[NA]Ozone Breakdown


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Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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*Those who don’t study or find these Scientific subjects interesting disregard.*

For my fellow Chemistry and Scientist friends—
Not sure if any of you ever follow the UV team on YouTube.

Anyway, Ozone breakdown is definitely a progressing issue. The presence of ionizing radiation (UVC) reaching Earth’s surface is beginning to appear in greater quantities, let alone the UVA+UVB average levels by month.

Yesterday, he shared a video of a UV reading at solar noon from SE Phoenix and was able to detect UVC of 34 uW/cm2 with nearly a 10 UVA +UVB. The fact that sub 280 nanometer light isn’t being absorbed by the atmosphere like it should is a concerning thought. Here in SE Tennessee we sit at 35N and get near 11 total UV levels on a clear to partly cloudy day and we’re still a couple weeks away from the summer solstice.

Here’s the channel if anyone is interested in following along.

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I was under the impression that the ozone hole was in the process of closing due to the elimination of CFCs. More UV getting through could simply be due to reduced atmospheric density due to warmer temperatures.
I was under the impression that the ozone hole was in the process of closing due to the elimination of CFCs. More UV getting through could simply be due to reduced atmospheric density due to warmer temperatures.
That’s a probable hypothesis. Although CFCs are not the primary contributor to ozone depletion, as far as I’m aware of, they do (did) play a big role. Of course we still have lots of automotive and industrial pollution that’s nearly just as bad.
That’s a probable hypothesis. Although CFCs are not the primary contributor to ozone depletion, as far as I’m aware of, they do (did) play a big role. Of course we still have lots of automotive and industrial pollution that’s nearly just as bad.
Yes, but again I've read that the hole is in the process of slowly closing.
Of course we still have lots of automotive and industrial pollution that’s nearly just as bad.

Just curious, what are other countries doing to help clean up the air.?? In the last 10 years I have been to places that the sky looked like the sky over Houston did back in the 60s.
*Those who don’t study or find these Scientific subjects interesting disregard.*

For my fellow Chemistry and Scientist friends—
Not sure if any of you ever follow the UV team on YouTube.

Anyway, Ozone breakdown is definitely a progressing issue. The presence of ionizing radiation (UVC) reaching Earth’s surface is beginning to appear in greater quantities, let alone the UVA+UVB average levels by month.

Yesterday, he shared a video of a UV reading at solar noon from SE Phoenix and was able to detect UVC of 34 uW/cm2 with nearly a 10 UVA +UVB. The fact that sub 280 nanometer light isn’t being absorbed by the atmosphere like it should is a concerning thought. Here in SE Tennessee we sit at 35N and get near 11 total UV levels on a clear to partly cloudy day and we’re still a couple weeks away from the summer solstice.

Here’s the channel if anyone is interested in following along.

I'm sorry about that. It's all my fault for unscrewing the pressure gauge from the bottle of R134 before it was empty when I was adding it to my car the other day. The remaining stuff sprayed all over my engine compartment and even got on my windshield. The rest of it went out the hole in my rear evaporator. Parts on order.
Just curious, what are other countries doing to help clean up the air.?? In the last 10 years I have been to places that the sky looked like the sky over Houston did back in the 60s.
That I do not know.
I wonder - the less polluted the air (think particulates) the more solar radiation gets to solid ground. So if I remember the polluted industrial times of old, less sunlight reached the ground. Less UV baseline. Less heat baseline. In comparison, we have more UV and heat today.

It sure feels hotter under the sun today than it did when I was a kid, but maybe my old skin is wearing thin.

There’s no expertise to what I’m hypothesizing above, just a late night guess/opinion.
I wonder - the less polluted the air (think particulates) the more solar radiation gets to solid ground. So if I remember the polluted industrial times of old, less sunlight reached the ground. Less UV baseline. Less heat baseline. In comparison, we have more UV and heat today.

It sure feels hotter under the sun today than it did when I was a kid, but maybe my old skin is wearing thin.

There’s no expertise to what I’m hypothesizing above, just a late night guess/opinion.

Your hypothesis appears to be correct, at least for as far as UV is concerned.
I wonder - the less polluted the air (think particulates) the more solar radiation gets to solid ground. So if I remember the polluted industrial times of old, less sunlight reached the ground. Less UV baseline. Less heat baseline. In comparison, we have more UV and heat today.

It sure feels hotter under the sun today than it did when I was a kid, but maybe my old skin is wearing thin.

There’s no expertise to what I’m hypothesizing above, just a late night guess/opinion.
There may definitely be a lot of truth to that. Something has definitely changed. Vegetables in the garden are being fried from excessive UVB exposure. The vegetables that are exposed to the sun turn purple, but the back sides are perfectly fine. It’s crazy!

Even though there are a lot of conspiracies against chem trails (ie., geoengineering), there’s a lot of truth behind the fact that they’re contributing to higher than normal UV radiation levels at Earths surface.