(NA) Am I the only one?


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Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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One of these days I really need to get around to reading those emails.

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I have 0 unread emails. Well I take that back I have a throwaway Yahoo address that I haven't checked in 4 months so that one's probably up there.
OMG my OCD is acting up. I can't stand having any of those little red number flags on my apps. I have to clear them.
OMG my OCD is acting up. I can't stand having any of those little red number flags on my apps. I have to clear them.
They used to bother me too. But every time you buy a product on line you have to give your email. You then begin receiving a deluge of ads and news letters. Some of them come multiple times a day. I have one old email address that I rarely use any more, so I give that address and I just scan the account for new emails that look like they need to be read. Every once in a while I go through and delete batches of them but it is amazing how quickly they build up. If I were to search that account for email from AOPA right now, I would probably find a few hundred.

edit: I just searched email for AOPA and found 196 messages (which I deleted).
They used to bother me too. But every time you buy a product on line you have to give your email. You then begin receiving a deluge of ads and news letters. Some of them come multiple times a day. I have one old email address that I rarely use any more, so I give that address and I just scan the account for new emails that look like they need to be read. Every once in a while I go through and delete batches of them but it is amazing how quickly they build up. If I were to search that account for email from AOPA right now, I would probably find a few hundred.

edit: I just searched email for AOPA and found 196 messages (which I deleted).

I too abandoned my old email to purchases and the ensuing spam. My new email I give out only to family and a few important contacts such as my doctors, lawyers, accountants, or businesses I really want the email like my airlines.

I have a separate email address for work only and I save almost all messages there. There is never spam, it's behind all kinds of firewalls and on its own domain. Very frequently I search past emails to reference work stuff, I would not be able to function if I deleted them. My boss on the other hand is a minimalist and deletes almost all messages. I'll ask her about something and she will say "I have no idea what you're talking about, I've slept since then," and I'll have to resend an email to her. Of course, I do delete the ones that say "There are doughnuts in the break room."
Ravioli's True Stories Time:

My client was a "Major Food Company" that among other things made Capri Sun.

The Supply Chain Manager (basically 3rd in command) at this facility would walk around each day and say "I have 1352 unread emails. They still don't get it." The next day you'd hear the current count with the same "They still don't get it."

He had also been talking about how he was in contention for the Regional Supply Chain Manager position, which would have been a nice upgrade in pay and responsibility for about a dozen facilities. I knew two of the guys who were also in contention, and I knew which one had accepted it. (Really good choice IMHO)

So Mr. No-email is making his usual rounds and someone asked him about the new job. He said he hadn't heard anything. I said "Maybe you should read some emails, John starts Monday... Who still doesn't get it?"

------ and another true classic -------

When I had a real job...

The Plant Engineer was a no-computer guy. He actually taped a picture of the space shuttle over his monitor so it would look like a screen saver since the thing was never turned on.

We're in the weekly staff meeting and he says that "all of the steel is at the fabricator and they're expecting to be ready to ship the tanks 1 week early!" [This was four tanks @ 120k gals each) The Process Engineering Manager says "Those tanks were taken out of scope!?!" No-computer guy stands up and heads to the door saying only "I've got to make a couple phone calls."

I (IT Manager) get an email about an hour later from the Plant Secretary. "Can you set me up as a delegate for Mr. No-computers emails?" It then was her task to print each of his emails. He would hand write the responses, and she would send.
Ravioli's True Stories Time:

I wonder how Mr. No-Email and/or Mr. No-Computer would cope if they ever got cut in a layoff or had to deal with new management in a merger/acquisition.
I wonder how Mr. No-Email and/or Mr. No-Computer would cope if they ever got cut in a layoff or had to deal with new management in a merger/acquisition.

No need to wonder... No-eMail didn't make the transition to Heinz, and No-Computer didn't make the transition to Dow Chemical.

The first guy was in his 50's when I worked with him... he's probably spending all his time on Facebook with his grand kids now.
The second guy was maybe 40. At the time of that acquisition he would have been ~55 and probably doesn't need to work. (Severance package and 401k for 25+ yrs)
They used to bother me too. But every time you buy a product on line you have to give your email. You then begin receiving a deluge of ads and news letters. Some of them come multiple times a day. I have one old email address that I rarely use any more, so I give that address and I just scan the account for new emails that look like they need to be read. Every once in a while I go through and delete batches of them but it is amazing how quickly they build up.

If I am asked for an email, I give one I made up.
I’ve kept my inbox clean for a long time. Mainly by sending everything automated to folders automatically.

There might be ten thousand emails from mailing lists, businesses, whatever, all nicely categorized and unread, waiting for a day when I feel like going through them, but mostly all that hits my inbox and stays in my inbox, are real emails from humans.

Even some humans get my folder treatment if they clutter my inbox.
If I am asked for an email, I give one I made up.
Only problem with that is when you have to confirm the email before you can access whatever you’re trying to.
I have an acquaintance who throws out his snail mail, too - hauls it in, shreds it without looking at it.
I have an acquaintance who throws out his snail mail, too - hauls it in, shreds it without looking at it.

I do that except for the colored envelopes I get for my tax bills and my insurance. Everything else is autopay.