Let's look in your wallet.

How is your paper money organized?

  • Sorted by dollar amount.

    Votes: 15 13.8%
  • Above, and arranged so the faces are all towards the front.

    Votes: 6 5.5%
  • Above, and with the faces right side up.

    Votes: 52 47.7%
  • Above, and in serial number order.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Above, except the “winners” for liar’s poker are in a special compartment waiting for Gastons.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Totally at random.

    Votes: 7 6.4%
  • Hey, I'm a pilot. When I get enough paper to sort, I’ll let you know.

    Votes: 17 15.6%
  • Meh. I use plastic, not paper.

    Votes: 12 11.0%

  • Total voters

Skip Miller

Final Approach
Feb 22, 2005
New York City
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Skip Miller
We pilots are probably a bit better organized than the general public. Some of us are compulsive about it. :yes: :D Let's see how compulsive we are...

And every sales receipt for the last 7 weeks making the wallet so fat it cuts off circulation.
there were only three bills.....so this wasn't such a difficult task.
It depends. The fewer bills and the fewer stops since the last refill the better organized it is:yes:

After enough stops it gets very orgainzed:D
hmmmm ... 2 old receipts, driver's license, pilot certificate, medical (expired), 2 credit cards, a costco card, one sad wrinkled, crumpled $1 bill and a couple of dust bunnies ...

"Driver carries no cash - he's married."
I'm a retired retailer, and still follow the larger bills to the left, smaller bills to the right, with the faces headed in the same direction procedure. And yes, those CC receipts do tend to accumulate.

I'm with Harley. And it really gripes me that even the banks don't keep their drawer straight. It's like I woke up one day to realize everything I beleived is now false. ;)

Per the poll, I face, right side up, by denomination. My receipts are stowed in chrono order. Any wrinkles are ironed and starched. And my socks match, they always match.

But the cans in the cupboard do not face forward. If it comes to that, I'm moving out.
Faces right side up, sorted, but anything < $20 I let get a little disorganized sometimes
I rarely carry any cash on me, so I said plastic... but when I have to for whatever reason, it's right side up, smallest to largest denomination looking at the faces.
You know what's sad? I have about $100 of non-american currency in my wallet from my last few trips. Some euro, some pounds, some rupees, and a few hundred yen)

I answered plastic (because stateside I rarely, if ever, carry cash), however the cash is sorted by denomination and by currency (50, 100, 1000 rupee; then 5 and 10 sterling notes, then 10 and 20 euro notes, then the yen).

If I get mugged, I think the mugger won't know what do to with it all!


I'm a retired retailer, and still follow the larger bills to the left, smaller bills to the right, with the faces headed in the same direction procedure. And yes, those CC receipts do tend to accumulate.


Same. Large bills at the back, small at the front, faces always up right and in the same direction. That is, when I actually have cash to carry. The receipts go in the pocket, though, not the wallet...sitting on a thick wallet just gets to be too uncomfortable after a while. I thought I was just mildly OCD, glad to see I'm not the only one!
My bills are clipped around a small card case. When using a money clip you have to have the bills in order or you are scr*wed.
I checked plastic but do carry cash, always faces forward and small to large. Digging a bit deeper I find two fuel receipts from this past weekends day trips. SBY for $88 and LHZ for $93.

Ahhh...and my favorite plastic of all the DOT-FAA Private Pilot cert. Ok, well a close second is my American Express.
I don't keep money in my wallet. It's kept in my front pocket.

Anyway, the small bills are on the outside of the fold and all heads are pointing (facing) in the same direction. The Indian guy at the local quick stop laughs each time he sees me sort my change.
You know what's sad? I have about $100 of non-american currency in my wallet from my last few trips. Some euro, some pounds, some rupees, and a few hundred yen)

I answered plastic (because stateside I rarely, if ever, carry cash), however the cash is sorted by denomination and by currency (50, 100, 1000 rupee; then 5 and 10 sterling notes, then 10 and 20 euro notes, then the yen).

If I get mugged, I think the mugger won't know what do to with it all!



hahaha! me too. although just Euros right now, occasionally other currencies. I usually come home with about 100E and then save it for the next trip (talk about hedging - the euros in May were a little cheaper than the ones in November and again a few weeks ago...)

re: plastic - the vast majority of the time I use my debit card, rarely if ever my (one) credit card - they are essentially one and the same since if I use the credit card it gets paid off when the bill shows up, anyway.

bills - faces in the same direction, divided according to denomination.

other stuff - photos of my family, car registration and insurance card. and driver's license. that's about it.
I have two compartments for money in my wallet. I keep all the ones in one part, and the rest of the bills in order from smallest on the inside to largest, all face up.
I don't keep money in my wallet. It's kept in my front pocket.

:D I keep the money in my wallet and my wallet in the front pocket.

I kinda picked up that habit the night he dude on the train made my pants do a dance as he tried to lift my wallet. Durn thing was too fat (with paper as above) to come out.

He was between me and the door until the next stop.

I let him live, too. I think I shouldn't have,
My wallet rarely has currency in it. My money resides in my front pants pocket, usually in a crack-dealer wad.

On those rare occasions when I do have cash in my wallet, Celia gets it anyway.

Trivia fact: My wife, to whom I will have been married for twenty-five years this April, has never in her life touched an ATM. Had not picked up the habit before we wed (they were new then), and gets her cashish from me, now.
No money in the wallet, just ids, credit cards, receipts, and licenses. That all resides in a front pocket when it was suggested the wallet in the hip pocket was causing back and leg pain. The money is in a clip behind it sorted by amount with lowest outside. With ATMs only giving out $20s, that's what is usually there.
Loose bills go in the truck/car console usually up to $50 or what used to be parking and gas. Guess it needs an upgrade.
This seems to keep me from carrying too much crap around, and it fits nicely in a suit jacket. Best of all, it was free. Thank Amy for the designer color. Everything is secure if you keep the cards in the middle and the cash on the outside. I have my medical wrapped around my license somewhere in the stack of cards.

The funniest thing about this is that another POAer actually came up with the same system - Matt Michael. It was worth a good laugh the first time we whipped out our "wallets" at the same time.


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:D I keep the money in my wallet and my wallet in the front pocket.

I kinda picked up that habit the night he dude on the train made my pants do a dance as he tried to lift my wallet. Durn thing was too fat (with paper as above) to come out.

He was between me and the door until the next stop.

I let him live, too. I think I shouldn't have,
Me too, and you shouldn't have! :D
The funniest thing about this is that another POAer actually came up with the same system - Matt Michael. It was worth a good laugh the first time we whipped out our "wallets" at the same time.

I can see both of you doing that, too. :rofl:
Hmm, $2, 3 credit cards, a debit card, 3 FAA certificates and other random crap. Can I choose "I'm a pilot with too much plastic that arranges any random cash face forward in descending order?"
I looked into my wallet, and and there is a black hole directly linking it to my aviation activites... and the airplanes are doing the sucking.
I have an empty (I'm a pilot) bacon wallet:

Paper money is in my front pocket in a money clip, so, folded. Small bills to the outside, large in the middle all facing the same way unless I'm in a big hurry. If I get change in a crowded place, I don't systematically arrange the bills so everyone can see what I'm carrying; I just stuff it in my pocket and sort it in private.


Not only is the money in order but the debit card reciepts are filed behind the money by date recieved. If the checking account doesn't balance within 5 bucks I'll search until I find the mistake no matter how long it takes.
Izzy :yes:
I guess I'm not as anal retentive and pathetic as I once thought....

$$ in order, face forward, heads up. Credit cards are sorted by type (fuel, grocery store 'savings' cards, credit) club type cards (AOPA/Guzzi/AAA), Red Cross and Medical cards. I have a little memo book with lists and chores and such stuck in the purse as well, and the purse is in a large Aerostich Courier bag along with snacks and two pairs of socks, digital camera, tire pressure gauge,spare change, pens, pencils, puzzle books, seed catalogs, sewing/cooking magazines, wine bottle opener, Gerber knife, nail files, two cans of Diet Coke, Garmin Zumo, and various 12V chargers for phone, camera, Zumo, iPod, etc. Receipts have their own separate pocket. Fuel receipts have trip and total miles on them so when I get home I can put them in the 'tub' and once a month post it all to the appropriate vehicles Excel mileage file. Then said receipts go in the drawer in the proper vehicle file folder. All vehicle maintenance gets logged the same way and all vehicle/aircraft related purchases go into the same folders as the fuel receipts. Every receipt other than those get put in a folder and saved for two years. Pete thinks I'm insane, however when you have 2 planes, 14 m/c's, 2 tractors, and 5 cages, its the only way to keep track of what has been done/what needs to be done/etc for the fleet. Oh yeah, and upcoming maintenance and what vehicle tabs are coming due is listed on a lined Post-It note on the desk cabinet door.

Someone please send meds........ (or a larger file cabinet)
I don't have a wallet and never have had one. (Well, that's not entirely true. Someone gave me one once for christmas or something like that way back in high school. I promptly filed it in a drawer and don't recall ever seeing it again) I never could deal with the concept of sticking a big bulky item in my back pocket and sitting down on it.

Money goes in a front or side pocket.
Last year I finally got a small $3 ID carrier thingie for DL and sometimes a credit card just to make it more convinent to carry in the motorcycle crash jacket. I kept forgetting to take my DL along on multi hundred mile rides or forgetting to take it out of the jacket afterward. This little ID thing makes it easier to not totally forget..most of the time anyway...
$200 or less in cash, big bills toward the back, facing front, heads up. (Probably the most organized part of my life!!! :rofl:)

Commercial driver's license and medical #1.
Private pilot certificate and medical #2.

One debit card, one credit card, one fuel card, five truck stop cards (Pilot, Love's, TA, Flying J, Petro), EAA and AOPA membership cards...

...and enough "buy x crap from us, get one free" cards that I split the end seam of the wallet a few months ago. :eek:
Bills face up, heads up, smallest on top. Just returned home from a trip and have some Mexican pesos, some Chilean pesos, and some euros. But I only went to Mexico. Perhaps I need to look at my change a little closer? :D

And I only carry a small purse, if necessary, and always matching. If I need something, I just look for a woman with a large purse...they are always happy to help. :D
Me too...I also keep my cash in my front right pocket not in the wallet. My cash wad is too big :D

You want a large wad of cash? Go to Vietnam. 16,000 VND to the US Dollar. Largest bills I saw were 50,000 VND. That's just over $3. And I exchanged $200 when I entered the country last June. THAT was a wad of cash. :D Just over $3M VND, 64 50,000 VND bills. No way would that fit in my wallet. :p