The 'Why aren't there any more rant threads?' Rant


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Feb 12, 2019
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What ever happened to the rant threads?

Is everybody just completely happy and content and there are no piddling issues to rant about anymore? No minor irritants? No more trifling annoyances left???

I find this hard to believe. I had to resort to ranting in a completely legitimate thread earlier today. Where, oh where did the rant threads go??

There must be some more rant-worthy stuff out there.

I mean, c'mon. Here are a few -
  • My neighbors leave their trash cans out DAYS after the trash is hauled away.
  • I just used ALL CAPS in that previous sentence.
  • I did it again just there! I hate that.
  • I can't stand it when people say 'checking on' when switching frequencies.
  • I don't like it when people use single quotes like I did in that sentence above.
  • See, I can even rant about things I do. Don't get me started on exclamation points and how people overuse them!! Like this!!!
  • Overuse of bulleted lists..........
Rant away, PoA. Rant away.
That's the sprit! Ranting is so 2020.
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What happened to Sac's rants about fast food and the girls working the counter?
I'll have to search for that one.

Here's one that just happened - I hate (hatred) when I want a peanut butter sandwich for a snack and my wife bought that kind of peanut butter that is like 1/2 oily water and 1/2 peanut sludge and they separate and you can't mix them together without an actual blender because they are chemically opposed to each other somehow and you just give up and end up smearing oily sludge-y paste all over the bread and the bread just can't take it and crumbles so you just ball it all up and eat the whole mess.................

That just happened.
Most of the Raptor Aircraft posts are ranting babble. And there's lots of them!
Rants are the new SZ. Don't expect them to last.

So my wife got turned on to this book "How Not to Die" and became a mostly pescatarian. Then my young daughter had the audacity to be diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and changed her diet accordingly.

I mean, can't a dude enjoy a good steak and potato dinner without any guilt once in a while? Oh wait, yes I can, as I am alone in my home occasionally.


You're welcome.
I'll have to search for that one.

Here's one that just happened - I hate (hatred) when I want a peanut butter sandwich for a snack and my wife bought that kind of peanut butter that is like 1/2 oily water and 1/2 peanut sludge and they separate and you can't mix them together without an actual blender because they are chemically opposed to each other somehow and you just give up and end up smearing oily sludge-y paste all over the bread and the bread just can't take it and crumbles so you just ball it all up and eat the whole mess.................

That just happened.

Ah yes , the ole "Peanut Butter Rant".

My mother would give me the work over for buying her the wrong PB.
I fooled her , I out lived her eating the "bad stuff" ;)
I don't like it when people use single quotes
As a person who does this, I'd like to apologize. I will move my finger one key over and use '""' from now on.
people who confuse geostationary with geosynchronous
Here's one that just happened - I hate (hatred) when I want a peanut butter sandwich for a snack and my wife bought that kind of peanut butter that is like 1/2 oily water and 1/2 peanut sludge and they separate and you can't mix them together without an actual blender because they are chemically opposed to each other somehow and you just give up and end up smearing oily sludge-y paste all over the bread and the bread just can't take it and crumbles so you just ball it all up and eat the whole mess.................
Flip the jar upside down and leave it on the counter or in the pantry for 3 days. On the 3rd day, shake it for 20 seconds or so and enjoy.

Also, putting it in the refrigerator at that point will help keep it emulsified.
I'll have to search for that one.

Here's one that just happened - I hate (hatred) when I want a peanut butter sandwich for a snack and my wife bought that kind of peanut butter that is like 1/2 oily water and 1/2 peanut sludge and they separate and you can't mix them together without an actual blender because they are chemically opposed to each other somehow and you just give up and end up smearing oily sludge-y paste all over the bread and the bread just can't take it and crumbles so you just ball it all up and eat the whole mess.................

That just happened.

Jif baby! "Give me fully hydrogenated vegetable oils, or give me death"[1]

[1] Note proper use of quotes
What happened to Sac's rants about fast food and the girls working the counter?

He got a sandwich that looked like the menu board and bagged the 'one'...Big Bad Sac is sweet Satchel now...
@Ted you are the OG of ranting rants...

So I guess my rant is that I didn't do a search to dig up the original ranting rant and post there. All this ranting is making me hungry for peanut butter but wait...... I have to wait three day for my upside-down jar of organic sludge to mix. I hatred organic peanut butter.
@Ted you are the OG of ranting rants...

So I guess my rant is that I didn't do a search to dig up the original ranting rant and post there. All this ranting is making me hungry for peanut butter but wait...... I have to wait three day for my upside-down jar of organic sludge to mix. I hatred organic peanut butter.

Dude, post #18
@Bill yep. JIf is the good stuff... someone bought the wrong stuff.........

Anybody want to rant on crunchy vs smooth? Cause crunchy is extra good stuff
@Bill yep. JIf is the good stuff... someone bought the wrong stuff.........

Anybody want to rant on crunchy vs smooth? Cause crunchy is extra good stuff

Crunchy is good, but it foobars the bread and you end up with the very same peanut butter dough ball you disparaged above!
I have to rant about how I contradict myself all the time now. This day is going downhill fast.
this is like rant-ception

I really should start getting some work done.
Now I'm left here wondering what an "OG" is. Damn kids.......!!!! ;)
Original Gangster, Ted. Original Gangster.

Don't get me going on a 'damn kids' rant.... great now I am back to the single quotes.
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Too long. Didn't rant?
Here's one that just happened - I hate (hatred) when I want a peanut butter sandwich for a snack and my wife bought that kind of peanut butter that is like 1/2 oily water and 1/2 peanut sludge and they separate and you can't mix them together without an actual blender because they are chemically opposed to each other somehow and you just give up and end up smearing oily sludge-y paste all over the bread and the bread just can't take it and crumbles so you just ball it all up and eat the whole mess.................

That is the best peanut butter.!!

Mix if up, put it on the bread, add sliced banana and bacon, then butter the outside of the bread and fry it like a grilled cheese.!!

It worked for Elvis....

Oh, I hatred folks that use the word ''dude''.... Back in the olden days when I was growing up when someone called another person ''dude'', it meant they wanted to fight.
How in the world have people become so illiterate that "then" and "than" are considered the same word?

And the poor apostrophe pretty much no longer has a purpose.
Oh, I hatred folks that use the word ''dude''.... Back in the olden days when I was growing up when someone called another person ''dude'', it meant they wanted to fight.

Oh, I hat[r]ed folks that use the word ''dude''.... Back in the olden days when I was growing up when someone called another person ''dude'', it meant they wanted to fight.

At the U.S. Army induction center at Fort Dix, NJ, I almost broke out LOL when a kid called the drill Sergeant "Dude" after getting out of that famous bus and standing on the painted feet...
@Bill yep. JIf is the good stuff... someone bought the wrong stuff.........

Anybody want to rant on crunchy vs smooth? Cause crunchy is extra good stuff

Jif? The devil's spawn. Back before my urologist told me to stop eating peanuts I loved peanut butter. Skippy crunch style. Jif always tasted funny to me. But, that's what we have in the house these days as the grandsons like it (doesn't matter to me, I can't eat it anymore).

At the U.S. Army induction center at Fort Dix, NJ, I almost broke out LOL when a kid called the drill Sergeant "Dude" after getting out of that famous bus and standing on the painted feet...

That would have been a funny show to watch. I'll bet that kid never did that again.
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At the U.S. Army induction center at Fort Dix, NJ, I almost broke out LOL when a kid called the drill Sergeant "Dude" after getting out of that famous bus and standing on the painted feet...

LOL. At OCS in Newport I was standing at attention when another indoc arrived in a cab, and proceeded to pull golf clubs and a tennis racket out of the trunk. OMFG, a 6'6" tough as nails CMBM got in his face asked him if he thought he was going to the country club. "On your face, indoc, start pumping them out!" The command master chief named him "Hobie" since he was from California, and that name stuck, thru OCS and Nuc school he was known as Hobie. I can't even remember the dude's real name lol.

There were a few snickers disguised as sneezes as this all played out. Funny as hell...
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I'm so over ranting. End of rant.