Pop Soaked car cushions ???


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Jun 7, 2008
Indian Hills Airpark Salome, AZ
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My wife left some Pepsi in the back of her SUV and many cans burst with the heat. The cushions are soaked. I can remove the seats easily enough but need advice on how to deal with the mess.

Hose everything down with fresh water, then leave them in the AZ sun to dry??

Ideas appreciated.

Salome, AZ
Carpet and upholstery steam machine rental is probably the easiest way to take care of it, assuming these are cloth seats. That should get deep enough to get the stains out and the stickiness alleviated. Just make sure they're nice and dry before you seal up the car.
Carpet and upholstery steam machine rental is probably the easiest way to take care of it, assuming these are cloth seats. That should get deep enough to get the stains out and the stickiness alleviated. Just make sure they're nice and dry before you seal up the car.
pop could use briefs huh.
Thanks for using "pop", people who use "soda" are weird. Anyone who says "soda pop" is over 90.
Thanks for using "pop", people who use "soda" are weird. Anyone who says "soda pop" is over 90.

I say soda literally to annoy other Coloradans. LOL.

I figured out it makes locals tweak a long time ago. Then it became habit to see them tweak. ;)
My wife left some Pepsi in the back of her SUV and many cans burst with the heat. The cushions are soaked. I can remove the seats easily enough but need advice on how to deal with the mess.

Hose everything down with fresh water, then leave them in the AZ sun to dry??

Ideas appreciated.

Salome, AZ

Why didn’t your wife clean it?

Bought my ex a car, she abused the heck out of it, got kinda bad, ended up selling the car, then dumped her. Being expected to clean up your significant others mess isnt healthy.

I mean shoe on the other foot, if I knocked my scotch over at a party and shouted over for my girlfriend to clean it up, people would have quite the reaction (and rightfully so).
I've used a mixture of hot water and liquid laundry detergent to get it good and soaked then a shop vac to suck everything up, repeat a time or two with pure hot water. Park it in the sun with windows cracked to dry out for a day or so.
Not sure he was looking for marriage advice, rather asking how to handle it best since both of them likely aren't sure. Marriage is about working as a team.
I say soda literally to annoy other Coloradans. LOL.

I figured out it makes locals tweak a long time ago. Then it became habit to see them tweak. ;)
What are you talking about? Everyone in Colorado says "soda". I've never heard another person in that state ever say "pop" unless it was followed by "goes the weasel".
What are you talking about? Everyone in Colorado says "soda". I've never heard another person in that state ever say "pop" unless it was followed by "goes the weasel".

Tonic, it's called tonic.
When I read that pop had soaked the seat cushions, I just assumed his dad was out of Depends.
What are you talking about? Everyone in Colorado says "soda". I've never heard another person in that state ever say "pop" unless it was followed by "goes the weasel".
Maybe he meant to say Texans?

In Texas it’s all Coke.....as in ‘what kind of Coke do all y’all want?
Thanks for the marriage advice guys. Yeah while I'm cleaning up her mess, She's washing my clothes, fixing my meals, paying the bills, cleaning the house, sweeping the hangar, Oh did I mention, we have a hangar, my wife arranged finances so we could have a paid for home and hangar on an airpark in retirement. I could also call her over to correct my run on sentence but she's busy cooking breakfast. Oh she also warms my bed. I'd better get busy and pull the rest of the seats out of her car. I guess I'm kinda henpecked. :p
Thanks for the marriage advice guys. Yeah while I'm cleaning up her mess, She's washing my clothes, fixing my meals, paying the bills, cleaning the house, sweeping the hangar, Oh did I mention, we have a hangar, my wife arranged finances so we could have a paid for home and hangar on an airpark in retirement. I could also call her over to correct my run on sentence but she's busy cooking breakfast. Oh she also warms my bed. I'd better get busy and pull the rest of the seats out of her car. I guess I'm kinda henpecked. :p
Funny how you seem to be happy and satisfied in retirement after a presumed long marriage, but the guy giving you (bad) advice is divorced and bitter.

Maybe it isn't funny after all, but it is completely understandable. The only way a marriage works is if you both respect and help each other.
All the seats, belts, etc are out of the car. This won't be as bad as I thought. We live in AZ and the Pepsi was overlooked when unloading. The 115 OAT was probably 150+ inside the car and most of the cans burst.
JohnH hit the nail on the head.
Yeah my wife is truly the wind beneath my wings.
Indian Hills Airpark Salome, AZ
Back to our regularly scheduled program: I had a similar problem but with dog pee instead of soda pop. What I did was to pull the cushions out and repeatedly flood them with water from the garden hose, letting it drain out the bottom each time. After all, we are talking about water-soluble liquid here. After several rinsings I left them to dry in the sun and all was well.

Re upholstery cleaning machines, IMO these just work on the surface and the liquid has long since run down and is mostly out of reach of the machine.
What are you talking about? Everyone in Colorado says "soda". I've never heard another person in that state ever say "pop" unless it was followed by "goes the weasel".

Mostly a Front Range and ski town thing. Not common in “real” Colorado. Only common in the places all the transplants moved to.

If you ask for a “pop” in Ft Morgan or Brush or Alamosa, they’ll know what you want.

I guess I should go back to pop in Denver. Annoy the Californians.
All the seats, belts, etc are out of the car. This won't be as bad as I thought. We live in AZ and the Pepsi was overlooked when unloading. The 115 OAT was probably 150+ inside the car and most of the cans burst.
JohnH hit the nail on the head.
Yeah my wife is truly the wind beneath my wings.
Indian Hills Airpark Salome, AZ
The same thing happened to my dad once in Phoenix back when I was a kid.

Except it was beer....
Thanks for the marriage advice guys. Yeah while I'm cleaning up her mess, She's washing my clothes, fixing my meals, paying the bills, cleaning the house, sweeping the hangar, Oh did I mention, we have a hangar, my wife arranged finances so we could have a paid for home and hangar on an airpark in retirement. I could also call her over to correct my run on sentence but she's busy cooking breakfast. Oh she also warms my bed. I'd better get busy and pull the rest of the seats out of her car. I guess I'm kinda henpecked. :p

Oh Geez, you are wicked henpecked, lol, great post!
I say soda literally to annoy other Coloradans. LOL.

I figured out it makes locals tweak a long time ago. Then it became habit to see them tweak. ;)
When I first moved to Colorado, I would tease the Coloradans by asking where mom was. Then I started saying pop too.

Now that I have relocated, no one says pop. No one drinks pop either, so it's not a problem.
The worst part was removing everything from the car. Found out the cushions have zippers so cleanup wasn't too difficult. 8 12 packs. 96 cans of POP @ 12 oz each =1152 oz of sticky Pepsi. :eek:
Maybe he meant to say Texans?

In Texas it’s all Coke.....as in ‘what kind of Coke do all y’all want?

What? In Texas it's all Coke? Who told you that ignorance?

In Texas you drink a Soda, or, a Soda Water, then you say what kind. It might be a Coke, but more than likely it's gonna be a Big Red, or a Dr Pepper. And, you buy your soda water from the ice house. When you want to keep it cold at home, you keep it cold in the icebox. A beer is a Lone Star, and everything IS bigger and better here. Sheesh? Yankees.......