It's Gone

Brent Bradford said:
I need another book to read when I am at FBO's. Does anyone know if you can still buy those at Barns and Nobel or some where like that?


You can also try Great place for new, used, &/or rare books.

Len Lanetti said:
Carol's been reading my posts too long. :<)


P.S. There is a new "Hitchhiker's..." movie about to be released. The trailers look great. - LL

I saw a short teaser the last time I went to a movie. Said something about coming out in May. I haven't seen the trailer yet.

Don't panic.
Diana said:
Ok. Will do. :)

Diana, I have the trilogy in one larger hardback book. If ya want, I can send it to ya, as long as you promise to send it back when you're done!

It's one of my favorites. Especially the Vogon poetry.
DeeG said:
Diana, I have the trilogy in one larger hardback book. If ya want, I can send it to ya, as long as you promise to send it back when you're done!
Is that the five book trilogy or the 3 book trilogy?

It's got the four in the trilogy, and I think it also has "Young Zaphod Plays it Safe" or something like that. I'd have to check when I get home
Last edited:
There should be 5 in the trilogy...
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Life, The Universe, and Everything
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Mostly Harmless

plus Zaphods tale...which I haven't read.
I know I'll be looking at AOPA's home and member page a LOT less often. It was the Webboard that brought me there.
Carol said:

The self-made wing-deicing kit

Is there any chance you or someone else has that story? I keep hearing about it but never saw it and it sounds way too good.

Carol said:
What else?

JATO - installed on a Bellanca
Carol said:
Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters
...the effect of which were like getting hit in the face with a gold brick wrapped with a lemon. :martini:
(not a direct quote but close)

"like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick."

I was in the university library when I first read that sentence and I didn't see it coming. <--- Don't do that, it's a really bad move. It's the only time I've ever been thrown out of a library.

Have towel, will travel.
fgcason said:
Is there any chance you or someone else has that story? I keep hearing about it but never saw it and it sounds way too good.

JATO - installed on a Bellanca

I didn't keep it and I am kicking myself for that.
fgcason said:
"like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick."

I was in the university library when I first read that sentence and I didn't see it coming. <--- Don't do that, it's a really bad move. It's the only time I've ever been thrown out of a library.

Have towel, will travel.

My roommate at the time and I would get the books as soon as they were published. We'd read passages to each other and just HOWL with laughter.
Re: It's Gone (this thread has been mugged!)

Carol said:
My roommate at the time and I would get the books as soon as they were published. We'd read passages to each other and just HOWL with laughter.

"Eventually, of course, after their galaxy had been decimated over a few thousand years, it was realized that the whole thing had been a ghastly mistake, and so the two opposing battle fleets settled their few remaining differences in order to launch a joint attack on our own galaxy---now positively identified as the source of the offending remark.

For thousands more years the mighty ships tore across the empty wastes of space and finally dived screaming on to the first planet they came across---which happened to be Earth---where due to a terrible miscalculation of scale the entire battle fleet was accidentally swallowed by a small dog.

Those who study the complex interplay of cause and effect in the history of the universe say that this sort of thing is going on all the time, but that we are powerless to prevent it.

'It's just life,' they say"

I remember reading this and laughing out loud. I thought (and still think) it was wonderful. When I read it to my wife she rolled her eyes, "You were laughing at that?" Ah, well. No accounting for taste.

HHG complete and unabridged trivia:

Here is a rather rare copy of the leatherback bound edition you don't see very much if at all. It's the first edition in leatherback (1987) and they were taking them off the shelf as I picked one up and bought it. I haven't seen another copy of it since though I heard at one point that not many were sold before they were recalled.

And I don't loan it to anyone because of that.
Re: It's Gone (this thread has been mugged!)

gibbons said:
I remember reading this and laughing out loud. I thought (and still think) it was wonderful. When I read it to my wife she rolled her eyes, "You were laughing at that?" Ah, well. No accounting for taste.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide was written by the late Douglas Adams, who is perhaps best known for his analysis of the three stages of civilization. Adams suggests that these three fundamental stages are represented as: 1) Survival, 2) Inquiry, and 3) Sophistication. These three stages are, in turn, personalized by the three questions: 1) How can we eat?, 2) Why do we eat?, and 3) Where shall we have lunch? [The answer to the third question might be The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy -- the title of his second volume -- or Shey Lunar Bistro’s, a restaurant located on Earth’s only moon, which has a marvelous gourmet menu but, alas, absolutely no atmosphere.]

We might also recall some of the more classic sections:

“The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy has this to say on the subject of flying. There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. Pick a nice day, it suggests, and try it.

“The first part is easy. All it requires is simply the ability to throw yourself forward with all your weight, and the willingness not to mind that it’s going to hurt. That is, it’s going to hurt if you fail to miss the ground.

“Most people fail to miss the ground and if they are really trying properly, the likelihood is that they will fail to miss it fairly hard. Clearly, it is this second part, the missing, which presents the difficulties.

“One problem is that you have to miss the ground accidentally. It’s no good deliberately intending to miss the ground because you won’t. You have to have your attention suddenly distracted by something else when you’re halfway there, so that you are no longer thinking about falling, or about the ground or about how much it’s going to hurt if you fail to miss it.

“It is notoriously difficult to pry your attention away from these three things during the split second you have at your disposal. Hence most people’s failure, and their eventual disillusionment with this exhilarating and spectacular sport.

“If, however, you are lucky enough to have your attention momen-tarily distracted at the crucial moment by, say, a gorgeous pair of legs (tentacles, pseudopodia, according to phyllum and/or personal inclination) or a bomb going off in your vicinity, or by suddenly spotting an extremely rare species of beetle crawling along a nearby twig, then in your astonishment you will miss the ground completely and remain bobbing just a few inches above it in what might seem to be a slightly foolish manner.

“This is a moment for superb and delicate concentration.” [1]

Adams goes to note several words of advice for the lucky person who finds his or herself bobbing or floating; for example, to not listen to what anyone says to you at the critical moment, and also, “DO NOT WAVE AT ANYBODY.” The curious part, of course, is that the advice is metaphysical plausible. If someone distracted by an emergency situation can lift an automobile that they otherwise could not possibly have done, then it appears as if the idea of flying is not exceptionally more difficult.

Sometimes you just had to be there.
Re: It's Gone (this thread has been mugged!)

Re: It's Gone (this thread has been mugged!)

Unless I missed something in an earlier thread, POA finally get's it's first full blown thread drift.

We are home. :yes:

Just don't forget your towel.
DeeG said:
Diana, I have the trilogy in one larger hardback book. If ya want, I can send it to ya, as long as you promise to send it back when you're done!

Dee, thanks! After reading this whole thread I MUST read these books!

I believe Chip has promised to loan me his, but thanks for offering. :)
fgcason said:
HHG complete and unabridged trivia:

Here is a rather rare copy of the leatherback bound edition you don't see very much if at all. .snip.....And I don't loan it to anyone because of that.

Yup. had one of them, and loaned it out. that was several years ago and I haen't seen it since. And bad thing is, I can't remember who I loaned it to. SO i had to go out and buy another one, but now the nice, pretty leather one.

Stupid me

Dee :(
And here I am, looking at the last spot I saw the NEW book (on my 'aviation' bookshelf between Pancho Barnes and Emily Post) and ITS NOT THERE!!!! No, I don't know why Emily Post would be on the aviation shelf. Was she a pilot?
DeeG said:
And here I am, looking at the last spot I saw the NEW book (on my 'aviation' bookshelf between Pancho Barnes and Emily Post) and ITS NOT THERE!!!! No, I don't know why Emily Post would be on the aviation shelf. Was she a pilot?

Good question. I don't know. But if she was I'll bet she followed the FAR/AIM to the letter! :D
<.< >.> I know I'm late but...

H2G2 comes out April 29th. As has been explained in almost all the reviews... don't expect it to be exactly like the books. DA made up different plotlines for the different mediums. So thus it was a "new" experience in each medium. I'm sure it will live up to his memory, regardless of what some critics say...

Back to your regularly scheduled thread.

"Another thing that got forgotten was the fact that against all probability a sperm whale had suddenly been called into existence several miles above the surface of an alien planet. And as this is not a naturally tenable position for a whale, this poor innocent creature had very little time to come to terms with its identity as a whale before it then had to come to terms with not being a whale any more."
Re: It's Gone (this thread has been mugged!)

fgcason said:
Re: It's Gone (this thread has been mugged!)

Unless I missed something in an earlier thread, POA finally get's it's first full blown thread drift.

We are home. :yes:

Just don't forget your towel.
I believe the term is thread creep. Also it's its, not it's.

Yeah, NOW this is starting to feel like the old Hangar Talk! :rolleyes:

(BTW, Frank, I am just kidding with you)
Wandering threads...
Re: It's Gone (this thread has been mugged!)

JohnL said:
I believe the term is thread creep. Also it's its, not it's.

Yeah, NOW this is starting to feel like the old Hangar Talk! :rolleyes:

(BTW, Frank, I am just kidding with you)

Humm, and he seemds to miss the wander to Monty Python that happend in this thread:

Missa :)
Re: It's Gone (this thread has been mugged!)

JohnL said:
I believe the term is thread creep. Also it's its, not it's.

Note to self: Do not post after 18 hours awake with only 4 hours of sleep the night before. BTW: If my aunt (masters in english with teaching degree) gets wind of such blasphemy, I'm in SOOOOOOOO much trouble.
Re: It's Gone (this thread has been mugged!)

fgcason said:
Note to self: Do not post after 18 hours awake with only 4 hours of sleep the night before. BTW: If my aunt (masters in english with teaching degree) gets wind of such blasphemy, I'm in SOOOOOOOO much trouble.
:cool: Leave $0.47 in small unmarked coins next to the postbox on 5th and Main, or the word goes out...
Re: It's Gone (this thread has been mugged!)

JohnL said:
:cool: Leave $0.47 in small unmarked coins next to the postbox on 5th and Main, or the word goes out...

:eek: What do you think I am? RICH????

That's totally beside the point that no self respecting pilot would ever have that kind of cash laying around. It would have already been spent at the airport. :dance:
DeeG said:
And here I am, looking at the last spot I saw the NEW book (on my 'aviation' bookshelf between Pancho Barnes and Emily Post) and ITS NOT THERE!!!! No, I don't know why Emily Post would be on the aviation shelf. Was she a pilot?

No but Wiley Post was. :yes:
A little more thread drift, and this might just become the first thread on this board to hit 100 posts :D
Out of habit I just clicked on the link to the boards in 'My Favorites'. It's still gone.
Re: It's Gone... Will you go back?

I'm wondering how many folks here think they will go back to the "new and improved" AOPA webboard when it comes up?

If you return would you regularly participate in both POA and AOPA?

Until it was shut down, I was visiting both (except for AOPA/Hangar Talk), but you can use up a lot of time on just one of the boards, so I may not particpate much over there. OTOH, I'm interested to see how "friendly" the new version is and I hate to see the potential newbies that continually crop up at AOPA abandoned.
Re: It's Gone... Will you go back?

lancefisher said:
I'm wondering how many folks here think they will go back to the "new and improved" AOPA webboard when it comes up?

If you return would you regularly participate in both POA and AOPA?

Until it was shut down, I was visiting both (except for AOPA/Hangar Talk), but you can use up a lot of time on just one of the boards, so I may not particpate much over there. OTOH, I'm interested to see how "friendly" the new version is and I hate to see the potential newbies that continually crop up at AOPA abandoned.

I'll check it out. And then I'll decide how regularly I'll participate.

I intend to frequent both - will give the new and improved AOPA a fair shake once it comes back on-line.
I intend to remain active on both, although of course PoA is my first responsibility. How much time I can dedicate to webboarding depends on my work, of course. When things get busy at work, I become a very quiet lurker type.
I was participating on both forums, and will continue to do so, despite the significant time used by being on both. I liked the people on the AOPA board, and I like the people here. The resources on the AOPA board were very, very broad. It will be interesting to see what they do over here.

Jim G
I'll continue to visit both. I'll probably post more here though, unless the posting rules at AOPA are similar to here. What I do miss about the old AOPA board was the group of people that used to get together on chat years ago. Back when I was working mid-night shifts, I would get on the chat in the evenings/late nights on my days off and it helped me keep my sleep cycle constant. Not much on TV late and night to keep you (or me anyway) occupied! :)
ausrere said:
I'll continue to visit both. I'll probably post more here though, unless the posting rules at AOPA are similar to here. What I do miss about the old AOPA board was the group of people that used to get together on chat years ago. Back when I was working mid-night shifts, I would get on the chat in the evenings/late nights on my days off and it helped me keep my sleep cycle constant. Not much on TV late and night to keep you (or me anyway) occupied! :)
Realtime Chat is actually something we're looking at adding here. ;)
Re: It's Gone... Will you go back?

lancefisher said:
I'm wondering how many folks here think they will go back to the "new and improved" AOPA webboard when it comes up?

I met many fine friends because of the AOPA board. And now most of
them are here. It's the group .. not just an IP address somewhere. This
board is very well thought out and managed. I have no doubt I'll hang
around here regardless of AOPA.

AOPA yanking the board away from us instead of just policing it
and controlling it really pee'd me off. I feel a little stabbed in the
back on the deal. So I'm just kind of giving it some time to cool off
before I decide if I'll even stay an AOPA member.