What’s the Status of Training in Special Classes?


Cleared for Takeoff
Dec 21, 2018
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I’ll get the details wrong, but there was recently an FAA legal case that resulted in an opinion that no flight training could take place in Experimentals, LSAs, or any other Special category without a LODA. Oshkosh happened, and there was a flurry of discussion. Mount Vernon happened and there was another flurry. I haven’t heard anything since.

One of my sons is a CFI. Another, who has a medical past, wants to learn to fly. If we buy an LSA together, can the one son teach the other legally? How about if he does it for free? And what about the checkride? If an instructor can’t get paid to “carry passengers” in an LSA, it seems a DPE couldn’t either.

Please tell me this got cleaned up while I was doing other things.

Edit: yes, I KNOW it’s categories, not classes. Too late to change it.
Several people here have reported that getting the LODA was not a big deal...


To obtain a LODA, owners of experimental aircraft and flight instructors providing flight training in experimental aircraft may submit a request to the following email address: 9-AVS-AFG-LODA@faa.gov. Applicants seeking a LODA through this process must provide the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Pilot Certificate Number
  • Flight instructor certificate number (if applying as a Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI))
  • Aircraft Registration Number (if applying as an owner)
  • Aircraft make/model in which you will receive or provide instruction
  • Aircraft home base airport (if applying as an owner)
The FAA will review the information submitted and issue a LODA (via email) that reflects the conditions and limitations contained in this notification, as well any additional limitations required in accordance with § 91.319(h) and (i).

Individuals seeking to provide flight training and receive compensation for both the flight training and the use of the aircraft must continue to apply for LODAs through their local FSDOs.
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I sent my LODA (letter of deviation) request to the FAA and received the LODA one week later. I have heard reports that it has even gotten faster since then.

It says I am now legal to receive flight training in my experimental aircraft. This is limited to after the Phase 1 is complete.

Surprisingly it does NOT state that I cannot receive primary flight training which I understood from the original documents. Perhaps it doesn't say it because it is covered elsewhere.

The LODA also says a flight instructor is authorized to exercise the privileges of this LODA in any
experimental aircraft for which he or she is qualified to provide flight training.

You must keep a copy of the LODA in the aircraft.

The only significant ops limit is that the LODA expires after 48 months. Presumably you will be able to apply for a new one at that time. This assumes the FAA won't change the rules in the meantime....
Thanks, guys. That's good to know. Sounds like they haven't actually fixed the problem. I wonder if there's a plan. Supposedly, the alphabets got really riled up about it and complained bitterly to the FAA. This whole thing is stupid.
I’ll get the details wrong, but there was recently an FAA legal case that resulted in an opinion that no flight training could take place in Experimentals, LSAs, or any other Special category without a LODA. Oshkosh happened, and there was a flurry of discussion. Mount Vernon happened and there was another flurry. I haven’t heard anything since.

One of my sons is a CFI. Another, who has a medical past, wants to learn to fly. If we buy an LSA together, can the one son teach the other legally? How about if he does it for free? And what about the checkride? If an instructor can’t get paid to “carry passengers” in an LSA, it seems a DPE couldn’t either.

Please tell me this got cleaned up while I was doing other things.

Edit: yes, I KNOW it’s categories, not classes. Too late to change it.
The issue was not that instruction was prohibited. The issue was that carriage of persons for compensation was prohibited. Will the instruction be truly free?
If it has to be, it'll be free. I paid for all of the CFIs education. He can pay some back by teaching his brother.

But that doesn't fix the DPE problem.
I emailed mine in on Monday December 27th, they sent the signed copy back to me on the 28th.
