What to do with 998 1/8" chrome steel bearing balls.

Chip Sylverne

Final Approach
Jun 17, 2006
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Quit with the negative waves, man.
I needed 2 for a repair. Bought 1000 of 'em on Amazon for $4. Gonna have a few left over.
Not really up for making a Claymore, but willing to entertain suggestions.
Take one down, pass it around...
We could start a ball bearing delivery around the country, like the Monkey. First guy takes 998 ball bearings to the next guy, who leaves with 997 ball bearings, etc, till they’re all gone.
Make for some nice hand-loads in 12 ga with a little buffer powder.
Make a tabletop with a 1/4 inch lip. Spread the bearings onto it and once smooth, fill in with clear epoxy or poly. If your real crafty you could create a design with the ball bearings.
Neal Boortz gets credit for this idea:

Next time you have a party at your house, go to your bathroom and open the medicine cabinet. Put a thin peace of cardboard across the bottom and put the bearings behind the cardboard on the bottom of the cabinet. Then close the door and slide the cardboard down and out.

You will be surprised how many nosy people look into medicine cabinets just to see what is in there. Stand near the door when you see someone go in. I promise you won't have to wait long to hear a scream or gasp as 998 ball bearings come rolling out onto the counter and the floor.
Many, many years ago, I worked my way through college as a machinist at a small job shop that made automotive manufacturing screw feeders. We received a job to make feeders for small rubber ball bearings. The rubber ball bearings came in two sizes, one about 3/8", and one about 1/4". To help us develop the feeders, the company we were making the feeders for sent us two, 5 gallon-sized boxes of each sized rubber ball bearings. It didn't take but a few days for someone to figure out that a tube, attached to an air hose, would shoot those bearings hard enough to give someone quite a welt, all the way across the shop. Other guys figured out that if you used 2 tubes connected at right angles, and filled one tube with the ball bearings while the other tube was connected to an air hose, that you would have a pretty good ball bearing machine gun. In a matter of a week, the foreman (who was also the lead "ball bearing machine gun maker") called the company we were making the feeders for, and requested two refrigerator-sized boxes of the ball bearings, for "further testing". It wasn't safe to walk around the job shop for months!
True story from long ago... I was in Junior High School at the time.

We were in one of those meaningless assemblies in the school auditorium. Someone (not me, honest Mr. Principal) brought in your basic box with 1000 ball bearings, sat in the back row, and released the bearings. They began to roll down to the front, clattering off the seat legs like it was a giant pachinko machine. It made quite a racket. Soon they began to come out near the stage.

In the meantime, the assembly stopped. There was a lot of giggling from those upstream of the tide of bearings and much wtf-ing from those downstream who could not identify the noise. Finally the faculty was able to restore order. The principal asked in a royally ****ed voice, "OK, who has the iron balls?"

This kid stood up and yelled "Superman!!!"

They never could get the students settled down after that! Cancel the rest of the assembly. Time to hit the busses and go home!

You will be surprised how many nosy people look into medicine cabinets just to see what is in there.

These days they look to score some Oxycontin.
When I first read your post I read it as ONE 998 & 1/8” ball and I’m like that’s one giant ball!
aren't those the favs for bomb making materials? o_O

If you see a black van parked out front.....you'll know why. :D

Just sell them on e-bay....no one will ever know two are missing. lol
Invite people over, convince them you're a vegetarian and a hunter, sprinkle some in the broccoli. Of course, that means serving a meal with no meat, but it'd be worth it for the funny.
Got a friend that needs to be pranked? Perhaps a neighbor that's a jack***? Talk your way into their house and sprinkle them in the carpet. They'll barely be noticable in deeper carpets and cause that annoying rat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat in the vacuum cleaner. Bonus if you can do it over and over again without getting caught.
Take a few with you to a public restroom. When you're in the stall next to someone, pee and groan painfully while saying "oh man these kidney stones" dropping them in one at a time.
maybe create a work of art?....just say'n. or....you could be BB king for a day. :D

Save them for weddings. Put a few in their hub caps while decorating the car.