Time building (best wet hourly rate prices)


Jan 7, 2021
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Looking to see what are the wet rates in your area for flying?

Rocky Mountain flying $99-wet c172
Little rock - $85 wet -pa28
Are those available to anyone off the street or part of a club with other fees? Those are incredibly low relative to anything I've seen. Are they birds you would feel comfortable taking your family up in? Our local club's lowest cost plane is a Piper Warrior 140 at $125/hr.
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$168 wet for a 172 with steam gauges in two of them and a pair of g5's in one. 180hp AirPlanes STC.
The Archer I rented for training was $60/hr dry, and used about $30 of fuel an hour (at the $3.84/gal it was when I trained...) and less doing patternwork, so it was pretty in line with the numbers in the OP. During the two years I flew it, it only had one mx-related failure, which was the gasket/seal on the fuel cap. There are some small-town airports renting awesome, reliable planes for crazy-low prices.
I rent my Grumman AA5 (with autopilot) for $90/ hour dry. The renter can choose how much fuel they want to burn. Other places local to me are renting a Warrior for $140 wet and a 172 for $175 wet.
If you really want to build time… go buy a plane with 65hp. Last hour I flew my Luscombe just for fun it only burned 3.7 gals of gas…