Pet Peeves

Morons with their stupid bass speakers in their cars. I do however enjoy watching them around town, middle of winter when it is below freezing and middle of summer when it is well over ninety and they have to have their windows rolled down so everyone can hear their sweet "system" even though the rest of us have our windows up and heat/ac turned on and cannot hear them anyway.
I have often wondered how many times in the history of mankind has a person gotten lucky from someone hearing their sweet system bumping? The correct answer should be zero.
Reminds me of the cars that have artificial exhaust sound enhancement piped inside! :rofl:
Getting out of an elevator or train and have people right by the door opening. The people on the train or elevator need to get off before you get on morons.
When the waitress refills your iced tea but never gives you a new lemon wedge.
When you ask your girlfriend to pick up some Fruity Pebbles, and she comes back with the store brand.
People who price things backwards. It's not "29$"! You'll never see that in a price tag in a store or in an ad. It's "$29"! The first hurts my eyes . . .
When you ask your girlfriend to pick up some Fruity Pebbles, and she comes back with the store brand.
When she asks you to get her some feminine products then you get to reciprocate the favor. Buy her the ultra cheap store brand and see what happens.
When she asks you to get her some feminine products then you get to reciprocate the favor. Buy her the ultra cheap store brand and see what happens.

So can you give us the breakdown on what is the great stuff and what is not so much?
"at the end of the day"

Drives me nuts. And it's worse when I catch myself saying it. I have clients that I've told to throw things at me if they catch me saying it.
The king's English has been massacred by the headline writers on many TV stations. An example: "Woman killed after car accident." Makes me wonder if the cops dragged her out of the car and shot her. :cryin:
I'm really beginning to hate the Bonefish Grill ads ... ok, not beginning to - hated them since the first one I heard. What the hell is "Fourteen Nine?" Say the whole damn price - $14 dollars, ninety cents! Or commonly Fourteen ninety!

These. When it rains, these things get deadly slippery. I nearly met my demise when I got channeled on to a light rail loading dock on my bike in the rain with this stuff all over it, and the tires slipped, nearly sending me on the tracks in front of a train.
Geez, some of you just need to...

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The king's English has been massacred by the headline writers on many TV stations. An example: "Woman killed after car accident." Makes me wonder if the cops dragged her out of the car and shot her. :cryin:

I've got a classic newspaper headline from years ago in my office.

During the electric power crisis just before Ahnold became governor ... "Bush, Davis butt heads in California." Damn right they were butt heads.
I'm not prejudiced but..
Not to be political but..
Proceeds to say exactly what they said they weren't.
Going to the bank to make a deposit, sliding your card, and then having the teller say, "Now select your account," "Do you want a receipt? Push that button," etc., just milliseconds before your finger touches the pad to select that very thing.

I know they're trying to be helpful. But geez, I can read the prompts. Just leave me alone!
Also, a little part of me dies when someone says "mano y mano" instead of "mano a mano."
I know they're trying to be helpful. But geez, I can read the prompts. Just leave me alone!
Corollary: when I go to the self checkout line at the grocery store or megamart, and an employee comes over to "help" me. One time, she even started taking items from the single bag I was filling, and dividing them into two bags, to "make them easier for you to carry." She seemed quite taken aback when I looked at her in a way closely approximating a Michael Phelps Death Stare® and said "I use the self checkout so I don't have to interact with other people."
People who accuse newcomers to the board of being trolls.
Corollary: when I go to the self checkout line at the grocery store or megamart, and an employee comes over to "help" me. One time, she even started taking items from the single bag I was filling, and dividing them into two bags, to "make them easier for you to carry." She seemed quite taken aback when I looked at her in a way closely approximating a Michael Phelps Death Stare® and said "I use the self checkout so I don't have to interact with other people."

Yes, and when she "helps" you, you have to fend her off, thus defeating the purpose of a speedy one-item checkout. Aaaaaargh!
oh, and "supposably." :mad::mad:

Incorrect use of "averse" and "adverse."

"Hone in" rather than "home in."

"Mute point" rather than "moot point."

"Right of passage" rather than "rite of passage."
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