N801BH Gone West... (Ben Haas)


The pilot formerly known as Twin Engine Ted
Oct 9, 2007
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I was browsing Barnstormers for Zeniths just for fun. We're planning on building one, not buying, but it's always fun to look.

And then I saw this ad:


Suddenly, browsing became a lot less fun.

"Built by the late Ben Haas."

I'm afraid our friend has gone west.

I really liked Ben, and I especially liked and respected what he did with his Zenith. His auto conversion was an inspiration to me, and remains a model that I intend to (one day) copy myself when I build an experimental.

I met Ben in 2011 while on a marathon 30-hours-in-a-Navajo-in-a-week flight. I had 52 cats in the back of the Navajo that were the last to be rescued following the Joplin tornado. Ben helped arrange a quick turn for us and the kitties, and I got to see (and hear) N801BH start up. Didn't have time for a flight, and I suppose I won't get the chance to fly with him.

Ben had stated on here that he willed N801BH to Cloud Nine, but seeing as the ad is in place, it seems that may not have actually gotten put to paper.

Tailwinds, my friend. :(
I was just thinking about his lack of poadting the other day. Sad to hear. :(
Damn. Another good one gone.

RIP Ben.
Very sad news! I thought about him a month or two ago, thinking that I haven't seen him around here in a while. Hate to hear this! :(
That's horrible. I've never met him but read lots of his posts. What an awful way to find out. RIP indeed, we lost a good one.
That's horrible. I've never met him but read lots of his posts. What an awful way to find out. RIP indeed, we lost a good one.

I got a sinking feeling as soon as I saw the pictures, I recognized the plane instantly before reading the ad.
My first post he made sure to welcome me here with his customary "Welcome:cheers:"

Blue skys to a great poster and by all accounts a good man
That is a bummer. Anyone know when and how he passed?
I noticed he stopped posting on all of his usual sites while ago, and asked about him. Had a bad feeling something like this was coming. RIP Ben
I tried but the number seems to be disconnected. I also tried the number for the barnstormer ad but it is a business number and it's after hours.

I think Ben was only about 60 or so. Sad.
Yea, I tried looking for an obituary, but came up empty. Kind of odd.
The forum shows he was last here late Feb '16
Yea, I tried looking for an obituary, but came up empty. Kind of odd.
Same here. Curious to find out more details. Wondering if it was aviation related or something sudden.
Well, ****. Another good one lost. RIP, Ben, and tailwinds.
Might go check the pilot spin forum.
I think he was one of the folks that migrated to that board when the sz closed.
Damn. RIP Ben. That was not a post headline I was expending to see today.

Thanks for sharing Ted.

I guess the only possible good news is that he obviously didn't go out flying his airplane.
Sad. Ben seemed like the patient, kind type who knew his stuff. I had a few off-line conversations with him back when the EAA was going through a trouble spot. He was very passionate about experimental aviation.
I really enjoyed his brand of banter. There just aren't many people with his kinds of talents that give and give the way he did. I hoped to meet him someday.

Sad deal.
Not sure on the cause, but it was around Feb/Mar 2016.
His last post here was February 28, 2016. He had been posting quite a few times a day until he stopped abruptly.
You could reach out to the guy posting the ad for the plane. He seems to have known him, or at least knows of his passing.

I already have. Let's not send too many contacts yet.
Bummer. He was a good sparring partner on the boards.
Are we all just assuming he's passed? Maybe he literally just went west..like say...Washington state?
Oh man. I loved the man.

He conducted an NTSB sponsored investigation into a crash at his home field. Damn guy, I love you.
Gad that sucks. I had the hope that he was an old coot and died in bed (preferably with a buxom naked stripper).
At least Bubbles and Trixie. Ben had 6 years on me. RIP.