Ordered new Tecnam P2010

Just got through bingeing the purchase saga, what a great adventure! I also love the fact you post monthlies on the brand. I quite literally stumbled on this aircraft through your post. Very interested in seeing/sitting in one for a fit (831P is a beauty) . I'm a bit "space challenged" (not the outer or inner, just locally) and have crossed the SR22 and DA40 off of my list after sitting in them. Im 6-4 but extremely long waisted so headroom is an issue. Any personal comparisons you can make? Get down to KSEE at all? Cheers!
Just got through bingeing the purchase saga, what a great adventure! I also love the fact you post monthlies on the brand. I quite literally stumbled on this aircraft through your post. Very interested in seeing/sitting in one for a fit (831P is a beauty) . I'm a bit "space challenged" (not the outer or inner, just locally) and have crossed the SR22 and DA40 off of my list after sitting in them. Im 6-4 but extremely long waisted so headroom is an issue. Any personal comparisons you can make? Get down to KSEE at all? Cheers!

I occasionally get to SEE, but only a couple times a year. Maybe I can sneak down there this Friday. PM me your contact info. The CA dealer is in Chino and I bet would come to you. The current seller of 831P sold me my plane...

This plane has electric adjustable seats (up/down) and huge leg room. IMO it is a good fit for tall people. It's also a wider cockpit than a 182!!!

Sign up to follow me at www.FlightFollowing.aero
Not sure this noob has PM privileges yet on this platform. I see 831P is fairly close (damn nice looking bird), good to know that there is public history with the seller. I am "up north" every few weeks on biz (one of the justifications of the indulgence) , could meet you that way, but if your headed this way at least the hamburger portion of the show will be free.....

Cirrus rep flew the new gen7 in for a sit down (canopy didn't close without a scrunch (serious scoliosis) so no flight demo, yes I am that freak of nature, think Jaws in that 007 movie), nice aircraft but didn't check the box (unless I could find one of the bubble glass iterations :cool:), bit of a bummer as the used inventory is huge! I am assuming the dealer in Chino would do the same (and I will probably take him up on that at some point) but meeting real folks like you is important to my journey also, would like to make that happen if we can.


btw - flight follow link shunts to Instagram fyi.
I found this place and this thread when Googleing Tecnam, and it gave me some great reading. I would like to PM you FPK1, but as a new member I'm not allowed to. So, if you wouldn't mind a couple of questions, please drop me a PM.

13putt, I was in the same boat, FPK1 got back to me. In fact he was cool enough to fly in and let me check out his bird, great machine!! We had a $100 burger and a great conversation. Definitely the guy you want to talk to about buying decisions!!
December 1, 2024 Update - Tecnam P2010 US registerer Tail Numbers; please let me know if I missed anything and/or any updates/ corrections!

No new P2010s released from Sebring, FL (US factory) in November 2024.

Highest P2010 US serial number seen to date is 299 = N512VA

8 = Used P2010s for sale:

N# = Home State/Serial #, Engine Type

456JB = TX/US065, IO-390
https://www.flyhpa.com/aircraft/n456jb-2018-tecnam-p2010-mkii/ [$415,000]

512PR = TX/US178, TDI =
https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/233230159/2022-tecnam-p2010-tdi-piston-single-aircraft [$530,000]

698T = CA/US098, IO-390 =
https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/233697393/2020-tecnam-p2010-mkii-piston-single-aircraft [$430,000]

730TA = KY/US030, IO-360 =
https://airmart.com/aircraft/tecnam-p2010-n730ta/ [$369,900]

769LN = CA/US064, IO-390 (KAPC) =
https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/238890045/2018-tecnam-p2010-mkii-piston-single-aircraft [call for price]

831P = FL/US138, IO-390 =

951FG = FL/US159, IO-390 Demo =
https://altisky.com/ [$499,990]

3382T = IA/US082, IO-390 = https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/238284953/2019-tecnam-p2010-piston-single-aircraft [$399,000]

All known US P2010s listed by chronological N number and their active locations:

28UH = AZ/US291, IO-390
38GP = CA/US232, TDI, GL (KEMT) formerly 609CB
40PF = GA/US163, TDI
54FG = PA/US215, TDI, GL
58FG = FL/US158, IO-390
64FG = NC/US188, TDI
117T = FL/US111, IO-390
118T = FL/US144, IO-390 *crashed 10/17/23
127HH = NC/US056, IO-360
127PM = TN/US171, IO-390
143TU = VA/US043, IO-360 **damaged 10/5/23 (since repaired)
144SE = CA/US156, IO-390 (me @KFUL)
157TD = NV/US157, TDI
204BP = HI/US104, IO-360
207US = FL/US207, TDI, GL
210TD = PR/US145, TDI
211VA = AR/US263, TDI
221US = CA/US212, TDI, GL (KAUN)
221VA = AR/US245, TDI
225U = FL/US225, IO-360
228PM = NC/US160, TDI
228TA = VA/US028, IO-360
231GS = NJ/US132, IO-390
238U = TX/US238, IO-360
241U = TX/US241, IO-360
248TD = TX/US148, TDI
253CM = AZ/US153, IO-390
258CM = TX/US118, IO-390
259CJ = Spain/US268, TDI
260TA = VirIs/US260, TDI
264US = TX/US164, IO-360
278UA = PR/US278, TDI
282VA = AR/US254, TDI
285UA = FL/US285, TDI
287UA = PR/US287, TDI
292U = AZ/US229, IO-360
308KF = IN/US296, IO-360
339BE = FL/US012, IO-360
365US = TX/US165, IO-360
392CB in = CA/US223, TDI, GL (KACV) [had catastrophic coolant system failure]
397TA = CO/US097, IO-390 (MG John @KAPA)
404U = TX/US075, IO-390
416J = GA/US199, TDI
418AT = CO/US108, IO-390
435K = UT/US210, TDI (Troy @KSGU)
450CB = CA/US219, TDI (KCNO)
454RT = DE/US154, TDI
456JB = TX/US065, IO-390
471US FL/US174, TDI
501U = TX/US101, IO-360
502U = TX/US102, IO-360 ***accident
503U = TX/US103, IO-360
505U = FL/US093, IO-360
509U = TX/US109, IO-360
512PR = TX/US178, TDI
512VA = IN/US299, IO-360
514CT = FL/US114, IO-390
520U = TX/US205, IO-360
527CM = NC/US107, IO-390
529CB = Mexico/US226, TDI, GL
540VA = CT/US167, TDI
590WT = Italy/US198, TDI
598TC = FL/US172, TDI
600VA = AR/US197, IO-390
602U = TX/US206, IO-360
606U = TX/US094, IO-360
663AS = IA/US194, TDI
660VA = CA/US173, TDI (KPOC)
681F = FL/US186, IO-390
682SA = TX/US293, IO-360
698T = CA/US098, IO-390
712WK = FL/US211, TDI
730TA = KY/US030, IO-360
769LN = CA/US064, IO-390 (KAPC)
770VA = FL/US203, TDI
771U = TX/US177, IO-360
818CB = CA/US221, TDI (KCNO)
816GS = AL/US168, IO-390
831P = FL/US138, IO-390
871US = FL/US187, IO-390
880VA = AR/US185, TDI
902US = PR/US290, TDI
909U = TX/US095, IO-360
929MH = MT/US152, TDI
951FG = FL/US159, IO-390
990VA = TX/US201, IO-390
1102T = KS/US130, IO-390
1472W = FL/US191, IO-360
1474W = FL/US192, IO-360
3382T = IA/US082, IO-390
3635T = FL/US058, IO-360
4546T = MA/US078, IO-390
4825T = AL/US073, IO-390
93 Total


VH-ARQ s/n 070, IO-390, Perth, Western AU (Brett)

* https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/346941

** https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/347379 and https://www.aero-news.net/bannertra...tpost&id=DF21E0F5-6CC9-4BE5-9DCB-A430F019E52A

*** https://asn.flightsafety.org/wikibase/389363 (NTSB Accident Number: CEN24LA204)
Last edited:
January 1, 2025 Update - Tecnam P2010 US registerer Tail Numbers; please let me know if I missed anything and/or any updates/ corrections!

One new P2010s released from Sebring, FL (US factory) in December 2024:


Highest P2010 US serial number seen to date is 317 = N958DS

7 = Used P2010s for sale:

N# = Home State/Serial #, Engine Type

456JB = TX/US065, IO-390
https://www.flyhpa.com/aircraft/n456jb-2018-tecnam-p2010-mkii/ [$415,000]

512PR = TX/US178, TDI =
https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/233230159/2022-tecnam-p2010-tdi-piston-single-aircraft [$530,000]

698T = CA/US098, IO-390 =
https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/233697393/2020-tecnam-p2010-mkii-piston-single-aircraft [$430,000]

730TA = KY/US030, IO-360 =
https://airmart.com/aircraft/tecnam-p2010-n730ta/ [$369,900]

769LN = CA/US064, IO-390 (KAPC) =
https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/238890045/2018-tecnam-p2010-mkii-piston-single-aircraft [call for price]

831P = FL/US138, IO-390 =

951FG = FL/US159, IO-390 Demo =
https://altisky.com/inventory/tecnam-p2010-mkii/ [$499,990]

All known US P2010s listed by chronological N number and their active locations:

28UH = AZ/US291, IO-390
38GP = CA/US232, TDI, GL (KEMT) formerly 609CB
40PF = GA/US163, TDI
54FG = PA/US215, TDI, GL
58FG = FL/US158, IO-390
64FG = NC/US188, TDI
117T = FL/US111, IO-390
118T = FL/US144, IO-390 *crashed 10/17/23
127HH = NC/US056, IO-360
127PM = TN/US171, IO-390
143TU = VA/US143, IO-360 **damaged 10/5/23 (since repaired)
144SE = CA/US156, IO-390 (me @KFUL)
157TD = NV/US157, TDI
204BP = HI/US104, IO-360
207US = FL/US207, TDI, GL
210TD = PR/US145, TDI
211VA = AR/US263, TDI
221US = CA/US212, TDI, GL (KAUN)
221VA = AR/US245, TDI
225U = FL/US225, IO-360
228PM = NC/US160, TDI
228TA = VA/US028, IO-360
231GS = NJ/US132, IO-390
238U = TX/US238, IO-360
241U = TX/US241, IO-360
248TD = TX/US148, TDI
253CM = AZ/US153, IO-390
258CM = TX/US118, IO-390
259CJ = Spain/US268, TDI
260TA = VirIs/US260, TDI
264US = TX/US164, IO-360
278UA = PR/US278, TDI
282VA = AR/US254, TDI
285UA = FL/US285, TDI
287UA = PR/US287, TDI
292U = AZ/US229, IO-360
308KF = IN/US296, IO-360
339BE = FL/US012, IO-360
365US = TX/US165, IO-360
392CB in = CA/US223, TDI, GL (KACV) [had catastrophic coolant system failure]
397TA = CO/US097, IO-390 (MG John @KAPA)
404U = TX/US075, IO-390
416J = GA/US199, TDI
418AT = CO/US108, IO-390
435K = UT/US210, TDI (Troy @KSGU)
450CB = CA/US219, TDI (KCNO)
454RT = DE/US154, TDI
456JB = TX/US065, IO-390
471US FL/US174, TDI
501U = TX/US101, IO-360
502U = TX/US102, IO-360 ***accident
503U = TX/US103, IO-360
505U = FL/US093, IO-360
509U = TX/US109, IO-360
512PR = TX/US178, TDI
512VA = IN/US299, IO-360
514CT = FL/US114, IO-390
520U = TX/US205, IO-360
527CM = NC/US107, IO-390
529CB = Mexico/US226, TDI, GL
540VA = CT/US167, TDI
590WT = Italy/US198, TDI
598TC = FL/US172, TDI
600VA = AR/US197, IO-390
602U = TX/US206, IO-360
606U = TX/US094, IO-360
663AS = IA/US194, TDI
660VA = CA/US173, TDI (KPOC)
681F = FL/US186, IO-390
682SA = TX/US293, IO-360
698T = CA/US098, IO-390
712WK = FL/US211, TDI
730TA = KY/US030, IO-360
769LN = CA/US064, IO-390 (KAPC)
770VA = FL/US203, TDI
771U = TX/US177, IO-360
818CB = CA/US221, TDI (KCNO)
816GS = AL/US168, IO-390
831P = FL/US138, IO-390
871US = FL/US187, IO-390
880VA = AR/US185, TDI
902US = PR/US290, TDI
909U = TX/US095, IO-360
929MH = MT/US152, TDI
951FG = FL/US159, IO-390
958DS = new/US317, unk. engine
990VA = TX/US201, IO-390
1102T = KS/US130, IO-390
1472W = FL/US191, IO-360
1474W = FL/US192, IO-360
3382T = IA/US082, IO-390
3635T = FL/US058, IO-360
4546T = MA/US078, IO-390
4825T = AL/US073, IO-390
94 Total


VH-ARQ s/n 070, IO-390, Perth, Western AU (Brett)

* https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/346941

** https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/347379 and https://www.aero-news.net/bannertra...tpost&id=DF21E0F5-6CC9-4BE5-9DCB-A430F019E52A

*** https://asn.flightsafety.org/wikibase/389363 (NTSB Accident Number: CEN24LA204)
February 1, 2025 Update - Tecnam P2010 US registered Tail Numbers; please let me know if I missed anything and/or any updates/ corrections!

One new P2010 released from Sebring, FL (US factory) in January 2025:

N969CB a TDI

Highest P2010 US serial number seen to date is 317 = N958DS

7 = Used P2010s for sale:

N# = Home State/Serial #, Engine Type

512PR = TX/US178, TDI =
https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/233230159/2022-tecnam-p2010-tdi-piston-single-aircraft [$530,000]

456JB = TX/US065, IO-390
https://www.flyhpa.com/aircraft/n456jb-2018-tecnam-p2010-mkii/ [$405,000]

660VA = CA/US173, TDI =
https://www.aviatorsmarket.com/detail/aircraft-for-sale/2022-tecnam-p2010-tdi/10124 [$500,000]

730TA = KY/US030, IO-360 =
https://airmart.com/aircraft/tecnam-p2010-n730ta/ [$369,900]

769LN = CA/US064, IO-390 (KAPC) =
https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/238890045/2018-tecnam-p2010-mkii-piston-single-aircraft [call for price]

831P = FL/US138, IO-390 =

951FG = FL/US159, IO-390 Demo =
https://altisky.com/inventory/tecnam-p2010-mkii/ [$499,990]

All known US P2010s listed by chronological N number and their active locations:

28UH = AZ/US291, IO-390 (KSCF)
38GP = CA/US232, TDI, GL (KEMT) formerly 609CB
40PF = GA/US163, TDI
54FG = PA/US215, TDI, GL
58FG = FL/US158, IO-390
64FG = NC/US188, TDI
117T = FL/US111, IO-390
118T = FL/US144, IO-390 *crashed 10/17/23
127HH = NC/US056, IO-360
127PM = TN/US171, IO-390
143TU = VA/US043, IO-360 **damaged 10/5/23 (since repaired)
144SE = CA/US156, IO-390 (me @KFUL)
157TD = NV/US157, TDI
204BP = HI/US104, IO-360
207US = FL/US207, TDI, GL
210TD = PR/US145, TDI
211VA = AR/US263, TDI
221US = CA/US212, TDI, GL (KAUN)
221VA = AR/US245, TDI
225U = FL/US225, IO-360
228PM = NC/US160, TDI
228TA = VA/US028, IO-360
231GS = NJ/US132, IO-390
238U = TX/US238, IO-360
241U = TX/US241, IO-360
248TD = TX/US148, TDI
253CM = AZ/US153, IO-390
258CM = TX/US118, IO-390
259CJ = Spain/US268, TDI
260TA = VirIs/US260, TDI
264US = TX/US164, IO-360
278UA = PR/US278, TDI
282VA = AR/US254, TDI
285UA = FL/US285, TDI
287UA = PR/US287, TDI
292U = AZ/US229, IO-360
308KF = IN/US296, IO-360
339BE = FL/US012, IO-360
365US = TX/US165, IO-360
392CB in = CA/US223, TDI, GL (KACV) [had catastrophic coolant system failure]
397TA = CO/US097, IO-390 (MG John @KAPA)
404U = TX/US075, IO-390
416J = GA/US199, TDI
418AT = CO/US108, IO-390
435K = UT/US210, TDI (Troy @KSGU)
450CB = CA/US219, TDI (KCNO)
454RT = DE/US154, TDI
456JB = TX/US065, IO-390
471US FL/US174, TDI
501U = TX/US101, IO-360
502U = TX/US102, IO-360 ***accident
503U = TX/US103, IO-360
505U = FL/US093, IO-360
509U = TX/US109, IO-360
512PR = TX/US178, TDI
512VA = IN/US299, IO-360
514CT = FL/US114, IO-390
520U = TX/US205, IO-360
527CM = NC/US107, IO-390
529CB = Mexico/US226, TDI, GL
540VA = CT/US167, TDI
590WT = Italy/US198, TDI
598TC = FL/US172, TDI
600VA = AR/US197, IO-390
602U = TX/US206, IO-360
606U = TX/US094, IO-360
663AS = IA/US194, TDI
660VA = CA/US173, TDI (KPOC)
681F = FL/US186, IO-390
682SA = TX/US293, IO-360
698T = CA/US098, IO-390
712WK = FL/US211, TDI
730TA = KY/US030, IO-360
769LN = CA/US064, IO-390 (KAPC)
770VA = FL/US203, TDI
771U = TX/US177, IO-360
818CB = CA/US221, TDI (KCNO)
816GS = AL/US168, IO-390
831P = FL/US138, IO-390
871US = FL/US187, IO-390
880VA = AR/US185, TDI
902US = PR/US290, TDI
909U = TX/US095, IO-360
929MH = MT/US152, TDI
951FG = FL/US159, IO-390
957DS = MS/US314, IO-360
958DS = MS/US317, unk. engine
969CB = new/US302, TDI
990VA = TX/US201, IO-390
1102T = KS/US130, IO-390
1472W = FL/US191, IO-360
1474W = FL/US192, IO-360
3382T = IA/US082, IO-390
3635T = FL/US058, IO-360
4546T = MA/US078, IO-390
4825T = AL/US073, IO-390
96 Total


VH-ARQ s/n 070, IO-390, Perth, Western AU (Brett)

* https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/346941

** https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/347379 and https://www.aero-news.net/bannertra...tpost&id=DF21E0F5-6CC9-4BE5-9DCB-A430F019E52A

*** https://asn.flightsafety.org/wikibase/389363 (NTSB Accident Number: CEN24LA204)