What's your favorite Video game?

You sink battleships in real life? Huh... should we call someone?
Game bug never bit me, prefer to do stuff in real life. *shrug*

By my rather lengthy post, you'd think I had the game bug, but not really. I had to take care of cows, build fence, haul hay, mow 5 acres, cut, haul, split, and stack firewood, stayed busy with sports throughout the school year, and was a commercial roofer in the summers. In my day, video games were just something to do after work/chores were done and bedtime, which was not very long at my house, but it was fun. We only got about 5 TV channels on the antenna out in the boonies, so games were an alternative while the folks watched the boring news. We had the big TV in the living room and a about a 12-14 inch black and white Montgomery Ward TV for the Nintendo until I bought a color TV with my roofing money when I was about 16 yo. Good times indeed.
By my rather lengthy post, you'd think I had the game bug, but not really. I had to take care of cows, .......

Not knocking gaming, it's just that particular hobby never really grabbed me. That's all!
POA Fleet - Assemble!

My favorite was Defender. The one that always sticks in my head was Adventure, although it's not really a video game since it was text based. My father worked for Comshare, a computer time vendor in the 70's and would bring home a terminal that the phone headset plugged into to work from home and my brothers and I hogged it as much as possible.
Adventure is a great game, that's for sure.