My grandfather passed

My condolences to you and family - sorry for your loss.
sorry to hear about your loss, deepest condolences
My sympathies to you and your extended family, Bryan. Thank you for your well-written words and the memories they brought up of my own experiences.
I never know quite what to say in these situations so I'll once again go back to what my feelings have been when I've lost someone I cared about.

It just sucks and there's nothing you can do about it. Sorry for your loss, man.
Sorry for the loss of your grandpa Bryan.
Sorry for your loss, Br-Y-an, and please accept our heartfelt condolences.
It is never to lose a loved one. You are a strong man to have been there and waited for Death to make its appearance.
Sorry for your loss, Bryan. Sounds like a great man. One of my grandfathers is still alive and lives a mile up the road from me. We have a hoot together. The other one passed when I was very young. I have one memory of seeing him. However, I have many memories from my other 'grampy', an old farmer that lived 3/4 mile down the way from where I grew up in Texas. He was an old farmer, one of the best men to ever live. Patch over one eye and slurred speech, paralyzed on one side of the face from a stroke years prior. Biggest heart and biggest sense of humor you could think of. Sounds very similar to your grandfather. I was closer to him and his wife than my real grandparents. Spent more hours at his place in the summer than our own, on the farm, checking cattle, out hunting pheasants and quail, or just sitting in the living room drinking a Dr.Pepper and listening to him tell tall tales, some true, some the farthest ting from it, but all hilarious. I moved away a few years ago but would go back and see him several times a year. He got cancer at 94, fought it, went downhill when they moved him to a nursing home, and beat it when they brought him back to the farm. I'll never forget the last time we talked....I spent a few hours with him, and then got up to leave. He popped up out of his chair just like usual, but something was a little different this time. He had tears in his eyes, but still a smile on his face, like he knew it was the last time. He held my hand a little longer than usual, said "it means so much you came by", which was unusual, as he usually had some extremely witty sarcastic remark that would leave me in stitches. He passed a month later at 97 yrs old. Married to the same woman for 79 years. His funeral was not a sad event, but rather a celebration of his life, with many hilarious stories and memories, complete with everyone singing "Take me out to the ball game" at the graveside service, in honor of his extreme loyalty to his beloved Texas Rangers. I hope I can someday be half the man he was. Man I miss him....
I had a similar story with my grandpa. Great man. Lived and died with grace. WWII vet, greatest generation, all that stuff. I remember thinking that I hope I go downhill and pass with such strength and pride.

I think it's a great testament to your grandfather the way you felt at his passing. Being at peace with the person, their life well lived, and the strength of family is a blessing.
Bryan, a wonderful write up and tribute, thank you for sharing it here. I'm sorry for your loss.
Bryan that was a great share. Sounds like your Papaw had lived a good life and was ready to exit the difficult last year of his life. If I may indulge in a bit of Turner humor he sounds like he had a Cirrus death. He found him self in an untenable and irreversible situation and he pulled the chute and gently floated away. You and your family gave him a gift by being with him. I do believe that one never truly dies as long as they are remembered. My condolences and keep posting stories if it helps
Very sorry for your loss, I lost one grandfather when I was 12 and my dad's father passed away when he was 12. Grandparents are special people and should be cherished, at least you've got some great memories of him, in the end that's all we ever have.
I'm sorry for your loss, Bryan. I toast his life and thank him for his service to our nation and the world around him.

All I can really say beyond that is that it seems to me that some of his wit rubbed off on you and will continue to live through you.

Sorry for your loss. As we get older, it happens more and more, unfortunately.
Sounds like a good man with whom you have a lot of memories. You're lucky Briany, you're lucky.
So sorry to hear and condolences to you and all your family.

My mom's final moments after a struggle with breast cancer were exactly the same: quiet, peaceful and suddenly, just over. The hospice nurses were a blessing during the entire time. They made it possible for her to be comfortable in her own home.

Thank you for sharing your granddad's last moments with us.
I was called to be at my grandfather in law's bedside before he passed... So saw him take his last breath my first time seeing that. Then my grandfather passed (heart attack I think) didn't see that one. Then my father in law died and was there for that one. When Grandma in law went into hospice I said I'd visit but no way was I going to be there for her last breath. That's something that just sticks with me. I think it's worse then seeing them in the coffin.

Sorry for your lost Bryan. On a side note when I saw a new posting from you I knew I was in for a great write up... You didn't disappoint.

Hope you're coping well
My grandmother just joined him. Bittersweet.

Me, my wife, and kids visited her Sunday. She seemed stubborn and strong and not unhealthy but we kind of got the feeling that she didn't want to be here anymore.
I feel she chose to go home whatever that means to anyone.

I would have guessed she had a few years left. She was in rehab for a back injury. Told the RN to "go get me my pill". RN came back and she had passed.

My sister's family and mine went to be w/ my dad tonight to support him. He is stoic but I can tell behind the facade he is hurting a lot.
I gave him a big sobbing hug and told him how much I loved him. We all sat down and told stories and it was nice.

They are going to put her with him and re engrave this stone with her name as well.

Sorry for the loss of your grandmother, Bryan. But she is with your grandfather and they are now reunited. Condolences to you, your father, and your family.
My condolences to you and your family Bryan.
Very sorry, Bryan. I would agree she likely decided she was done and wanted to join your grandfather.

My grandmother was done after my grandfather died, too, but in her case it took her 20 years for her stubborn German body to get the memo and let her pass on.
I raise my glass to George in thanks for his service.
Even by just your posts I can see you're already celebrating your love for them and their love for you...and that's a good light at a dark time.
Condolences, Bryan. I have stood by the bedside a few times during those last hours, and though I understand and accept the natural process, it’s about the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. Watching a loved one go downhill after their spouse departs can be just as difficult. God bless your family.
Very sorry to hear this, Bryan. I'm sure it's hard to keep going after losing your lifelong companion.
Sorry Bryan. Strange, but understandable, how that happens. My wife's mother passed, and about 6-8 months later her father went to join her. We miss them both.
Sorry to hear this. My grandfather gave up when my grandmother died, and joined her about a month later. It's tough on the family.
Sorry for your losses Bryan, it always seems life lines up its butt kickings one after another.