mid-life crisis advice


Management Council Member
Dec 5, 2010
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Now that the middle-aged set has given early career advice to CC268... what advice do the 60 year olds have for the 40 year olds?
Color your hair ,get pilot sunglasses ,buy a big wAtch,buy a cirrus ,with a chute. Enjoy life and chase young chicks.
Hair color doesn't kick in until 50.... if you're lucky enough to have hair to color.
I haven't figured out yet if I should feel bad for not being carded the first time I ordered off the senior menu.
If I could have afforded a mid-life crisis at age 20 I would have had it then.
Save your money , invest in index funds as they will, in most cases, beat your guessing and a financial advisors advice. Re. Cars and airplanes , buy what you can afford and what matches your abilitys. Pay credit cards in full monthly.
I've been having a mid-life crisis for the past 15 years. It's been a great ride, I hope to do it for the next 50+ years.
Advice? Go on and do it. Just know what you're giving up and what you think you want, you want it more. Helpful huh. :D
Substitute knowledge for money. Learn to diagnose and fix cars, appliances, lawn mowers.... Buy used cars and the least expensive house in the neighborhood. Go to church, you meet nice people there and they will help you succeed. Stay in touch with friends from your youth and college. Invest aggressively-a big chunk of your income in a stock fund with low fees.

It works!
I will turn 60 next year and quit work, I will fly my paid-for-airplane around the country visiting friends and when I'm home I will drive and continue to restore my '62 Willys pickup truck.
Make sure you do NOT buy a Screaming Chicken and mack on 17-y/o girls.
We all know where that leads. (I assume you've seen all the infamous movies)
Make sure that your cars that you bought do not set off the carbon monoxide detector at 4:30 am
Make sure you do NOT buy a Screaming Chicken and mack on 17-y/o girls.

Had to look that one up. You got to love urban dictionary:

Sexually deprived Trevor arrived home late and saw his girlfriend fast asleep in bed. In a fit of rage to get back at her for months without sex, Trevor gave her a Screaming Chicken. Sadly, shortly after, she bit off his penis.
Had to look that one up. You got to love urban dictionary:

Sexually deprived Trevor arrived home late and saw his girlfriend fast asleep in bed. In a fit of rage to get back at her for months without sex, Trevor gave her a Screaming Chicken. Sadly, shortly after, she bit off his penis.

Now I understand why Congress has Roll Calls announced by the Speaker.
Enjoy the moment. If you can't do it now, you won't be able to in your ideal future.
Substitute knowledge for money. Learn to diagnose and fix cars, appliances, lawn mowers...

Solid advice, but unfortunately, with two working parents, a kid, and grandparents that aren't getting any younger, there isn't much time for DIY. Downshifting to less house, to drive down expenses, to reduce the need for income, to increase available time seems like a good ten year plan.
Home **loanership (**the act of carrying a mortgage when your employment and life realities are unapologetically and self-evidently nomadic, as they are for most Americans) is the devil. Killer of souls and an artifact of female-driven subjugation. Selling you house poverty as a moral imperative and an unavoidable sunk cost for getting that same ol boring BTDT golden keyhole between her legs. Do like Nancy (may she RIP): Just. Say. No.

You want mid life crisis advice? Downsize the prison. Buy an airplane. You can't fly the house, but you can tent in the airplane :D Do it now. Medical fitness is not a guarantee. Make those memories now. Chuck the big house. Children are resilient. Parental involvement in the child's education surpasses xenophobic "school district shopping"-based outcomes anyways. Did I mention buy an airplane? :D
Beautiful house for sale. Will take airplanes as trades. Do not contact wife regarding sale.

Rent or Lease. Eventually you get over it.
Had to look that one up. You got to love urban dictionary:

Sexually deprived Trevor arrived home late and saw his girlfriend fast asleep in bed. In a fit of rage to get back at her for months without sex, Trevor gave her a Screaming Chicken. Sadly, shortly after, she bit off his penis.
Uh, I think he meant one of these:
Downsize the prison. Buy an airplane. You can't fly the house, but you can tent in the airplane :D Do it now. Medical fitness is not a guarantee.

Also solid advice, but unless PBOR2 passes, the fact that medical fitness is not a guarantee is a reason not to buy an airplane. If something I buy can be taken away from me with a stroke of a pen, is that really ownership?
Also solid advice, but unless PBOR2 passes, the fact that medical fitness is not a guarantee is a reason not to buy an airplane. If something I buy can be taken away from me with a stroke of a pen, is that really ownership?
I'm not sure if the poster was talking about medical fitness in the legal sense. There's always that chance that you will become medically unfit to fly an airplane or do much of anything else, and the chances increase as you get older, although it also happens to younger people. Carpe diem.