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    • dtuuri
      dtuuri replied to the thread GPS backup.
      Brainstorming with you, why is GPS needed? Each location, say pixel on a map of, say, Florida, would have one set of theoretical...
    • dtuuri
      dtuuri replied to the thread GPS backup.
      Yeah! That was MY post! But you might agree that with 592 AM radio stations in Florida it would be nice to have a simple device that...
    • dtuuri
      dtuuri replied to the thread GPS backup.
      Isn't WAAS stand alone? Then no "approved backup" is required, and anything is better than nothing.
    • dtuuri
      dtuuri replied to the thread GPS backup.
      Well, I'm not the one seeking IFR-approval for a GPS backup device. I just don't want to hit anything because I can't tell where I am...
    • dtuuri
      dtuuri replied to the thread GPS backup.
      Yeah, it didn't take long for the digit heads to ruin a simple concept by making it complex, modern and expensive. DME/DME is line of...
    • dtuuri
      dtuuri reacted to Larry in TN's post in the thread GPS backup with Like Like.
      If my best guess turns out to be correct, it was spending too much time looking out the window that got them in trouble in OKC and TPA.
    • dtuuri
      dtuuri replied to the thread GPS backup.
      Nothing there I can understand, so buying it would be a waste of money. :redface:
    • dtuuri
      dtuuri replied to the thread GPS backup.
      I've said it before and said it here too, but now I can't find the posts. Who needs the FAA for this? Just find a radio guy who believes...
    • dtuuri
      RIP, John Williams, owner of Titan Aircraft: https://asn.flightsafety.org/wikibase/403349
    • dtuuri
      dtuuri replied to the thread PA-31 down near KALB.
      C'mon Salty, you're a smart guy, thimk.
    • dtuuri
      dtuuri reacted to Lindberg's post in the thread Dan Gryder Lockheed Electra Crash with Like Like.
      So that was broken, too.
    • dtuuri
      dtuuri replied to the thread PA-31 down near KALB.
      A word to the wise, in case you never thought about it before: There are two times a lot of nose-up trim is beneficial, during a steep...
    • dtuuri
      dtuuri reacted to dmspilot's post in the thread Student Pilot down KLHV with Like Like.
      "About half-way down the 3,799-ft-long runway, the airplane began a left, climbing turn. During the climbing turn, ground speed slowly...
    • dtuuri
      dtuuri replied to the thread Thoughts on Bellanca's 7 ACA.
      Very astute! But make sure you have enough grass — land on it, don't smoke it.;)
    • dtuuri
      dtuuri reacted to MauleSkinner's post in the thread Is there a Pt135 for Dummies? with Like Like.
      And people trying to paraphrase regs to make them simpler ultimately causes more misunderstandings than it solves.
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