything to look at is
easier in and out
less crawling through mud to sump tanks
The only thing more depressing than flying a 172 is not flying anything.

so I’d take the archer.
172 ease of entry. Dot really care where the wing is.
Either one, but whichever would sell faster. That would likely be the final nail in my working career's coffin. After retirement I could fly the RV-12 (and do a lot of other things) as much as I wanted to.
Good answers.

I was driving home from the airport this afternoon and this thought came into my head after seeing ATP flight school in for a check ride - using an Archer III. Some places have their primary fleet as 172’s, while others use the Archer III. Given the two are near identical, in terms of capabilities, I really had to think about it for a minute. Which one would I choose if I were given the option? To be honest, I’m still not sure. I’m pretty indifferent on the two, because there’s things about both airplanes that I like...
I think that could change the scenario a little. If either one was given to me to do as I please, I’d choose the -172. However, if performing instruction with it was a requirement for owning it, I’d choose the Archer. I’m more comfortable in the low wing, but the older I get, the more I see the ease of getting in/out, double doors, shade from the high wing, less complexity, etc of the -172 as being more desireable.
I would probably choose the 172 even though I really like low wings. I guess the way I would look at it is that, if I can't pull my feet up, I might as well fly a 172. But, I did the majority of my PPL in a 172SP and really liked it over all the older 172 models.
Cessna. The schools are beating down the doors of owners making silly offers to keep fleets flying with the pilot “shortage” and all the training going on.

S model Skyhawks are going for more than my first house.
You have the choice for being given a brand new 2020 Cessna 172S or a 2020 Piper Archer III. These are your options - which one do you choose and why?
Archer.. without a doubt

Looks and handling
Archer for no other reason than I despise the seating position in the 172 and truck like ailerons.
I've flown nearly ever iteration of the 172 from the OG 1956 to the 1999 SP picture below when it was nearly new at Epic at EVB and the SP was far superior to even the R model it succeeded. Better everything; interior, avionics, power (180 vs 160) and I swear even quieter than its' predecessors. I would take it over the Piper, despite the PA-28 being the better aircraft (has better flight characteristics (trim less often as low wing is affected as much from power changes, faster roll rate due to shorter wings), quieter interior a higher useful load (by 72#) and the continuous wing spar means the PA-28 has a higher structural integrity than the 172. My preference is the 172 as I have much more time in one than the PA-28 (I only have a handful of hours in a PA-28 and nothing newer than the 70s).

If I were given the choice between the 2 and told I couldn't sell it and had to fly it, it'd be the 172. If it were given to me and I could do anything I wanted to; I'd sell it and buy a Maule ASAP (and it'd be an old used one at that and I'd pocket the difference in $ which would pay off my house)!

2 doors
easier to get into

But wouldn't cry if I got an Archer III
I am surprised everyone is basing the decision on looks and comfort. How do their performance and equipment compare?
Cessna. The schools are beating down the doors of owners making silly offers to keep fleets flying with the pilot “shortage” and all the training going on.

S model Skyhawks are going for more than my first house.

It's the same for nearly new Archers. A friend of mine owned a nicely equipped, really low time 2012 Archer that he bought cheap because nobody wanted/could afford it. He made over $100k profit on the deal when he sold it this past summer. It went to a flight school and I'd bet it now has 5 times the hours it had on it when he sold it.

He also has a nearly new DA40. People are calling inquiring about that too because there aren't enough for sale.
I’ve always been bumfuzzled by those who would chose a high wing for ground visibility/sight seeing.....but then I fly a Grumman - I think the ground visibility is quite good, and many reviewers seem to agree...,.but I digress....back to the 172 vs Piper discussion. Don’t mind me
Six in one hand, half dozen in the other. I've got hundreds of hours in either type. I don't find much difference between the two, besides being in the shade or getting sunburned.