NA Property signage


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
I have a few acres and occasionally get tired of people wandering around, leaving gates open or beer bottles laying about. I guess I could lock it up tight as a drum.
Was thinking of putting up a sign (like they work, I know). It might make me feel better anyway. The standard No Trespassing signs = fail. What about this one? : D

Too "get off my lawn you darned kids"?

'If you can read this you are in range'
If you can read this, you are in range. (Let's punctuate it correctly!)
The OP's sign presupposes the interloper has a conscience (or a home) = FAIL.

I've always just used MANY of the usual "POSTED....Etc, etc" signs. They give the property owner some legal standing to evict/prosecute and maybe some liability protection.
I decided long ago to not shoot trespassers - I'm too attractive to go to prison.:eek:
I have a few acres and occasionally get tired of people wandering around, leaving gates open or beer bottles laying about. I guess I could lock it up tight as a drum.
Was thinking of putting up a sign (like they work, I know). It might make me feel better anyway. The standard No Trespassing signs = fail. What about this one? : D

Too "get off my lawn you darned kids"?

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Your post reminds me of a business owner in my town. He was in a bad part of town and had many break-ins until he put up a sign for the UPS driver. "UPS - picked up the snake venom at the back door".
Probably not relevant to your case, but we recently designed and had some of these made for posting on our new TN property:


Maybe they will make someone think twice, but we fully expect to come back one day to find them pocked with bullet holes!
When I owned acreage I was always fighting (and loosing) that battle. Calling the sheriff and making sure they got ticketed was the only thing that ever worked, and even that didn't work all the time: one guy got ticketed 6 times in 2 years.
Are you irrigating any of the land near the roads?

When I lived IN a town we had a greenbelt that ran down one side and a my cul de sac home was right where people would park their cars to go into the greenbelt. Great for me walking the doggies, but Fri and Sat nights when it was closed the kids would park in front of my house, leave broken bottles and fast food trash in the gutters (until they blew into my pool) and all that mess.

So first I'd call security and they'd get thrown out. But they'd keep trying to come back.

Final solution was working with the HOA. We changed the sprinkler timers so they'd come on 5 minutes per hour from sundown until Midnight on weekends. But which 5 mintues wasn't the same. Some of the kids tried to time it right but they gave up.

If you over water for a bit I'm sure they wont want to hang out in your muddy fields and will find a better venue.

Oh, if you want to save on water - plant cactus and sticker bushes.
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In Texas, we have the powerful option of painting the fence posts purple. Or every 50', something like that. To ostensibly keep people out. Must be a very old reg.
I decided long ago to not shoot trespassers - I'm too attractive to go to prison.:eek:

It's fine to decide that, you just keep it to yourself. Haha. You don't want to give the interloper the impression that you haven't kept the option open. :)
My wife use to work for a guy who posted his property with "Trespassers Will Be Eaten" signs. He actually kept big cats; a couple of tigers, some cheetahs, and I don't remember what else.

The local municipality talked him in to taking the signs down.

Your state may have a particular form for No Trespassing signs. Probably the local DNR types will know.
Be careful what signs you post.

The worst is "Beware of Dog" since it shows you acknowledge having a dangerous animal and you will have to prove your warnings and containment are sufficient for your advertised risk.

Keep out should work... along with LEO and an anoying few months for the perps to go elsewhere.
"No Women allowed;
Trespassers will be violated"
"Do not enter. Risk of exposure." (I actually saw that on a hand-written sign at the NIH when I worked there.
Y'all are assuming the miscreants are educated enough to read those signs.
How bout this then?
Bein venidos en los estados unidos! Bang bang muey muerte

Sorry my espanol is crap. Never did listen in that class
Chuck Norris really does protect your property!

In today’s turbulent, recession-plagued world filled with crime and despair for many businesses, can one man provide hope?

It’s possible, if that man is Chuck Norris.

The legendary Hollywood action hero is now apparently a crime fighter in Europe – or at least a menacing image of Norris is.



A poster at a bakery shop in Split, Croatia, declares the property is protected by Chuck Norris. Crime has reportedly come to a halt at the location. (courtesy Croatian Times)
A bakery in Split, Croatia, has employed a poster of the TV star and martial arts champion after it suffered a string of burglaries.

According to European news accounts, the bakery had been broken into nearly every week until owners put up a photo along with the message: “This shop is under the protection of Chuck Norris.”

The bakery has reportedly been crime-free for more than a month since Norris has been on duty.
So here's what you do.

1. Put up signs that say "warning: sniper training in progress"

2. put up some big cartoony bullseye targets.

3. put some kind of people detector across property entrances that will generate an electrical signal...

4. put some tiny explosive charges behind bullseye targets with detonators wired to entrance detectors. Bonus points for 2 second delay/series of detonations.
Here are today's miscreants. Three adult males, I could see them 1/2mi away, traipsing through my pasture & climbing my hill. They parked, blocking my gate and hopped the fence to get in. I slapped an appropriate note under the wiper.
I felt like getting in the driver's seat, lighting up one of their cigarettes and waiting til they came back, "So, I bet you don't like me sitting in your car" but I didn't have time.
Who knows wth they were doing back there, hope it doesn't involve plastic bags and shovels.

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What are they doing on your land ? Doesn't look like hunters.
Here are today's miscreants. Three adult males, I could see them 1/2mi away, traipsing through my pasture & climbing my hill. They parked, blocking my gate and hopped the fence to get in. I slapped an appropriate note under the wiper.
I felt like getting in the driver's seat, lighting up one of their cigarettes and waiting til they came back, "So, I bet you don't like me sitting in your car" but I didn't have time.
Who knows wth they were doing back there, hope it doesn't involve plastic bags and shovels.

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Can't you have it towed and them trespassed?

Or maybe post a sign a buy a auto boot, might as well make some money off their stupidity

BTW, looking at the stickers on that car, I'd wager it's a rental