Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!


Heh - true story: we have a Culver’s restaurant nearby. Several years ago (4-5?) they had their outside Christmas decorations and lights put up. Somebody did something very similar to this pic. I drove by, saw it, then pulled into the lot to take a closer look. It was gone the next day, probably after Karen called the manager.
Heh - true story: we have a Culver’s restaurant nearby. Several years ago (4-5?) they had their outside Christmas decorations and lights put up. Somebody did something very similar to this pic. I drove by, saw it, then pulled into the lot to take a closer look. It was gone the next day, probably after Karen called the manager.
More likely after the police talked to the manager, having gotten several 911 calls and making at least one emergency trip out there.
My 14-year old daughter sent me this. She hates group projects, just like her dad!


I always heard the joke as: "When I die I want the Dallas Cowboys to be my pallbearers. That way they can let me down one more time."

Are you sure they were wearing them to prevent hypothermia? They might have other reasons. Maybe they were wearing coats because they were making a fashion statement, or maybe because they thought they could work up a sweat easier. Or maybe it is just the "Woke" thing to do. You just don't' know for sure they were wearing them just to prevent hypothermia. I mean you shouldn't judge someone just because they choose to or choose not to wear a coat, don't you think?