the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

We watched "The Great Waldo Pepper" this evening. That was a fun movie. Not what I was expecting. I don't remember the last movie I watched that had that much surprise and suspense. It's actually a good movie, and the airplanes and flying sequences are great. I actually paused it a few times to point out things to the kids like the tail skids on the ww1 biplanes. I heartily recommend it.
I jump up from my chair, turn off the microwave and open the window over the sink. I tell me wife to expect....well.. the smoke detector which is now sounding off. I don't mean a little peep peep peep smoke detector, I mean the Beavis and Butthead smoke detector.!!
I have Nest Protect smoke alarms in my house. That means that I have an app on my phone that alerts when the house is on fire (in addition to the screeching alarms in the house). That means that I can turn any recorded sound into the audio alert for an active smoke alarm. Thanks for helping me find an appropriate recording to use for this. If the house burns down, I at least deserve a good laugh over it.
I have Nest Protect smoke alarms in my house. That means that I have an app on my phone that alerts when the house is on fire (in addition to the screeching alarms in the house). That means that I can turn any recorded sound into the audio alert for an active smoke alarm. Thanks for helping me find an appropriate recording to use for this. If the house burns down, I at least deserve a good laugh over it.

for me that would be country music. the only thing that would make me want to get out of a burning house more than the fire is country music.
for me that would be country music. the only thing that would make me want to get out of a burning house more than the fire is country music.
You dipped you toes in K-POP with singer dudes wearing enough makeup to quality as a clown? That **** will make me leap from a perfectly fine airplane without a 'chute.
I have Nest Protect smoke alarms in my house. That means that I have an app on my phone that alerts when the house is on fire (in addition to the screeching alarms in the house). That means that I can turn any recorded sound into the audio alert for an active smoke alarm. Thanks for helping me find an appropriate recording to use for this. If the house burns down, I at least deserve a good laugh over it.

I'd say "ring of fire", but that might put you back to sleep. Instead, you want this:

That means that I have an app on my phone that alerts when the house is on fire (in addition to the screeching alarms in the house). That means that I can turn any recorded sound into the audio alert for an active smoke alarm. Thanks for helping me find an appropriate recording to use for this.

Another alternative:

I'd say "ring of fire", but that might put you back to sleep. Instead, you want this:

I've got to make that into a ring tone for a few key people in my contact list.
I don’t think we should be looking directly at the sun
Anyone know what these are in the middle of Dayton's big airport (KDAY)? At first I thought they were hangars but doors don't seem big enough, plus they have yards with a fence? There are about 2 dozen of these.

joking aside, my bet would be somebody has a business transporting some type of animal by air, and this is a rest stop for them.

joking included, it could be where they're going to relocate people who complain about nearby airport noise.
I got more bad news on my plane yesterday so I texted @Jim K and told him I was selling it. In a show as a good friend, he asked if I had any good tools I didn't need anymore.
At least he didn't ask if it would be a good parts plane...
I got more bad news on my plane yesterday so I texted @Jim K and told him I was selling it. In a show as a good friend, he asked if I had any good tools I didn't need anymore.
What plane and what news? Sorry to hear about the troubles.
At least he didn't ask if it would be a good parts plane...
I guess I should be more truthful. He asked if I would take $50k so he could have a second one.

Or maybe he actually offered his plane for use because he's a good dude. One of the two.
I guess I should be more truthful. He asked if I would take $50k so he could have a second one.

Or maybe he actually offered his plane for use because he's a good dude. One of the two.
I'd give more if it had electric flaps... :D
What plane and what news? Sorry to hear about the troubles.
I have a Piper Lance. It's been in annual for the last month. I took it to a new shop because I thought my near retirement mechanic was starting to miss things. I was right. It's going to be one of those big check writing annuals. Yesterday during the gear swings they found a crack in one of the nose gear bracings.
I guess I should be more truthful. He asked if I would take $50k so he could have a second one.

Or maybe he actually offered his plane for use because he's a good dude. One of the two.
That 750xi would slide right into the rack for my legacy 750.

Just sayin'.
Few more days until I win the Wings of Hope raffle 182!
Participated in my first "young eagles"event this morning. Flew 8 kids. It was much more fun than I expected. Most were quiet, but all really enjoyed it, and a couple could barely contain themselves.

Seven pilots flew about 60 kids, one puked, thankfully it wasn't one of mine. So now I'm weighing the fun & joy of sharing aviation with kids against the likelihood of one puking in my plane.
Participated in my first "young eagles"event this morning. Flew 8 kids. It was much more fun than I expected. Most were quiet, but all really enjoyed it, and a couple could barely contain themselves.

Seven pilots flew about 60 kids, one puked, thankfully it wasn't one of mine. So now I'm weighing the fun & joy of sharing aviation with kids against the likelihood of one puking in my plane.
Supposedly there's something in here about puking in a plastic toy fireman's helmet.
HowToBeADad - At least they weren't wearing a mask. By ...
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He ended up sitting on the toilet an vomiting into the air vent in the floor ... On one fateful trip my brother threw up in a plastic toy fireman's helmet.
You have some of those to take along.
who else trolls through the Experimental section of barnstormers and goes "oooh neat..." and looks up the type of kit planes you've never seen before?
Sunday I thought I had just witnessed a near miss from a loss of separation while driving on Joint Base Charleston. I saw a 737 a couple of hundred feet off the ground in a steep (for an airliner) right turn over the base and another jet at the same altitude turning hard left. I checked on here and I checked the ATC and, after not seeing it mentioned anywhere, just figured that I imagined it.

Until today... Go Around Incident: JetBlue A220 & American 737 MAX Experience Loss of Separation (
I've been binging Ice Pilots (I'm on Season 5) and TIL the C-46 had fabric ailerons... :eek:
I've been binging Ice Pilots (I'm on Season 5) and TIL the C-46 had fabric ailerons... :eek:
Didn't most wwii planes, including many of the fighters? I know the c47 at least had fabric rudder & elevator. That is a good show.

In other news, here was my evening:

That's $2500 worth of seed. Bottom of the box broke and it tipped over; that's a new one on me. I think I'm going to pull the old 1950's era seed cleaner out tomorrow to separate out the rocks. It hasn't been used in at least 30 years, so that should be interesting.
Didn't most wwii planes, including many of the fighters? I know the c47 at least had fabric rudder & elevator. That is a good show.

In other news, here was my evening:
View attachment 117041

That's $2500 worth of seed. Bottom of the box broke and it tipped over; that's a new one on me. I think I'm going to pull the old 1950's era seed cleaner out tomorrow to separate out the rocks. It hasn't been used in at least 30 years, so that should be interesting.
Your post fulfills the requirement of 'pics or never happened,' so I guess we can move on now. Thank you for sharing your misery is greater than ours. ;)