Strega for sale

I remember someone here talking about plans to broadcast some of the Reno Air Race events....

Did that ever happen?
Wonder what my engine reserve would be per hour............
My first trip to the Reno air races was in 1987, watching Bill 'Tiger' Destefani win the Unlimited Gold. The team had a sense of humor, the pitot tube cover was a witch on a broomstick (in reference to the name) and a plush toy tiger was always in the cockpit when it was parked.

I think he's been trying to sell the airplane or raise some corporate sponsorship for several years now.
It's been for sale for some time now. Saw it in a hanger in Mojave once back in 99. A rare bird indeed.
What would I do with the additional 3620 hp more than I have now? Not sure if there's enough right rudder for that . . .
I remember someone here talking about plans to broadcast some of the Reno Air Race events....

Did that ever happen?
I saw some televised a year or two ago. It doesn't really show that well on TV, the Red Bull events are more interesting to watch. The airplanes flash by and just become dots in the distance.
Years ago at Oshkosh 4-5 put on a demo race. "Hoot" Gibson flew one of them.
Problem is it only flies in circles.
On my sling tv package, they have some Reno recess here and there on one of the channels. I enjoy the other race classes more than the butchered warbirds but that is just me I guess.

Besides, how you supposed to take the ladies for a ride in that thing?
That company also has a beautiful corsair and the one and only QED built by the late Jim Moss!
It probably has damage history or missing logs, so knock 20% or so off the asking price, right?
I remember someone here talking about plans to broadcast some of the Reno Air Race events....

Did that ever happen?
A local guy I know flew in the Reno Air Races in 2016(maybe 2015 but I think 2016), a major news organization strapped a couple go pros to his plane but idk if that footage ever aired, I just got to see his own edited footage.
Wonder what my engine reserve would be per hour............

Talking to Steve Hinton in the pits this year, they get about 25 hours between overhauls...
Talking to Steve Hinton in the pits this year, they get about 25 hours between overhauls...

Is that when the compressions start falling off? Or does it start making metal?
If it doesn't have an AoA indicator, then I'm NOT going to buy it.
With Reno struggling lately, the number of interested potential buyers has to be rather small.
That company also has a beautiful corsair and the one and only QED built by the late Jim Moss!
That Corsair is spectacular!!! $4.6 million, what would my payments be, including the late charge??
That Corsair is spectacular!!! $4.6 million, what would my payments be, including the late charge??

Well, with the standard 10% down ($460,000), on a 10 year note at 3.67% interest, the monthly payment will be $41,270. I dunno about the late charges...
I guess their target market just dried up

Don't worry.... Some guy from Maui will be here shortly to convince him he really does need an AoA. He can turn tighter left circles if he flies the do-nut. Maybe $300 off will help make that choice easier too.....
Years ago at Oshkosh 4-5 put on a demo race. "Hoot" Gibson flew one of them.

This summer my son went to the Aviation Challenge Camp in Huntsville, right next to Space Camp. At the end, they do a lunch with the families where an astronaut comes to talk to everyone. "Hoot" Gibson was the guy this time. Before the presentation, he was wandering around with his lunch tray looking for his handler. I got bike (for me) and said "Captain Gibson, there's an open seat here if you are looking." He smiled and sat and talked with usher about 45 minutes. He was really caught off guard when he was pulled from Strega. He had won the race one year, and then the owner told him he was too old the next.

Man, he had some great stories.
Platinum Fighters is probably the last place I'd go to sell an airplane. Most of their 'inventory' has been listed with them for well over a year. Some are over 2 years. They don't move much.
It is a small and very specialized market that is shrinking faster than GA overall. I still enjoy being at the races and hearing those big engines do their thing. It is a pleasure best viewed from a distance that keeps your wallet out of the mix. I couldn't afford the oil that goes through one of those things in a race, let alone all the metal trying to keep the oil on the inside. The video on the seller's website did get my attention. Sigh.
someone should buy it and turn it back into a real P-51. it is almost criminal what they have done to some of those warbirds.
Well, with the standard 10% down ($460,000), on a 10 year note at 3.67% interest, the monthly payment will be $41,270. I dunno about the late charges...
If I can skip the down payment and have 45 days until the first payment is due, I could use my life savings on fuel for 6 weeks of flying before I became a star on "Airplane Repo" :D:D:D
If I can skip the down payment and have 45 days until the first payment is due, I could use my life savings on fuel for 6 weeks of flying before I became a star on "Airplane Repo" :D:D:D

Haaaa!! :D:D
Platinum Fighters is probably the last place I'd go to sell an airplane. Most of their 'inventory' has been listed with them for well over a year. Some are over 2 years. They don't move much.
How big is the market for these planes? Are they fast sellers on average?